In fact, I don't blame the little stone duck and chick. If others told them so, they promised to kill him!

What is it? Want me to follow you?

But Bai miserable is different. When the chick sees that wuxinzi and Starling follow Bai miserable, he is eager to follow Bai miserable!

The little stone duck is not familiar with the outside world. The yin-yang rabbits of the same level follow Bai miserable, and he has seen Bai miserable's ability. It's really good, so it's the best choice to go out to see the world with Bai miserable!

Little stone duck and chick are very excited at the moment. As long as they kill the last three headed dog demon, they will be liberated!


on the other hand!

In a mountain forest, the terrible demon potential collided with the demon potential to form a tornado, destroying everything here!

The monkey one in the peak demon kingdom is the main force, the monkey two, the monkey three and the fairy queen are the auxiliary!

Plus the starlings in the land demon realm and the five demon kings, as well as Mo Yuxuan in the central realm!

For a time, the roar, destruction and roar continued!

The three headed dog devil is worthy of being the boss of the Seven Star fallen devil. His combat power is really extraordinary!

One demon alone, against two demon kings, six demon kings, a strong central environment, and a Bugs Bunny comparable to the demon king!

Unexpectedly, it's easy to play. It seems that the magic heart skill doesn't want magic. It's capricious!

"Go back to the devil fire - prison!"

"Evil wind - crying funeral!"

The devil wind dances all over the sky, like a devil crying. If you accidentally get caught, it's a butcher's knife that kills your life!

For a few days after the war, the monsters who came all the way to the war were killed by "crying burial"!

You know, it's still the combat power of three dog demons after losing a magic heart. Otherwise, if the three magic heart skills are used, it's estimated that monkeys and other monsters will only escape!

It's like this. Except that the monkey can resist the attack of the three headed dog demon, others have long been scarred!

"Do you think I'm easy to kill? If the war goes on, you will be killed by me one by one! Woof woof..." the three headed dog devil laughed.

Yun ruofeng was still worried. Hearing what the three headed dog demons said, he was very happy. As long as he killed them, the final victory still belongs to Yunwu hall!

It's still some time before the Xiaoji state is closed. That's enough!

Cloud ruofeng and three headed dog demon have enough time to harvest other people's lives!

"Ladies and gentlemen, what means do you have to show all of them? You must not let the fallen devil live today!"

After all, once the monkey releases its full potential, it is simply overdrawing its vitality and fighting. It plans to see death as its home, even if it dies with the three headed dog demon!

"Smash the mountain!"

Monkey 1 fiercely cleaves the "return to the devil fire - Prison walk" from the attack. Monkey 2 and monkey 3 will no longer care about the injury, break out their full potential, and cooperate with monkey 1 to kill three dog demons!

With the seed of monkey four, the four eared monkey can recover its strength in the past. As long as three dog demons are killed, monkey four will be able to protect the demon spirit world!

Seeing that the three four eared monkeys were desperate, other monsters also knew that if they failed, they would die. At that time, their own clan demons would not survive, so they committed suicide attacks on the three headed dog demons!

The five elves directly display the disintegration of the elves, exchange their vitality for strong fighting power, and erupt into a power comparable to that of the demon emperor!

Mo Yuxuan also wanted to work hard, but was stopped by Starling. "You're stupid. If you want to die, you'll also die in the battle between Yunwu mainland and Yunwu hall. Why do you work hard with a fallen devil here? We'll help you until brother Bai comes!"

"Er! I see. Thank you for your advice!"

Mo Yuxuan converged a little and was no longer impulsive!

At this time, the sky was dense, and there were countless demons, including strong cloud demons and other flying demons. They were holding together at the moment, and the target was directed at the three headed dog demons!

Cloud ruofeng suddenly turns pale with fear. Even if a trace of power attacks him, he will die!

Crazy, these bastards are crazy. I'm leaving here. It's too dangerous!

The three headed dog devil began to appear pressure and gradually hung color on his body, but his physical defense was very strong and there was no problem!

But if it goes on like this, I'm afraid it's difficult to fix it without paying a price!

After thinking for a while, the three headed dog devil made a sinister decision and said to Yun ruofeng, "boy, do you want to live?"

"Nonsense! Of course!"

"I can't use a magic heart. It's cheap for you. I'll give you integration. Then you'll be able to relieve the suppression of the demon spirit world, restore cultivation, and have one of my magic heart skills!"

The three headed dog devil said while attacking!

"Are you so kind? I'm afraid there are some side effects?" Cloud like wind is not stupid!

"Do it yourself. They want to die with me, but I don't think I can die, but you're dead. Do it yourself!" Said the three headed devil.

Yun ruofeng thought for a moment. Indeed, more and more monsters came

If the magic of the three headed dog hadn't protected him, he would have died!

Bite your teeth. After you go out, ask the hall Lord to help relieve the fallen devil's heart!

"OK! I promise you, come on!"

The three headed dog devil smiled evil, "that's right!"

Then, the three headed dog devil, the originally dead dog head, suddenly seemed to shine back, opened his mouth, and a demon heart flew out and directly melted into the heart of Yun ruofeng!


A sharp pain went deep into the soul, and cloud ruofeng fainted!

The three headed dog devil separated the dead dog head from the body and became a two headed dog devil!

For a long time, Yun ruofeng woke up and turned around. His eyes became scarlet and integrated the three headed dog demon heart, which was equivalent to a three headed dog demon separation. Naturally, he would not be suppressed by the demon spirit world!

He felt his own changes and his accomplishments were indeed relieved. He was originally in the central realm, but now he has directly reached the peak of the spirit realm!

The sixth magic power is the magic heart skill of the third head of the three headed dog devil "eroding magic fog - dark abyss"!

Unfortunately, my Najie is broken and I have no weapons, but I have the ability to protect myself!

Cloud ruofeng broke out a strange and powerful momentum, mixed with the momentum of the martial artist and the evil momentum of the fallen devil. It's very strange!

"My cultivation has been restored. I want you all to die! Devil seed separation!"

After saying that, I saw that yunruofeng's body differentiated into a dark yunruofeng, and the strength level also reached the peak of the spirit level!

Yun ruofeng is worthy of being the leader of Xiaoji territory in Yunwu hall. He is extremely powerful and cultivates the sky level medium level skill "red lotus slash"!

Chakra magical powers bloom, six magical powers, four purple and two blue!

In addition to the "dark abyss" that needs to be cast by the devil's heart, the devil can also cast the other five magic powers normally, three purple and two blue!


With the addition of Yun ruofeng, the pressure of the three headed dog devil suddenly decreased a lot!

Yun ruofeng's demon seed went to kill the monster that came to support, and he was against the elf queen!

The spirit staff of the spirit queen cooperates with the spirit magic power. Although the attack is not strong, the auxiliary ability is very powerful!

The injuries of the three headed dog devil are basically related to the elf queen, so the three headed dog devil let Yun ruofeng drag the elf queen, and had better kill it!

Without the control of the fairy queen, three dogs and demons can fight better against powerful monsters such as monkeys!

The war situation here has changed greatly into three battlefields!

"Brother Bai, I have some bad news to tell you. Yun ruofeng integrated a demon heart of the three headed dog demon, lifted the suppression of the demon spirit world, restored his cultivation, reached the peak of the spirit realm, and turned the demon heart skill into his sixth magic power. Although the power is not as powerful as that of the three headed dog demon, it is also a purple power magic power! And he has a magic seed!"

Starling looked at the battlefield and said to his heart!


Bai miserable, who was on his way, frowned. The three headed dog demon was really strange. He could integrate his demon heart with others!

"Starling, don't worry about the three headed dog demon. First, try your best to fight Yun ruofeng. We'll take half a day to arrive!"

Bai miserable's heart told starling, and he told Wu Xinzi and two divine beasts about the situation!

"Speed up, the last battle, go all out!"

"Tired dog!"


The chick's flight speed accelerated again. He couldn't help sighing that the small world is good. Flying at will is not like the big world!

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