Fire scale mountains!

This is one of the sites controlled by Zhu Yantian, and it is also a favorite place for fire spirit beasts.

Because the power of fire attribute is strong here, it is suitable for fire spirit beasts to practice here.

Bai miserable's task is to come here and clear up a big mountain outside the Huolin mountain. The fire entangles the fire spirit beast on the mountain.

The reason why this mission is rated as nine stars is that in addition to the large number of fire spirit heavenly beasts and good strength, the most important thing is that once a battle is fought, more fire spirit heavenly beasts may be attracted to support.

For a disciple who has not graduated, the risk is very high.

If there is a fire spirit beast in the great heaven realm, the task will almost never be completed.

Bai miserable successfully arrives near huojuan mountain according to the road map prompted by the task token.

Through the observation of Lei Yan and Dabao, Bai miserable confirmed the number and strength of fire wracked mountain fire spirit beasts.

Along the way, Erniu also told Bai miserable that a strong man in the college followed him secretly.

Bai miserable naturally knows that it is impossible for the college to let the talented disciples fall easily in the training task. This is the secret protection of the strong.

Originally, Bai miserable wanted to disguise himself as heaven and man and mix with the fire around the mountain. First he asked about Dangdang's whereabouts, and then he paid off the fire spirit beast here.

Now we can't change into heaven and man openly.

If the secret Taoist mistakenly thinks that he is a heaven and man sneaking into the ancient city and shoots directly at himself, it will be a pit father.

"But it's not difficult for me."

Bai miserably smiled and then performed the method of incarnation outside his body.

For a moment, a dense white tragedy appeared and ran in all directions around the mountain.


Taoist Mo was stunned and wanted to confirm the noumenon of Bai miserable.

But the Dean can't tell, and he's even less likely.

There was no way. Taoist Mo had to pay attention to the movement around the fire wrapped mountain. As long as there was no support from other heavenly beasts or heavenly people, he let Bai miserable complete the task of clearing himself.

At this time, Bai miserable has quietly disappeared, turned into a heaven and man, and sneaked into the fire wrapped mountain.

A large number of "white tragedy" appeared. The fire spirit beasts on the fire wrapped mountain naturally found it and roared one by one to put out white tragedy separately.

After a while, Bai miserable's separation was annihilated by a large number of fire spirit heavenly beasts.

After confirming that there is no one else, the fire spirit beasts are ready to withdraw.

At this time, the white tragedy disguised as heaven and man flew down from a huge tree.


The fire spirit heavenly beasts are vigilant and look at Bai miserable.

"Evil animal, don't kneel down to meet this seat!"

Bai Zhenli drank.


The fire spirit beasts looked at Bai miserable one by one.

It is reasonable to say that this is the junction of Zhu Yantian's army and the emperor's army. It belongs to the concentration of their own secret sentry and cannon fodder. There should be no Tianbing day to patrol here.

Seeing that the fire spirit beasts had doubts in their eyes, Bai miserably released a breath of heaven and man's blood, and then a thunder general was released in his right eye.

"Hiss... It's the royal family!"

The fire spirit beasts quickly knelt down and said, "see you!"

They may have doubts about the emergence of heavenly soldiers, but they will never dare to have doubts when the heavenly and human royal family appears.

"Take me to your head!"

Bai miserable dignified way.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Not long ago, Bai miserable came to the best cultivation cave in huojuan mountain.

The strong fire spirit beast in charge of the fire entangled mountain respectfully greeted Bai miserable and sat down.

"Brother Bai, it is the fire spirit beast at the peak of the nine heaven of the little heavenly way."

Lulu preached.

Bai miserable nodded.

The training tasks arranged by the college must have been investigated by the strong. They will not joke about the lives of their disciples.

Bai miserable didn't talk nonsense. He directly asked, "let me ask you, do you know who has a collection of broken blades called Dangdang in Zhu Yan's heaven?"

The head of the fire spirit beast was stunned, "Sir, what Dangdang?"

"It's a broken blade of the Tiandao in Wuxing Town, the most precious treasure of the king of Wuxing Avenue."

Said Bai miserably.


The fire spirit beasts recalled that they had never heard of the broken blade, "Sir, I don't know."

Seeing that these fire spirit heavenly beasts really don't know Dangdang's whereabouts, it is also expected by Bai miserable. Perhaps only the strong of the heavenly family in the great heaven Taoist realm will know.

Therefore, Bai miserable decides to complete the task of clearing first, and then sneak into Huolin mountain to inquire about it.

"This time, I came here to secretly check the situation on the front line to see if you relax your vigilance. Now it seems that you have done a good job."

"Just now there was a Terran invasion. You responded in time and put out the Terran. It's very good. You'll get a big reward."

Bai miserable said with satisfaction.

As soon as they heard that there was a great reward, the fire spirit beasts guarding the jiuchongtian peak of the Xiaotian Taoist realm here were excited one by one.

"Thank you for your reward. This is what I should do."

"You all turn into human form, and then stand in a horizontal row in front of me. This seat will give you a one-time reward."

"Yes, my Lord!"

Then, the nine headed little heavenly way and the nine heavy heavenly peak realm, the fire spirit heavenly beast changed to look like heaven and man, and stood upright in front of Bai miserable.

And Bai miserable thought, "well, in this way, we can cut it across the board."

"All close your eyes and gather your heavenly knowledge. This seat doesn't let you open your eyes. You can't open them."

Bai miserable said, although the nine fire spirit beasts were confused, they also obediently closed their eyes, and Tianzhi was silent.

At this time, Bai miserably took out the five elements Zhentian Dao. The power of the xuanhuangdao pattern surged and cut across it directly.

Sensing the death threat, the fire spirit beast opened his eyes, but it was too late.


The nine fire spirit heavenly beasts were cut in half by a knife, and their origin was also cut off. I don't know why the royal family cut them to death.

Bai miserable uses the nine chemical Alchemy to quickly condense the bodies of nine fire spirit heavenly beasts into pills, and then swallows the alchemy.

When the nine chemical alchemy reaches the Tao realm, it can easily refine the heavenly beast corpses in the small heaven realm.

The other fire spirit beasts in xiaotiandao territory were all flustered and at a loss when they saw that the leader was killed.

Those who are difficult to kill have been killed, and the rest are not enough to hang their teeth.

Therefore, Bai miserable recovers his real body, opens the array of recorded images of the task token, then uses the five elements Avenue method to unify each other, and begins to sweep the fire spirit beast of the fire wrapped mountain.

No fire spirit beast can resist the white tragic blow, and the killed shit runs away.

But how could they escape and white claws.

Bai miserably showed the five elements behind his true self and directly made a move of "five elements array, five elements virtual sky seal", enveloping the whole fire around the mountain and killing all fire spirit beasts in one fell swoop.

Of course, the fire spirit heavenly beast had informed the heavenly generals of the fire scale mountain before he died, and many heavenly men and heavenly beasts came to support him.

But when they arrived, Bai miserable had already exterminated the mountain fire spirit beast, refined it into a pill, swallowed it, and sneaked away from here.

In the sky, Taoist Mo looked confused.

"Damn it, how did Xiaobai do it?"

"The nine star task can't be completed in a few years. Xiaobai finished it in less than half a day?"

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