Xinzi's "Dayan thunder robbery" and "purple sky eye" are constantly blinking with white tragedy

Bai miserable's "soul imprisonment", coupled with the attack with the captured treasure knife, combined with the attack of wuxinzi... Constantly kill the disciples of Yunwu hall!

The fighting power of these four guys has scared the disciples of Yunwu hall. They are so strong that they are four monsters!

"He lianjue, hurry up. The two kings are too strong for us to carry!"

A disciple of Yunwu hall just finished shouting and was killed by Bai miserable!


At this time... The four fallen demons also came to the seventh floor!

Restore the strength of the four-star fallen demons, and the four fallen demons will kill Helian directly

Although I didn't meet the spirit God here, it is estimated that she is in the moon tower, but there is a law source stone here!

They know at a glance that returning to mortal dust is the source of power from the law source stone. As long as they seize the law source stone, returning to mortal dust will be broken naturally!

However, they did not intend to give the law source stone to he lianjue. After all, the law source stone is also a rare treasure for them!

When he lianjue saw that the four fallen demons robbed the treasure with themselves, he shouted, "fallen demons, have you forgotten the contract with us?"

"Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof

The three headed dog devil said, and directly cast his magic heart skill


He Lian must first give up attacking the fire man and the four eared monkey, dodge one side and fight the fallen devil!

"You can only kill them, or no one will want to capture the source stone of the law!" The wind like a song said.

"I know. I knew I killed them just below. Let me kill them!"

He lianjue roared, the third magic power was constantly displayed, and the three leaf sky dance immediately flew all over the sky!

The three headed dog devil is worthy of being the boss of the fallen devil. He can have three devil mind skills, and only one of the other fallen demons!

A black magic fog with corrosiveness and illusion envelops an area

Blood demons are constantly bleeding and swallowing people's blood... Blood sucking bat demons divide countless small bats. Each has the strength of four-star demons, but it's weaker... But it's also very strong!

The white miserable side also joined the scuffle. Since the four eared monkeys saw the fallen devil coming in, they directly attacked the fallen devil

The law source stone protects itself. No matter who approaches, its flame will turn into an endless fireman attack!

The scene was once chaotic, and a steady stream of others came in, including several leaders of other major forces

Release their powerful means one after another, but they can only fight in the air, because the underground is a sea of magma and fire

Some weak soldiers were injured by the aftershock of the battle, fell down, and immediately turned into firemen and burned to death

Even if you protect it with real power, it will soon be consumed by the flame

After all, this is not an ordinary flame. It is the flame evolved by the force of the law of the law source stone. It melts the land and becomes a sea of magma fire

The seventh floor of the moon tower also had a chaotic battle. They all wanted to compete for the source stone of the water attribute law suspended in the air!

But it's the opposite of the sun tower. It's icy and snowy. It can resist for a while in the air

If you touch the tower wall or ground ice crystals on the seventh floor, they will instantly become ice sculptures. Those ice crystals are ice crystals condensed by the force of law!

But I didn't see the spirit God here. People thought the spirit God was on the other side of the Sun Tower

So... I want to compete for the source stone of the law!

At the moment, the spirit God controls the body of the sledgehammer... He has already returned to lingmonkey mountain! Four big four eared monkeys guard the sledgehammer!

"Spirit God, can they really kill eight fallen demons?" Asked the monkey.

"It's best to kill, but if you can't kill, you can only die together. The two law source stones have absorbed the power of the law of the demon spirit world for so many years, and their explosive power is enough to kill eight fallen demons!"

The spirit God looked at the mirror condensed by the divine power and showed the killing men and monsters in the sun and moon Tower!

"But to detonate the law source stone, it still needs the sun moon tower to absorb more soul power and let them fight. The more they die, the more they can speed up the conditions for detonating. I guess three days at this speed is enough. This is my last real means!"

"I see... Lord Lingshen has a clever plan. As for whether other outsiders can live, it all depends on whether they can kill eight fallen demons!" The monkey said respectfully.

"My divine consciousness can only exist for five days. In five days, if the fallen devil is not extinct, I will detonate the law source stone and bury all life in the sun moon tower city!" The spirit God said without expression.

"Then... The demon spirit world will be taken care of by you. What I leave is enough for you to control the world from generation to generation!"

The four big four eared monkey knelt down and said, "yes! Thank you for your gift!"

"Hmm? Interesting. There's a half spirit body and a pregnant spirit bead. It seems that... There's a plan!"

Then the spirit disappeared!


Leave four four eared monkeys. Look at me and I look at you. They all look stupid

But the spirit has its own reason. They are here respectfully waiting for the spirit to come back!

Yuntianxia is hurt all over at the moment, but his eyes have never been firm. He wants to enter the two towers and seek opportunities!

Originally... Yunxiao sent people in black to attack major forces that day. In order to ensure that Yunwu hall is not suspected

Yunxiao decides to kill yuntianxia, because yuntianxia at this time... After the demon species are killed by Bai miserably, they are eaten back

In addition to the sequelae of startling the dragon, Wu daogenji was completely abandoned, and his cultivation fell all the way to the day after tomorrow

Even the Yunwu hall has no panacea to help it recover!

So... The cloud world is already waste, but... Waste still has its value!

Was killed by the man in black!

In this way, the world will think that the Yunwu hall has lost the strongest Tianjiao cloud world. Then... The people in black will not be sent by the Yunwu Hall

With "dead turn" and violet flower seal, the world will point all the spears at the remaining evils of Lulan ancient country... Then... The next plan of Yunwu hall can be implemented

However, there was a little change, that is, yuntianxia was not killed, but escaped!

Although yuntianxia's cultivation is greatly damaged and his body can't move, his natural inspiration is still there and he is aware of the crisis

Yuntianxia asks the four winged golden fire dragon to save his life. The golden fire dragon also chooses to help yuntianxia once

Many witnesses of small forces were also stunned at that time

While the Yunwu hall was performing, the golden fire dragon killed the disciples of Yunwu Hall who guarded yuntianxia, then hid yuntianxia underground, picked up a corpse and flew away

Yunxiao was so angry that he thought the golden fire dragon had fled with yuntianxia on his back

Then the battlefield moves around the golden fire dragon, and others follow to watch

Finally, the golden fire dragon was seriously injured by a man in black, and the body on his back was also blown to pieces

At this time, the clouds became powerful and killed the man in black, and the "war" came to an end!

But Yunxiao saw at a glance that the person who was blown up was not yuntianxia, because his broken hand was wearing a ring that was not yuntianxia!

So... It was announced that yuntianxia disappeared after being attacked by people in black

Yuntianxia was rescued by a beast, which is the second pet of yuntianxia. It is a flying beast with very weak strength. It was a beast that was preserved when experimenting with the forbidden demon ring!

Unexpectedly, it has become a life-saving straw!

After yuntianxia fled, he hid until his body recovered its ability to move, but at this time, yuntianxia only had the strength of the skin and bone environment the day after tomorrow!

Until the Xiaoji state is opened, while everyone is not paying attention, dress up and let the flying beast take it into the Xiaoji state to see if you can get the opportunity to restore the foundation of martial arts

With natural inspiration, the cloud world has avoided countless dangers, but it has not got the opportunity to recover

On the same day, the moon tower was opened, and all people and powerful monsters in the spirit God continent entered the sun moon tower. The cloud world slowly entered the spirit monkey mountain, ready to finally enter the sun moon tower

But... Came to the stone bridge and found that the gate was closed. It seemed that he had no hope to enter

He was ready to leave. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he saw Li dahammer with a crown smiling at him


This guy knows all over the world, isn't he Bai miserable's housekeeper? It's just... Why is he wearing a female war suit, but the crown looks like a powerful treasure. It looks very forced!

Just as he wanted to speak, the sledgehammer said first, "your chance is not in the sun and moon tower, but in me!"


As early as in Nanding City, I heard that Bai miserable's housekeeper was a little forced. I didn't expect to be so forced

Pretend to force the king, it should be Li sledgehammer!

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