After five days of trekking, the three finally entered the kingdom of the beast king!

In these five days, Bai miserable and Bugs Bunny wandered around a lot of places to find a magic medicine.

It seems that the elixir of the ordinary peaks of the beast mountain has long been dug up... The rest is a forbidden area guarded by powerful monsters like Liuli volcano

Bai miserable three people return to the beast king hall of zongmen!

Yao Ritian and a group of elders... Quickly gathered in the hall

"Father, lian'er is back!"

"OK... OK, good daughter, chief Bai and elder, you're all back at last. How's it going? How's it going?"

The eldest elder laughed, "well... It's still very smooth. Huang Yan's blood heart lotus has also been obtained. It still depends on chief Bai, otherwise I can't get it."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Father, for me, I know..."

Yao Bilian told everyone what happened in the blood lotus sect. Everyone was stunned. The more she listened, the more mysterious it was

Can chief Bai still feel the elixir inside? Also successfully treated Huangyan blood lotus?

"Is... Chief Bai's talent for refining medicine really comparable to his talent for training animals?" An elder said.

Bai miserable drank a cup of tea, shook his head and said with a smile, "where... It's all blind cats who meet dead mice. It's pure luck... By chance... By chance..."


People looked at Bai miserable with contempt for a while. Then you have no solution to your luck

I happen to know that Huangyan blood heart lotus has only three days to live. I happen to know that it has been poisoned by Bijing fire Python blood. I happen to know that it can detoxify with ice spirit water... If I believe you, there is a ghost

Bai miserable is very concerned about the collection of other miraculous drugs in zongmen in the past half a month, which is related to cultivation

Quickly said, "Lord, it's been half a month. I don't know how about the collection of medicinal materials and Huoyan crystal copper?"

"Except for the flower in the stone of the third grade elixir, other elixirs have been collected... Huoyan crystal copper has also been collected. Mr. Wu is building a copper tripod..."

Sure enough, there are many people and great power. If I go looking for it myself, I don't know monkey years and horses, Bai can't help sighing!

"By the way, sect leader, you can let the disciples come back without looking for flowers in the stone..."


The elder took out the jade box, opened it and said with a bitter smile, "Lord, please see, this stone flower has been found. On the day we came back from the blood lotus sect, chief Bai went for a stroll at night and brought back the stone flower..."


"Cough... Pure luck... By chance... By chance..."

I'll go... Where did you get so many? By chance, millions of disciples, plus the disciples of the affiliated sect, and the martial artists who came to the beast mountain are also looking for it. Why didn't one of the millions happen to

"Well, why didn't you see the supreme elder?"

Bai miserable noticed that the supreme elder was not here.

In order not to be seen by the people of the sect, the supreme elder secretly returned to the beast king sect.

Give the fiery crystal copper to Yao Ritian, and then hide back in the forbidden area

Yao Ritian coughed twice and said awkwardly, "the supreme elder went to Liuli volcano and fought with Yao tianhuoluan for hundreds of rounds. He came back with an insight, so he closed the door to understand martial arts... It's not suitable to see anyone for the time being..."

Bai miserably rolled his eyes... What the hell is this?

However, there is no too much entanglement. Since the materials are ready, you can start refining medicine tomorrow

After saying goodbye to the patriarch and others, Bai miserable rode the crane girl back to the beast training mountain!

Of course, Bai Zhen's first thing is to find Li Dashui... The record of all animals' life is a major event that zongmen pays most attention to.

After greeting big bear 2, he entered the hall. Unexpectedly, he met a sledgehammer in the inner yard of the beast training hall


"Ah? Chief Bai, are you back? See chief Bai..." Li dachui exclaimed.

"How many times have I told you that I don't need to see you when there is no one? How about... The record of animal life?"

"OK! Chief Bai, please follow me..."

Li Dashui hurriedly took out a thick book and said, "chief Bai, please check it. After I sorted it out, I checked it one by one and confirmed it several times... I don't know if there are any imperfections..."

Bai miserable looked at it in detail. What surprised Bai miserable most was that the introduction of each kind of beast was accompanied by a simplified diagram of the beast

It's like a bear shaking the ground. You can recognize it by looking at this diagram

Li Da Chui scratched his head and said, "chief Bai, I'm a disciple of the Li family in Tianyun kingdom. I have poor martial arts talent, so I liked literature and art when I was a child. I still have a foundation for writing and painting. I don't know whether the painting is good..."

"Well... How could it be bad... Why didn't I expect to insert a simple drawing? Well, with this record of animal life, I think zongmen will greatly reward you..."

"I don't deserve it... It's all the credit of chief Bai..."

"Hey... I don't like to hear that. The merits and demerits are clear. It's yours. It's not yours. You don't want it or not... I'll take a bath and change clothes first, and I'll meet the patriarch later..."

"Yes! Thank you, chief Bai!"

Li dachui was very excited

"Great joy, Lord!"

Bai miserable takes Li sledgehammer and goes straight to Yao Ritian's residence. Yao Ritian, who is eating melon skin, is stunned.

"Chief Bai, what's the big news for you to report in person?"

"Disciple Li dachui pays homage to the patriarch!"

"No gift!"

Bai miserable said directly, "sledgehammer, don't you offer..."

"Yes, Lord, this is the record of the lives of animals compiled by Bai Shouxi..."

Li dachui presents the record of the lives of animals wrapped in red cloth

Yao Ritian trembled and wanted to pick it up. He wiped his hand and then picked it up!

Carefully open the "beast life record", more and more surprised!

"Hiss... This... This..."

Suddenly, Yao Ritian shouted seriously, "come on, tell all the elders of the inner and outer doors of our sect to gather in the hall and say that even if there is a big thing, you must come as soon as possible..."


Soon all the elders gathered in the beast king's hall!

Murong Tianchen took the lead and asked, "Lord, call me to come. What's important?"

"Today, I invite you to study the record of animal life created by chief Bai!"

"What? Have you sorted out the life record of animals?"

The elder and others quickly gathered around the general, but how can a book be read by so many people.

Bai miserably said, "elders, don't panic. I still have the original manuscript here. Each page is an independent animal record. You can take some for reference..."

All the elders took some to check. Every page they looked at was full of exclamations

Murong Tianchen looked at a good part and said seriously to Bai miserable, "chief Bai, these animal records are absolutely true?"

"If false, change!"

"If all these are true, the sect will surpass the other four major sects and the four kingdoms, and it is just around the corner, even surpassing the medicine refining guild and the beast hunting guild... It may reach the giant giants such as Yunwu hall in the future..." the elder was very excited.

Yao Ritian followed the elders for a long time. They decided to try it separately. After all, practice can produce true knowledge!

Half a day later!

When they returned to the main hall, they shouted for the protection of their ancestors, so that the beast king could be blessed by Bai miserable!

Yao Ritian immediately prepares to reward Bai miserable, but Bai miserable has nothing to want for the time being

Now he just wants to start refining medicine quickly, and then improve his accomplishments... Start from Tianyun Kingdom and go to Beiyu's house to find the skill!

"Chief Bai, when you think about what you want, tell me again. The beast king will try his best to meet you..."

"Well... Bai miserable, thank you, sect leader! Sect leader... In fact, this record of the lives of animals is only the information I get from communicating with the animals. The whole process is recorded and sorted out by Li Dashui. This picture is also painted by Li Dashui... Therefore, the record of the lives of animals... Li Dashui also takes great credit..."

"I see... Li sledgehammer!"

"The disciple is here!"

"You have made great contributions in sorting out the records of the lives of animals. I have decided that you can go to the Kung Fu pavilion to choose a daily high-level Kung Fu and get internal disciples to practice resources every month..."

"This... This... Yes, thank you for your cultivation, chief Bai!"

Li dachui was very sad

Bai miserable whispered to elder Wu Huateng, "Wu Changlao, how many days will it take for my fiery crystal bronze ware to be used?"

"Chief Bai, it was refined yesterday. Just put it aside for another day today and it can be used tomorrow..."

Bai miserable's eyes brightened, "hard work is getting old!"

"Yes... Chief Bai is free to guide my monster..."


Bai miserable's eyes narrowed, and the holy material, medicine and bronze ware were ready

It's time to show real technology!

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