"Xiaobai... I don't know... What's the second thing?"

On the hall, Yeguo asked curiously.

Bai miserable took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Uncle Ye, the second thing is... Invite someone!"


"Please who?" The night country wondered.

"I want Uncle Ye to invite Qingyu, the daughter of emperor Qingyang, to visit the general's house!"

The night kingdom can't figure it out for a moment. Bai Naiming knows that his son Yesi fell because of the sapphire, so the night Kingdom doesn't like to see the sapphire. Why invite her to be a guest

"Xiaobai, can you tell me why you invited sapphire to the general's house?"

Bai miserable also knows that the night Kingdom doesn't want to see sapphire, but... Sapphire must come to the general's house, so... Can we determine the truth of the accident

In my memory, Yesi recalled the most... The last moment of injury that day... The strange smile of sapphire... And the pain of Dantian

This... Is the second wish of Yesi... To understand the truth!

"Uncle Ye, you'll know then..."

It's not easy to say Bai miserable directly. It's estimated that the night kingdom will directly kill Qingyang sect. At that time... It's necessary to frighten the snake and make blood flow into a river

The ghost repair of the corpse soul clan was not confirmed clearly. It suddenly caused a war. It was the night country that suffered. After all, it was the "father" in memory!

After thinking for a while, Yeguo said directly, "OK, why don't you invite Qingyu to be a guest? Qingyang sect has been making friends with me before. I'll let someone invite..."

Qingyang sect!

Qingfeng room!

"Father, the general didn't want to see me this night. Now he suddenly invited me as a guest. Is there a problem?" Said the jade.

Qingfeng thought for a moment and said with a light smile, "probably not. Maybe... He figured it out and wanted to make friends with us. After all, the royal family Dongfang Yu... Indirectly killed his only son! Night Luocha is a powerful fighting force, and the night family army in his hand can make our plan more smooth!"

"OK... Father, I'll be a guest..." said sapphire respectfully.

"Well, I asked elder Niu to go with you. Be safe with him. Be sure to pull him over. My grandfather valued him very much, so he didn't fight against Nanding!" Said the green wind.

"I see, father!"


The night Kingdom sent someone to invite Qingyu down the mountain to report back. Qingyu will be a guest in two days.

Bai miserable calculates that two days have passed, and Luo Liyin, the daughter of the city Lord's house, has three days left to live

He planned to solve this matter first and pull the city Lord Luo Hanguo to his side first

"Uncle Ye, can you do me a little favor?" Bai Nai suddenly asked.

"Is that the third thing?"

"No, it's a private matter!"

"That's no problem, Xiaobai. Just say that Uncle Ye can help!"

"I wonder if there are... Human faced green spiders and baby crying ice toads in Uncle Ye's house?" Bai miserable asked directly.

"This... My wife takes care of everything in the house. I'll ask her..."

After a while, Nangong leans over. Now Nangong leans out of a wish and decides to live with a good smile, so that Yesi can rest assured in another world.

So now he is also radiant. He said with a tragic smile, "Xiaobai, these two are highly toxic. What are you doing here?"

"For saving people!"


Bai miserably explained that they knew that they wanted to save the daughter of the city Lord. They also went to see Luo Liyin before. They didn't know what poison Luo Liyin had

After Bai miserable said this, he knew that he was poisoned by three green scorpions. Night Kingdom, Nangong Qing and others didn't know what poison the three green scorpions were, because they hadn't heard of them.

Bai miserable asks Er Niu. Er Niu tells Bai miserable that this is a unique poison in a world, not in this world

Bai miserable found an excuse to explain to them, "Uncle Ye and aunt Nangong, these three green scorpions are not poisons in Yunwu mainland. I also happened to see the introduction and detoxification method in a book in the beast king clan!"

"I see! No wonder a group of herbalists and alchemists are helpless!" The night country said.

Nangong Qing said, "Xiaobai, just in time, I have a recent... My brother, the current owner of Nangong family, gave my baby crying ice toad to relieve boredom. There is no green spider on the human face, but... There must be su family in Nanding city!"

Bai miserable recalled that in addition to the general's house and the city master's house, the most powerful forces in Nanding city are Nangong family and Su family, Nangong Qing is Nangong family, as well as the Nangong language poetry of Chiyue sect.

Nangong Qing said reluctantly, "Xiaobai, the Su family's green spider may need you to ask for it yourself. Our general's house will certainly not come!"

"Why?" Bai miserably puzzled.

The night Kingdom smiled awkwardly, "that's because of me! Su Qianhe, the daughter of the Su family leader, fell in love with me, but I only like your Nangong aunt, so... She hasn't married yet and has a deep resentment against my general's house. We can't go!"


I can't see that, you big old man, someone will fall in love. It's amazing. Sure enough, the world of love is very magical

Bai miserable decides to let Dahan stay in the general's house first, or let the general of the general's house practice Dahan well

I took the sledgehammer to visit the Su family!

As soon as he went out, Bai miserable saw a group of young men and women facing the guard soldiers. This time, he unexpectedly said that he was a distant relative of the night country. He specially came to visit the general

Bai miserable shook his head and was speechless

Soon, Bai miserable and sledgehammer come to Su's house. In order to successfully enter Su's house, Bai miserable directly calls Xiong Da Xiong 2, and the demon force is rolling

The Su family guard was so frightened that Bai bleakly said with a smile, "Bai bleakly, the chief veterinary trainer of the lower beast king sect, is visiting. Please go and report!"

The servant of the Su family immediately went in and reported. He quickly came out in panic and said, "my master, please..."

Bai miserably takes back bear two and goes straight in!

The sledgehammer's eyes are shining. It turns out that the young master is so "low-key" to deter but not attack. It seems that he has learned another skill

"I'm from Su De, the owner of the Su family. What can I do for you?"

Su Deqi just heard the report from the servant and thought it was really the chief of the beast king sect. Seeing that Bai miserable was so young, he guessed that they might cheat in the name of the beast king sect.

Bai miserable said bluntly, "there is one thing. The chief wants to exchange a human faced green spider with the Su family master!"

The Su family leader's eyes narrowed. The green spider on the human face belongs to the nine star fierce beast, but because it is highly poisonous, even the first-order monster dare not easily provoke it

His Su family also got the baby of human faced green spider by chance, which has been domesticated so far

"Sorry, this is the fierce beast raised by my su family from childhood... Come and see off!" I'm afraid Sood wants to drive people away.

"Sledgehammer, take out the things!" Bai miserable smiled calmly.

Sledgehammer takes out a pile of resources from Najie, which was previously obtained from Zhao Baishan, the leader of white fog city.

Su De was shocked when he saw the sledgehammer. He could take things out of Najie. At least the strong in Tianchong can do it.

This boy named sledgehammer It's a congenital strong man. It looks like his men. Isn't it Is this passer-by a young man really the chief of the beast king sect? But SUD still doesn't want to believe

"Master Su, I think these resources... Are enough to exchange for human green spiders!" Bai miserable said.

"Sorry... Human faced green spider has deep feelings for my su family since childhood. It won't be willing to go with you!" Su Deqi said.

These cultivation resources are enough, but the human faced green spider is his daughter Su Qianhe, the only favorite fierce beast, and he will not give it up easily.

"Well... Can you let me go down and have a look? Maybe it wants to?" Bai smiled miserably.

Although the human faced green spider was raised since childhood, it is naturally aggressive and has not been tamed, including Su Qianhe who accompanies it day and night

Since these two weird teenagers don't give up, let them have a look and completely give up!

"In that case, those two come with me. If it doesn't want to go with you, please leave now..."

"Of course!"

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