"I don't know... How to compete?" Bai miserably asked.

After several days of understanding, in fact, the so-called way of training animals is different from martial arts, and there is no fixed mode.

Only with the full recognition of the beast, the beast will take the initiative to donate a drop of blood essence. Its function is similar to the oath of heaven, so it can be regarded as an animal trainer!

According to Yao Bilian, the beast king sect is rarely 100% tame, and most of them are only forced to surrender.

"I don't bully you either. Start with the beast and see who tames the beast has the highest recognition."

"Yes, elder, try your best. I'll do whatever I want..."


"Hum... It will only show the benefit of words. It will depend on how you end later..."

The elder thought and shouted, "come on, bring two untrained five-star beasts, hot monkeys..."

Soon, two hot monkeys about the size of people were pulled out. They had sharp claws, red fangs, teeth and claws. They kept roaring and looked very hot.

Among the five-star beasts, the most difficult to tame is the hot monkey, not because it is powerful, on the contrary, it is very general, but because they are too hot tempered. A word disagreement is to fight life and death

The so-called weak are afraid of the strong, the strong are afraid of the horizontal, and the horizontal are afraid of the undesirable. It is because of the fiery monkey's temperament that they are undesirable that they become famous among the five-star beasts.

"Young man, one by one, one incense. As soon as the time comes, let everyone judge the victory or defeat... By the way, it's easier to train animals sometimes. Don't cry later."

"Don't bother the elder to worry."

"The competition begins!"

As Lord Yao shouted, everyone focused on watching.

The elder has a unique view on the training of animals. I saw that the elder directly threatened the hot monkey and suppressed it with a strong momentum.

This is also the most popular method used by the beast king sect at present. First subdue the beast with the spirit of King hegemony, and then further domesticate it.

Sure enough, under the powerful momentum of the elder, the hot monkey lost his temper and fell on the ground shivering.

Seeing that the effect was almost the same, the elder took out a crisp fruit from the ring, a fruit that would burst in his mouth if he bit it down one mouthful.

It is the favorite fruit of the hot monkey. The elder withdrew his momentum and handed the hot fruit to the hot monkey on the ground. The hot monkey glared at the big elder

Just bullied me. Now give me a pop fruit. Just want me to surrender and dream

Seeing that the hot monkey didn't surrender at the first time, the elder was not in a hurry. The momentum was aimed at it again, and then pointed to the hot fruit in his hand. The meaning was obvious. If I didn't surrender, I would be pressed by my momentum. If I surrender, I would still have delicious fruit to eat

At this time, the eyes of the hot monkey fluttered a little. The elder took out a thorn whip and whipped it to one side. There was a loud bang. The eyes of the hot monkey stared in horror

The elder pointed to the whip and popsicle fruit, as if to say to the hot monkey, "do you want to eat the whip or popsicle fruit..."

The elder looked like he was holding the winning ticket. The hot monkey roared a few times. He could only lower his head temporarily, picked up the explosive fruit and ate it in one bite

Seeing the initial submission of the hot monkey, the elder nodded with satisfaction, put away his momentum and whip, and took out some hot fruits

The disciples cheered one after another, "worthy of being a great elder... Tame the hot monkey so quickly."

"Look, our chief animal trainer is stunned by the elder's animal training method..." A disciple called.

Others noticed that Bai miserable was also watching the big elder tame the beast, and his mouth was wide open, like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

People thought to themselves, "return genius, abolish talent... How was the patriarch cheated?"

In fact, Bai miserable was not shocked by the big elder's animal training method, but by the words of the hot monkey.

At the moment, it is still swearing, "son of a bitch, bully me because he is better than me. First eat some of his fried fruit, and then scold... I can't beat you, but I can't scold you... You old man, I'll eat all your fried fruit..."

But in other people's opinion, this hot monkey is like this, active and roaring

"What? Can't our chief animal trainer even train animals?"

The elder touched the head of the hot monkey and looked at Bai miserable proudly.

Bai miserably glanced at Xiang and said, "elder, I advise you to have time to appease your hot monkey..."

"Hahaha... Joke... I have tamed the hot monkey. It's your turn!"

Bai miserable shook his head and didn't listen to me. He would suffer later. He ignored the elder and focused on the hot monkey on his side.

The hot monkey is also swearing, "little fool, look at your uncle. You want to tame me? I'd rather die than surrender. You have a kind of approach. My claw makes your head like a cracked popcorn..."


Bai miserable breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this hot monkey can understand the animal language. It seems that this body has mastered a lot of animal language.

Can't you understand all animal languages? Have time to study, Bai miserable thought in his heart.

Then learn to burst the monkey on fire, "squeak... Squeak... Squeak..." (what's your name, brother monkey?)

"Poof... Hahaha..."

Countless disciples under the stage were laughing, "I'm so happy that I can learn to call hot monkeys. Where did this come from..."

"Does he think he can tame the beast by learning to cry a few words? Hey, mom... No... I have a stomachache with laughter..."


The strong men on the stage also couldn't help laughing. Some strong men of affiliated sects couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing, but they didn't dare to show too obvious.

Yao Ritian's eyes brightened. "Here he is. Sure enough, it seems that he can communicate with all kinds of animals... This time he found a treasure."

Yao Bilian was also surprised and shouted, "brother Bai, come on!"

The hot monkey was stunned. Even the hot monkey around the elder stopped shouting and scolding. He looked at Bai miserable like a ghost


The elder and others also found something strange. The two hot monkeys calmed down when Bai miserable spoke.

But he soon regained his hot temper and roared, "squeak..." How can you speak my animal language

Bai Nai smiled and began to talk to the hot monkey.

"Never mind why I have a cooperation. Do you want to hear it?"

"What cooperation?"

"Listen to me for the time being today. I can do you a favor."

"Let me go back to the beast mountains?"


"How can I believe you?"

"Have you ever seen a human who can speak hot Monkey Animal Language? There is only one chance... You are so smart. You should know that you may often get whipped if you stay here..."

The hot monkey thought for a while. Indeed, after staying here, he still doesn't know how many crimes he will suffer. Just gamble.

"Well, human, if you lie to me, I curse you as a ghost.. what do you want me to do?"

"Don't shout, have a good rest and listen to my instructions later."



People from the beginning of ridicule, to find something wrong, and now a burst of madness

"No, I think he's talking to the hot monkey." There is long old man Avenue.

Indeed, Bai screamed and the hot monkey screamed. It was like two people talking. It was so weird.

In the midst of speculation, the patriarch announced, "time is up, start testing the results of animal training..."

People noticed that a column of incense was burned

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