The elder only saw Bai miserable roaring with the hot monkey from beginning to end. He didn't tame the beast at all. He knew he was a novice at the operation.

"Hum... Dare to deceive the patriarch. I'll be seen through later. See how you die..."

"Well, who will come first, you two?" Yao Ritian said.

Bai bleakly smiled, "the elder is an elder and should be respected. Please first..."

"Now start talking well? It's late, watch..."

The elder asked his disciples to untie the hot monkey. The hot monkey immediately jumped up and moved in disorder

The elder scolded, took out a popcorn fruit and motioned the popcorn monkey to sit down. The popcorn monkey took the popcorn fruit and sat down and swallowed it without moving.

"Awesome, I didn't expect that the elder could make the hot monkey so obedient in just a column of incense... It seems that the method of animal training has gone further..." Some elders praised it.

Most of the disciples cheered the elder's power

Then, the elder asked the hot monkey to do a few simple actions. Even if Yao Ritian saw it, he kept nodding.

"If you give the elder some more time, the hot monkey can join the battle. It is worthy of being the elder of our sect..."

After the elder showed the results of animal training, everyone stared at the young man in yellow robe to see how he ended.

Bai miserable also motioned to his disciples to let go of the hot monkey. This hot monkey was the same as the one just now, roaring fiercely and moving around on the stage.

But Bai miserable didn't take the next step. When they saw Bai miserable, they didn't respond and were confused. Yao Ritian's father and daughter were also puzzled.

The elder opened his mouth and said sarcastically, "why? Is this a direct admission of defeat? Also, young man, can you understand the way of taming animals."

"No hurry... Let it relax first..."


"Squeak..." (I've been tied up for a day, Bashi ~)

The hot monkey beat for a long time before he ran to Bai miserable.

Yao Bilian approaches Bai miserable and clenches her fist. As long as the hot monkey dares to hurt Bai brother, she will blow his head.

"Everybody, take it easy. I'm going to show it."

Bai miserable motioned Yao Bilian to rest assured. Then he whispered to Yao Ritian, "Lord, please help me get some things...".

Yao Ritian looked at Bai miserable after listening. Although he didn't know what he wanted these things for, he still asked someone to bring them.

Soon, there were two tables on the high platform, one with paper and pen, one with a set of tea set, a pot of hot water and some tea.


In the puzzled eyes of the people, Bai miserable smiled at the big elder, "big elder, my method of taming animals is different from yours. Please watch..."

"Squeak..." (brother monkey, come here and make a pot of tea for them to see)

"Squeak... Squeak..." (brother, are you serious? I won't)

"Zhi... Zhi..." (I teach you, come if you want freedom)

The hot monkey rolled his eyes, hardened his scalp and came to the table with Bai miserable

"What do I say, what do you do... Wash the cup first and pour some water..."

The hot monkey began to pour water to wash the cup, but accidentally crushed a cup.

Bai Zhen patted him on the forehead, "take it easy, don't use it too hard..."


The crowd on the stage is messy. What do they see? The hot monkey is carefully washing the cup If you don't fight back after being beaten, is this still a hot monkey?

With Bai miserable's guidance, put tea, pour hot water, and then pour tea. Although a series of steps were very rough, they were barely completed.

Yao Ritan and others couldn't believe it. They really let the hot monkey make a pot of tea.

If you tell people outside that the hot monkey can make tea, you will definitely be regarded as a psycho

Bai miserable looked at the strong ones who covered their hearts and had difficulty breathing. He despised them for a while and didn't have any concentration at all.

He continued to say to the hot monkey, "I'll give you this tea. I can see that this tea is not ordinary."

The hot monkey also smelled the aroma of tea and drank it directly. Although the water was hot, it was nothing to the beast.

The hot monkey's eyes lit up after drinking, "good drink!"

All at once, he swallowed the tea.

"Excuse me, I have to guide it to write a few words..."


Brother, take it easy. Our little heart can't stand it. Are you sure a fierce beast with a hot temper can write? It's amazing to be able to make tea.

Under everyone's gaze, even some of the core inner disciples under the stage couldn't help stepping on the stage to witness miracles.

"Hold the pen like this, yes, close your mouth, be calm, breathe steadily... Start... Write a point first..."

The hot monkey didn't know how to write. He suddenly poked it. Bai miserably hit the hot monkey on the back of his head, "do you still want to go home..."

When they saw that Bai miserable dared to hit the back of the head of the hot monkey, they were stunned

You know, hot monkeys hate being beaten in the back of the head when people think they will be angry and crazy.

The hot monkey lowered its head and roared a few words, as if the child who had done something wrong was apologizing.


The elder vomited blood in his heart. What's the matter?

Look at the hot monkey he tamed. He is still asking him for hot fruit. The hand is stretched out, "old and immortal, I don't eat poor you..."


Bai miserably saw that it was difficult for the hot monkey to write alone, so he had to hold the hot monkey's hand and cooperate to complete a picture: I wish the beast king Zong Changxing.

Although it is crooked, like the trace of earthworms and snakes crawling, you can still see what the word is.

Yao Ritian picked up the paper and looked at it carefully. Miraculously, Bai miserable actually asked a hot monkey to write a pair of words.

Yao Ritian excitedly held up the banner to the disciples under the stage and shouted, "God bless our sect, beast king Zong Changxing."

When the disciples saw it, they cheered, "beast king Zong Changxing!"

The sound shook the sky, and the birds and animals around were frightened to fly

And this picture will become the priceless treasure of the beast king sect in the future

Many years later, when new disciples saw this picture, they would ask curiously, "elder martial brother, who wrote this picture?"

"This is written by the hot monkey..."


Of course, this is later!


It's obvious that the outcome has been divided. Bai miserable's animal training results in a complete victory over the elder!

The elder was already in a broken state of mind. Looking at the hot monkey who was still asking him to explode cool fruit, he kicked it away with a direct kick.

"Somebody, take them down!"

Bai miserable asks the hot monkey to go down first and will fulfill his promise later.

The elder lost, but he was not reconciled. Maybe Bai miserably got the handle of the hot monkey and motioned an elder to compete again.

Baili traceless elder doesn't think Bai miserable can have any method to train animals. Maybe it was a coincidence just now, so he stood up.

"Lord, this competition is an eye opener, but the five-star beast can't explain anything. Please allow me to compete with little brother Bai and tame the nine star beast this time!"

"Do it again..."

"Do it again..."

The disciples who didn't enjoy it were shouting!

The people on the stage also suggested to compare again to confirm Bai miserable's wonderful method of taming animals.


Although Yao Ritian is the patriarch, he has a big head for a while. He can't help looking at Bai miserable. As long as he refuses... He will support him.

Bai miserable saw Yao Ritian's Dilemma and thought that he could just confirm whether all animals could communicate with them.

"Lord, let's have another competition according to the wishes of the elders, but I hope this is the last one. We can't compete endlessly!"

Seeing the elders nodding, he said, "OK!"

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