The three went to Su's inner yard. Bai miserable saw a big round pit in the inner yard. Under the pit was a human faced green spider, which was sealed by a stone strip made of special ore

The human faced green spider spits out venom from time to time, but the person who can't spray on it

On one side, Bai miserable sees a beautiful woman who is no worse than Nangong. She is feeding green spiders with some small poisons

Seeing Su Deqi coming with two teenagers, the woman said curiously, "father, why are you here? Are these two?"

"This is the chief trainer of the king of beasts, and this congenital teenager is his subordinate..." Su Deqi said.

"Two, this is my daughter Su Qianhe!"

Bai miserable heard the name Su Qianhe and looked carefully. Is this the woman who fell in love with the night country?

It's so beautiful. Why don't you fall in love with me? Bai miserable suddenly couldn't help thinking of Bilian and suddenly shivered all over.

"Congenital environment?"

Su Qianhe was surprised. She was at the peak of the extraordinary realm. There was still a half step away from the congenital realm. Was this handsome young man a strong congenital realm? Or his men?

When sledgehammer saw that Su Qianhe didn't believe it, his true power was released and his chakras appeared. Su Qianhe covered his mouth. It was really a congenital state!

This talent is too strong. You should know that her grandfather is in the middle of Tianchong territory and her father is in the early stage of Tianchong territory.

Bai smiled miserably, "Miss Su, let me see the green spider on the human face. If it is willing to follow me, please give up love and let it follow me."


Su Deqi simply explained to Su Qianhe that the purpose of Bai miserable's coming was to let them have a look for the sake of their mysterious identity.

Su Qianhe thought to himself that he had been with the green spider since childhood and fed it. It didn't want to follow me. As an outsider, I don't believe you can tame it!

"Well, let me open my eyes. How can you tame it!"

Now that the Su family has agreed, it's up to him

Bai miserable came to the cage and looked at the green spider with human face below. He was dark green all over. His head had a face similar to human face and thick spider legs. He stood up at least three meters high. His body was not as big as the ground shaking gray bear, but the risk was no worse than it.

The voice of the green spider on the human face came, "this man is so strange and wants to eat him..."

Bai miserable smiled gently, and the voice of his soul passed. Bai miserable had tried to take crane women and other animals before. His voice of his soul can also communicate with them, which makes Bai miserable a lot more convenient

"Little spider, I want to eat, but it's hard..."

The human faced green spider looked at Bai miserable very humanized. "Were you just talking?"

"Yes, it's me. Do you want to go with me to eat and drink spicy?" Bai miserable joked.

Although the human face spider is a poison, it also knows that the man in front of him can ring out his voice in his mind silently and speak the animal language of his family, which makes him very surprised.

After thinking about it, you can try him. If the teenager has the ability... To resist its venom, it's better to leave with him than being trapped here as a pet

The green spider said, "if you can't be poisoned by me, I can go with you!"

Bai miserable smiled faintly, "yes!"

Then he turned to sue and said, "Sue, please open the cage. I can tame it!"

Su Deqi and Su Qianhe had an inexplicable impulse to beat people. You stood there for a long time and looked at the green spider on the human face. Now tell us you can tame it? You're kidding us!

"You two, my young master said you can tame it. Please open the cage!"

Seeing the sledgehammer's opening, Su De motioned from the beginning. Su Qianhe opened the cage and watched how the pretending guy played the trick.

Bai miserable jumped down directly, and the human faced green spider sprayed a poison directly, and then Bai was hit, his face smoked and fell down


Su Deqi and Su Qianhe are silly. NIMA is a pit cargo. Where is the chief animal trainer? It's a funny comparison!

Su Qianhe said to Li dachui, "your young master seems to have been poisoned..."

The sledgehammer said faintly, "it's just poison. How can you hurt my young master? You two look at it!"

Previously, in white fog city, sledgehammer saw Bai miserable's immortal skill. Bai miserable told sledgehammer... This is his unique secret immortal heavenly skill, and asked him not to publicize it.

Sledgehammer immediately made a heaven oath and vowed to keep the secret to the death. Bai miserable nodded with satisfaction. Sledgehammer is reassuring.

Sure enough, after a while, Bai miserable stood up unharmed. Su Qianhe was stunned, but guessed, "your young master has prepared in advance... To detoxify the green spider on human face?"

Sledgehammer smiled and said nothing

Su Qianhe continued, "just because it can detoxify doesn't mean that the human faced green spider will be tamed..."

At this time, a white and miserable voice came from the pit, "sledgehammer, take a tame animal ring down!"

Li Da Chui takes out an animal training ring, jumps into the pit and gives it to Bai miserable. He only sees that the human faced green spider spits out a mouthful of green blood essence, and then Bai miserable directly receives the human faced green spider and returns to the ground.


Su Qianhe and Su De floated "100000 whys" in their hearts. This... This... Will they accept it?

In the past, I also got antidotes to meet it. Why was it indifferent after it attacked?

You were sprayed with green poison by him. Why did you tame it? Su Qianhe was hurt in his heart and looked at Bai miserably.

Bai miserable saw their doubts and said with a light smile, "it's predestined with me!"

After that, Bai miserable still let sledgehammer take the previous cultivation resources to Su De.

Then he summoned the crane girl to ride away, and the sledgehammer summoned the golden Lingtian Falcon to follow.

After they left, SUD said leisurely, "maybe... He... Is really... The king of beasts... The chief animal trainer!"

"It would be better for a human faced green spider to follow him than me!" Su Qianhe said in his heart.

Bai miserable returns to the general's house!

Hearing Bai miserable say that he succeeded in getting the green spider on the human face, night country and Nangong are very happy

Bai miserably let the human faced green spider out for you to see. The night kingdom was surprised. "It's worthy of being the chief animal trainer of the beast king clan. I tamed it as soon as I went. You know, I saw the human faced green spider in the Su family when I was a child. They haven't been tamed in the Su family for so long!"

After a conversation, Bai miserable follows Nangong Qing to the place where the baby crying ice toad is locked up!

The ice toad was crying, but its voice was like a baby crying. It was very strange. It was snow-white and one meter in size.

"Aunt Nangong, I just need a little baby crying ice Toad's blood!" Bai miserable said.

"Yes, yes, but... You have to promise me a condition!" Nangong smiled.


The night country didn't understand, "madam, are you just a little blood or for saving people, not to mention Xiaobai..."

"What? Do you want to kneel on the Durian?" Nangong smiled.


Night country instantly shut up and gave Bai miserable a helpless look

"Nangong aunt, please say!" Bai miserable secretly laughed.

"Be my adopted son!"

The night Kingdom and others stared at Nangong tilt. The night Kingdom immediately understood, laughed and said to Bai, "Xiaobai, that's right. As long as you promise to sit on my adopted son, I can give it to you, on the premise that you can tame it."


Bai miserable thought in his heart that the night country and Nangong Qing really love Yesi, unlike the Bai family during the day

In Yesi's memory, the most is the love of his mother and the father son quarrelling with his father

Looking at their expectant eyes and their bodies shaking slightly, Bai miserable knows that they really hope

In part of my memory, these two people are my parents, and my memory is still very deep.

Bai miserable must have knelt on the ground and said sincerely, "adoptive father and adoptive mother are on the, please accept the child's worship!"

"OK... Ok... My night country has another son!"

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