
The evil seed is divided into darkness. The true power turns into a black knife to show its magic power. Each move can kill many monsters!

The attacks of monsters are difficult to cause damage to the devil species. As long as they do not attack the devil source of the devil species, it can always maintain its combat power!

If you want to kill the devil seed separation, you can only find out the devil source, break the devil source, or kill Yun ruofeng's body!

Starling had fought with Yun ruofeng. Seeing another battlefield, the demons were almost slaughtered by the demon species, so he left here and went there first!

At a glance, the yin-yang real eye can see that the magic source of the separation of the magic species is in its Dantian!

"You directly attack its navel, Dantian, where its magic source is. If you break it, you can destroy it!"

After that, Starling returns to the elf queen to fight against Yun ruofeng together. The elf queen at the peak of the demon king uses the elf magic wand to display the elf magic power "life chain", which makes Yun ruofeng sick!

This is the magic power that directly locks the vitality. Its own defense is useless. It takes a lot of effort to break it when it is locked. No wonder the three headed dog demon asked him to only deal with the elf queen. It turned out to be so difficult!

Yun ruofeng continues to use the first chakra magic power, the purple body method magic power "red lotus step", to avoid the life chain of the elf queen and use the attack magic power!

"Red lotus flame knife!"

The second purple chakra magical power is displayed. The true power is a knife. Cut it out with one knife. A huge red lotus appears in the sky. The flower bud explodes into a flame knife. It seems endless!

Cut at the spirit queen, starling and Mo Yuxuan. The spirit queen uses the "life chain" as a defense against such a large-scale attack!

Mo Yuxuan's overlord battle halberd dances. The fourth blue level magic power "overlord dragon body" is displayed, and the combat power is doubled, although it is the strength in the later stage of the central territory!

At the moment, the strength is not weaker than the spirit realm, but it is still not enough!

Even with the fifth green level monster magic power "ocean current impact", Zhenli turns into a sea current to resist the flame knife!

But I still couldn't resist and was cut off and flew out!

Starling sees the weakness of the flame knife with Yin and Yang real eyes, and then blows the ground demon's peak strength!

But only resist for a while, you can only retreat out. There is a big gap. It is really difficult to deal with!

But the queen of the elves is very easy to resist. After all, the elf staff is too powerful. If you set it up to a level, it is comparable to the awesome!

You should know that the previous imperial sword of yuntianxia and the five poison God virtual tripod of Bian Shifang are only inferior real weapons!

Seeing that his magic power had little effect on the elf queen, Yun ruofeng wanted to exert his strongest attack!

The fifth blue level auxiliary magic power "red lotus fire power" is displayed. At the moment, Yun ruofeng's real power becomes fiery red, irritable, red all over and heat waves!

It seems that it will burn in the next second!

"See how you can resist this move! Fusion magic, red lotus explosion!"

I saw that the third chakra magic power of cloud ruofeng released purple awn, and the red lotus in the sky no longer released flame knife, but burst into fire waves!

With the integration of "red lotus fire power" and "red lotus explosion" of Yun ruofeng, a huge fire burst out!

The monsters and people in this area feel it!


Whew, whew

The red lotus suddenly exploded, and the mushroom cloud rose. What is more powerful is the real power fire knife emitted during the explosion!

Not only will the huge pit be blown out here, but also the trees and mountains will be cut in pieces!

It can be seen how powerful this fusion magic power is!

The three headed dog demons couldn't help praising Yun ruofeng. On the other hand, the devil's separation also released this powerful fusion magic power!

Blow up countless monsters!

When starling saw the power of integrating supernatural powers, he fled with Mo Yuxuan, but he was injured!

The spirit queen resisted this move and was cut by the exploding Zhenli fireknife, but when the spirit staff was green!

A surge of vitality rushed to the fairy queen, and the wound was quickly stabilized and quickly recovered!

The Starling looked envious and said with a smile, "fairy queen, give us two whole mouths to restore our vitality!"

Seeing starling and Mo Yuxuan, the fairy queen knew that this was Lord Bai's monster and sect disciple, so she waved the fairy staff directly!

Two vitality flew into the body of one person and one beast. Soon, most of the injuries of starling and Mo Yuxuan recovered!

With the elixir taken out by Mo Yuxuan, the injury will recover completely in a short time!

What are you afraid of with this powerful restored elf queen? Mo Yuxuan and Starling directly use their full strength to attack Yun ruofeng!

"No, this fairy woman's recovery ability is too strong. In addition, the fairy magic power is strange, and its magic wand is too powerful. It is estimated that she will die. She can only use the magic heart magic power!"

Cloud ruofeng's eyes were dignified and thought that he didn't want to use it. He was afraid that the three headed dog devil had some secret method!

Now it depends on the situation. After hiding to one side with "red lotus flash", Yun ruofeng's Zhenli knife cut out "red lotus flame knife" again. Mo Yuxuan and Starling had to resist and were blown away by Yun ruofeng!

After splitting the "chain of life" from the attack, Yun ruofeng directly exerts the sixth magic power, the purple level magic heart magic power "dark abyss"!

Cloud ruofeng felt a sudden change in his heart. Zhenli turned into a black fog and shrouded it!

When the three dogs saw that Yun ruofeng used his magic heart, they suddenly grinned and were very excited!

"It's all done at last. Use it. When the devil's heart is completely integrated with you, I can control you. In this way, I have a new body, woof woof..."

The spreading black fog is like a dark abyss and has the ability to corrode. In addition, the three headed dog demon heart has a special degenerate demon gas. Life in the deep black fog will also produce hallucinations. It is really powerful magic power!

Many monsters were shrouded in the "dark abyss" and had hallucinations. Their bodies began to be corroded and their bones and internal organs were exposed!

Mo Yuxuan and Starling tried their best to resist the retreat, but Yun ruofeng's attack kept coming!

Even with the help of the fairy queen, I was in trouble for a time!

Two headed dog demons have wounded monkeys and other monsters one by one. Without the assistance of the fairy queen, they have gradually fallen into the wind!

Many monsters killed by the devil species fled everywhere, and the three battlefields were in crisis. If there was no way to break the situation, they would be broken by the three dog demons and cloud ruofeng one by one!

At that time, the whole demon spirit world will face the slaughter of three headed dog demons and Yun ruofeng!




"Brother Bai, if you don't come again, we will be wiped out! That cloud ruofeng has the magic power of the devil heart and can't resist it!"

While spitting blood, Starling resisted the attack and said to his heart!

"Starling, first find a chance to evacuate the battlefield. We're almost there! Hold on!" Bai miserable said anxiously.




Starling was chopped off and smashed into a deep pit on the ground. Where did he lie, breathing heavily!

The fairy queen was also scarred. The recovery of the fairy staff was far less than the increase of the injury, and Mo Yuxuan completely fainted!

The second battlefield!

"Go back to the devil fire - prison!"



The magic heart skill of instant explosion will seriously injure the monkey, and other monsters will be cut by "evil wind - crying burial" one by one!

Two demon king Elves were directly killed by "crying burial"!

For a time, all the monsters here fell to the ground and couldn't get up!

The third battlefield!

This battlefield is the most tragic, because the most powerful monster is the demon king!

Even hundreds of thousands of cloud demons came, but they were all tortured and killed by demon species. Only tens of thousands of cloud demons fled, and all the others died!

Other monsters died. It's terrible to see. The black "red lotus explosion" magic power combines the "red lotus fire power" magic power. The power and lethality of the explosion are too great!

The mountains and forests in this area have been burned and cracked by fire!

Three battlefields fall into great crisis at the same time!

Just as Yun ruofeng and the three headed dog demon were ready to kill them, a huge figure appeared in the air!

Bai miserable, wuxinzi and the two divine beasts finally arrived at the battlefield!

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