With a move from the sledgehammer, the pregnant pearl who came to the countercurrent sea... Suddenly appeared and flew to the sledgehammer

"This is a pregnant spirit bead. You are a half spirit body. If you fuse with the pregnant spirit bead, it is not impossible to become a whole spirit body in the future..." said the spirit God.


Yuntianxia's inspiration can be felt. The pregnant spirit bead in the sledgehammer's hand will certainly help him restore the foundation of martial arts!

Since being abandoned by Yunwu hall and experiencing all kinds of hardships, yuntianxia has already put down his arrogant heart

As long as he can recover his body, no matter how much suffering he is willing to try

Although I don't know how Bai miserable's housekeeper Li Dashui became strange, the pregnant spirit beads in his hands will certainly help him recover!

So... Yuntianxia said directly, "you won't give me pregnant beads for no reason. What are the conditions? As long as it's not too much, I can promise you!"

"You are from tianwu world, so as long as you make a heavenly oath, I will give you the opportunity!" The spirit smiled.

"What is the heavenly oath?"

"If you reach the thirty-three heaven of the heavenly soul, kill an immortal for me. Her name is Yue Yurou, a person of the moon family in the celestial world. The immortal is called the blue moon fairy!"


Yun Tianxia is smart. He guesses that this sledgehammer is not that sledgehammer. He should be controlled by a strong man!

"You're not Li dahammer. Who are you?"

"My name is Zhong Ling, the God number, the spirit God. The opportunity is here. Can you dare to take it?" Said the spirit.

"I didn't expect that there is a spirit God in the spirit God mainland. OK! I swear that if I reach the thirty-three heaven of the heaven soul realm in the future, I will go to the heaven fairy world for the spirit God to kill the Blue Moon Fairy yueyurou!"

The cloud world said, a dense way of heaven appeared, and the spirit nodded with satisfaction

Then, communicate with pregnant Lingzhu and integrate it into yuntianxia's forehead!


A ray of light poured out from the body of yuntianxia, and the meditation feeling of yuntianxia

For a long time, yuntianxia opened his eyes and looked at his body. In addition to a mark on his forehead, he also found that his martial arts foundation had been restored, and his natural inspiration seemed to be stronger!

The cloud world is very happy. His talent is back and stronger. He just wants to thank the spirit God, but he finds that the spirit God is gone

A jade fell, and a voice came from the horizon, but only the cloud world can hear it!

"This is the tianlingjue, which is most suitable for people born with spiritual body. You are now a semi spiritual body. Under the nourishment of pregnant spiritual beads, you will become a whole spiritual body in the future. You will be able to cultivate the tianlingjue into the thirty-three heavy heaven of tianlingjue, and take care of yourself!"

After confirming that the spirit and God had completely left, yuntianxia kowtowed three heads, then took the jade and melted a skill into his mind!

Seeing no one around, the cloud world left directly, ready to find a safe place, start from scratch and concentrate on practicing the "Tianling formula"!

The spirit God looked at the cloud world and left, and then looked to the other side. Yes, the little stone duck and Xingmu dunkong chicken also came to the spirit monkey mountain!



A powerful force shakes out the little stone duck and the empty chicken!


The little stone duck on the ground and the little chicken in the air looked at each other and thought it was the other's hand!

The little stone duck's eyes narrowed. Isn't this the star eye dunkong chicken raised by the spirit?

"How dare you quack at me?" Said the little stone duck.

"What? I did it to you. You dared to do it to me!" Said the chick angrily.

Two strange beasts are ready to fight. There is a ripple in the air and the spirit God appears!

"Spirit God?"

Two beasts exclaimed at the same time!

"Yes, it's me, but it's just a remnant of divine consciousness!" The spirit smiled and said.

"Has the last resort of Lord Lingshen started? What do we need to do?" Said the chick.

"Five days later, if the eight fallen demons don't die, I'll detonate the two law source stones. If the eight fallen demons die, it's all right. If they have the means not to die, you'll solve them. They must be dying at that time!"

"OK! After this time, we don't owe each other!" Said the little stone duck.

"Of course! I hope you can become a top power with a reputation throughout the six circles in the future!"

After that, the spirit God returned to the top of the spirit monkey mountain and continued to watch the battle of the eight fallen demons!

The little stone duck and the little chicken stared at the sun moon tower on the Linghou mountain and waited quietly for five days!

Bang Bang

The battle of the sun moon tower is becoming more and more fierce. Bai miserable has died several times. Fortunately, Wu Xinzi and Starling pick up the body, otherwise Bai miserable will always cook barbecue on the ground!

"Da Bai, I really don't have enough strength!"

"Brother Bai, mine is not enough!"

Wuxinzi and Dugu stood on the Tianyan array flag with a smile and exclaimed at the same time!

Bai miserable's eyebrows are compact, and there are continuous scuffles. The fallen demons fight more and more ferociously. He lianjue is also handy with two girls. On his side, except for the starling, his three fighting abilities are still not good!

"In this way, you two take me to the fallen devil. Just the huge three headed dog devil. Give me the rest. You quit and recover and come back!" Bai miserable said.


Wuxinzi first moved his space. When he was close to the three headed dog demon, Dugu smiled and covered the three headed dog demon's back directly with his sword, and then took Bai miserable there

Then they disappear directly and return to wuxinzi. They leave!

Feeling the white misery on my back, the three headed dog devil roared, "how dare you come to my back and die!"

But Bai miserable is faster, "green dragon imprisons" is displayed, imprisons the three headed dog demons, and the huge body begins to fall! The four little bodies of the vampire bat demon quickly catch the three headed dog demon!

"Boss dog, what's the matter with you?"

But the three headed dog demon didn't respond to it!

The blood devil saw something wrong. "Water devil, you attack the guy on the back of the three headed dog devil!"

The water devil rolled his body first, shook open helianjue's "three leaf sky dance", and then shot a huge black water gun at Bai miserable!


Bai tragic was directly killed. It depends on falling into the sea of magma. Starling danced and took Bai tragic!

The recovered three headed dog devil roared angrily and wanted to go after Bai miserable. He found that a large group of people were getting closer and closer to the law source stone!

We had to fight for the source stone of the law first, then go to the moon tower to settle accounts with the spirit God, and then kill these mole ants!

"Go! Take the source stone of the law first!"


"Brother Bai, are you dead again? You can't do it here. You can't do it. Why don't you go out first and wait?" Starling said.

The recovered Bai smiled miserably, "it's all right. It's my turn to do something. I've just absorbed a lot of degenerate evil spirit from the three headed dog devil. I can flash white several times!"

With that, Bai miserable looked around the battlefield. At least millions of strong people in the heroic state fought their own battles here!

Everyone wants to fight for the law source stone. Whoever is closest to the law source stone will be attacked collectively and escape

Bai miserable is waiting. When he lianjue rushes to the front of the rule source stone and is surrounded and beaten, he will take action

After communicating his ideas with Starling, Starling took Bai miserable and moved left and right to avoid the magic power attacked by the disciples of Yunwu hall!

Finally... He lianjue found another chance to get close to the source stone of the law with the help of Feng Ruge's "phantom sound - Dream youyou" and thousands of disciples in the spirit realm of Yunwu hall!

Four fallen demons attack helianjue, and a large group of people's magic powers also attack collectively without saying a word

In the face of such a huge attack, He Lian had no confidence to resist. With a dark scold, he split dozens of firemen and had to retreat again!

Just hide to one side, suddenly the body can't move, and the dense "three leaf sky dance" magic power disappears!


Helian was surprised!

White miserable voice sounded at this time, "he lianjue, I finally caught you!"


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