Beast king sect forbidden area!

Located in the sea of clouds on the top of beast king mountain!

At the moment, Yao Ritian took out the patriarchal order, and Zhenli poured in. A golden light shot out of the token and poured into the sea of clouds

The halos appeared in the sea of clouds, like the ripples caused by a stone falling into the water... Suddenly the sea of clouds rolled, and a floating mountain appeared in the air

A voice came from the mountain, "why did you disturb my ancestors?"

Yao Ritian respectfully said, "tell my grandfather that my family is prosperous and just around the corner. Disciple Gu came to see my grandfather!"

After a while, the voice came... "Lao Zu!"

Holding the patriarchal order, Yao Ritian walked towards the mountain in the sea of clouds

There was no road ahead, but Yao Ritian walked flat in the air and entered the forbidden area mountain!

Beast king refining hall!

"Wu Chang, is your level too awesome?"

Bai miserable looked at the bronze tripod similar to the tripod tripod, his eyes glowed, and the bronze body was engraved with the beast king's Lianhuan mountain, which was only wonderful and beautiful

"Where... I'm a half hanging craftsman. A real craftsman must belong to one of the five major schools. That's powerful..."

The weapon refining skill of Wu Huateng... Is also a weapon refining technique exchanged with the weapon refining sect at a high price

"I used so many second-class Huoyan crystal copper to create a middle-class treasure... Shame, chief Bai, give it a name..."

"Since the whole body is made of Huoyan crystal copper, it is called Huojing copper tripod..."

"Huojing bronze tripod... That's a good name... Chief Bai is really powerful..."

Bai Nai was touching the Huojing copper tripod when a trace of Joy came from the copper tripod. Bai Nai was stunned. Strange thing!

"Mr. Wu, please help me take the burning crystal copper tripod and follow me to the medicine Hall..."

"Oh? Chief Bai, it's time to start refining medicine?"

"Everything is ready... If you refine it as soon as possible, you should tame the monster and repay the zongmen's great help this time..."

"Hahaha... OK, I'll go with chief executive Bai and have a look at chief Bai's medicine refining method..."

"Have you heard?"


"It's just heard from the refining hall that chief Bai went to the medicine peak to refine medicine..."


"What are you waiting for? Hurry to see how chief Bai makes medicine..."

After a while, the news that chief Bai went to refine medicine swept the whole sect today... Even the bald supreme elder Zhan Wushuang came to watch

Zhan Wushuang just wrapped himself tightly, revealing only a pair of eyes... It really attracted a lot of people's attention. Fortunately, Yao Ritian helped him fool him in the past

Yao Ritian, the elder and the elder all came to Yaofeng, but except the patriarch, Yao Bilian, the elders and the Lord of the twelve peaks, other disciples can only wait outside

"Brother Bai, come on!"

Soon, the fire crystal copper tripod was set up, and the fire was burning below, which was preheating

"Elder ye, you sect medicine refiners and alchemists, here is the dosage list of each kind of spiritual material and spiritual medicine... Please help to classify the spiritual material and spiritual medicine..."

The alchemist of the beast king sect quickly assigned it, while the sect leader and others watched quietly

Bai miserable frowned, "Lord, can you gnaw the melon seeds later, or the sound of gnawing the melon seeds... Makes me wait for a mistake... All my previous efforts will be wasted..."

"Sorry, chief executive Bai, recently when the audience chewed melon seeds... Used to... You continue..."


The holy water needed for the night's extraordinary soup - Fire holy water, Bai miserable also made elder ye ready

After preheating, Bai miserable ordered people to pour fire spirit water

After a while, it will be filled with two-thirds of the fire crystal copper tripod... The raging fire keeps burning steadily under the control of several herbalists

When the fire spirit water boils, Bai miserable orders people to take hundreds of spirit materials... To himself in order, and then put them into the fire crystal copper tripod one by one with the skills in memory

Ye Tianhua's eyebrows are tight, because he sees that every time Bai miserable puts in spiritual materials, he uses different ways

Some pinch, some scattered, some bit by bit at a time... It's like chaos, and it seems to contain deep reason. It's really weird

However, in the view of layman Yao Ritian and others, Bai miserable is lying around. Although they are not good at medicine and alchemy, they have at least contacted. Which alchemist doesn't have a unique alchemy technique

Chief Bai looked like a layman. He wasted so many spiritual materials in vain... His mood fluctuated badly

Finally, the spirit material is put into use. Li Dashui sees Bai miserable sweating and wipes the sweat for Bai miserable. Elder Luo is still around Bai miserable to help him resist the heat wave

Otherwise, it would have collapsed... Bai miserable uses a long wooden stick made of spirit material to start stirring!

Moreover, mixing has its internal law, which ordinary people can't see... I just feel that Bai miserable seems to have a good time

Damn it, make complaints about his fist, and his heart is tucking up. "His grandmother, little rabbit, he is really playing with his mother."

But when I think of Bai miserable, it's at the cost of taming monsters, I feel a little better

"Hoo... Finally finished the first step... I blame myself for being too weak and so tired to refine medicine..."

Bai Nai said, "keep the water in the bronze tripod boiling for 36 hours... Please help me watch the time... I'll come back the next day to prepare the amount of magic medicine..."

"This... No problem..."

Can't understand... Can't understand... Confused

Not only the patriarch, but also ye Tianhua

Such a strange way of refining medicine, what does chief Bai want to refine? Like liquid medicine, not like liquid medicine, like medicine, not like medicine

Ye Tianhua told others to take turns to watch the fire... So he went out of the refining pharmacy with Bai miserable and others

"Chief Bai, I don't know one thing... What kind of medicine are you refining?"

Other people also looked at Bai miserable one after another. Bai miserable wiped his sweat, drank a few salivas, and seriously said, "the strongest body refining medicine is" one night extraordinary soup "!"



I'm the strongest. Your uncle... Still extraordinary overnight... Or a soup... Wait... Soup? You don't take how the kitchen makes soup as a way to refine medicine, do you?

A group of people make complaints about the white tragedy.

The Supreme Master couldn't help but say, "white boy... Are you sure you're making soup?"

"Eh? Supreme elder, why are you wrapped so tightly? Have you done anything shameful?"

"Poof... I didn't get it for collecting fiery crystal copper for you!" Zhan Wushuang roared in his heart.

But he said directly, "don't interrupt! You won't be... Really making soup?"


"Hoo... That's okay!"

"It's a night of extraordinary soup, different from soup..."


"What's different? It's not soup. It's just a name for the soup..." the others covered their hearts and vomited blood in their hearts.

Zhan Wushuang covered his heart and thought, "no, you have to leave first, and then talk to the little rabbit. You can't be sure to spit blood..."

Seeing one by one cover his heart and leave, Bai miserable was confused, "what's the matter with these big guys for no reason?"

Ye Tianhua was also covered with black lines and whispered, "chief Bai, tell me the truth... Are you in the kitchen... Suddenly enlightened by the inspiration of refining medicine?"


Bai miserable gives Ye Tianhua a white eye. Then he knows why the supreme elder and others... Care so much about the word "soup" just now

"Elder ye... No matter where I came from, feel it with your heart. Maybe you will understand something different..."

After that, Bai miserable took Li sledgehammer and prepared to go back. When it came to the kitchen, to tell the truth, he had been refining medicine for a long time and lost his strength. His stomach was already hungry

"Go... Sledgehammer... Go back to the animal training hall and have a big meal..."

"OK... Chief executive Bai... I asked them to make chief executive Bai's favorite Shiquan tonic soup..."

"Brother Bai... Wait for me... I also want to drink Shiquan tonic soup..." Yao Bilian followed.


Ye Tianhua looked at the refining pharmacy and the figure of Bai miserable leaving. He murmured, "Shiquan... Tonic... Soup!"

In my heart, I suddenly decided that this... Chief Bai is his mother's inspiration from the kitchen... What refining medicine... Is refining soup... It is based on the perfect tonic soup

Bai miserable will shout out if he knows what elder Ye thinks: I'm wronged. I just suddenly drank Shiquan tonic soup yesterday and felt good. Let Li Dashui ask the kitchen disciples to do more in the future

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