Deep in the forbidden area of little Vajra sect, there is a Vajra secret place!

There is a huge open space in the secret territory!

After Di Qiu arrived with Bai miserable, there were already twelve strong ancestors of the little Vajra sect waiting here, including the supreme ancestor Feng Guice!

Of course, the patriarch Zhuang Yan and others also came later, but they didn't approach, but guarded on one side

"Is this the little guy you call Bai miserable? It's ordinary!"

Feng Guice looked at it and said weakly.

"Hey... You can't say that, old master. There's a good saying, it's called returning to nature. The more ordinary it looks, the more likely it is to be a strong man."

Bai miserable boasted.

"Oh? Interesting, you little guy can make di Qiu value it. There are really different things..."

"However, if you want to break into the holy land of the twelve trials of my little King Kong sect, you must be absolutely loyal to my little King Kong sect."

Feng Guice chuckled.

"This is no problem. Do you need me to make a heavenly oath?"

Bai miserable replied casually.

"It's not enough. You have to plant a Vajra curse!"

Feng Guice said seriously.


"Vajra mantra? What's the use?"

Bai miserable asked curiously.

"Once you plant the Vajra mantra, you must not violate the mantra, otherwise the Vajra mantra will turn Vajra into a demon and kill you!"

Feng Guice explained.


Di Qiu relieved the atmosphere with an awkward smile

"Xiaobai, the holy land of the twelve trials is related to the future of our little Vajra sect. Therefore, we have to be careful. As long as you don't violate the mantra, you'll be fine. When you practice to the eternal realm, the Vajra mantra will be broken easily."

"Of course, we won't embarrass you. As long as you break through the twelve holy places of trial, practice the little King Kong formula, and help us complete one thing in the future, we will solve the King Kong curse for you immediately, and won't restrict your freedom, even if you want to leave the little King Kong sect."

Bai miserable doesn't care. He also knows what DiQiu said to complete a thing. Anyway, if DiQiu doesn't say, he will do it.

And don't say a Vajra mantra, there will be hundreds more, which will be white and miserable without fear.

"Understand, understand, predecessors, let's start. I can't wait to break into the holy land of the twelve trials..."

Bai miserable said eagerly.

At the same time, Bai miserable added in his heart, "go to the twelve holy places to eat up all the cultivation resources!"

Looking at Bai miserable, he promised without thinking. The twelve strong ancestors were very happy.

"We think too much. This little guy is definitely not the dark hand of the great sun Dynasty, but the talented boy in the lower boundary."

Subsequently, Bai miserable was planted with the Vajra curse by Feng Guice.

Then Bai miserable made another heaven oath.

Seeing that there were both guarantees, Feng Guice's thin face finally had a ruddy color. It seemed very happy.

"Di Qiu, open the holy land of twelve trials!"

When Feng Guice said it, di Qiu, Zhuang Yan and others collectively knelt down and knelt down to the twelve ancestors.

Bai miserable saw this and muttered in his heart, "just open a twelve trial holy land. Do you need to be so grand?"

Then, di Qiu took out a twelve story trial pagoda, which was engraved with Buddha and King Kong. It was very strange!

Di Qiu put the pagoda on the flat ground, then tied a strange Dharma seal into the pagoda and drank:

"Di Qiu, the trial elder of the 314th generation Little King Kong sect, open the twelve trial holy places, listen to my edict, open!"


The test pagoda blooms golden light and suddenly becomes bigger and towering into the clouds!

After a while

I saw a huge pagoda, impressively appeared in front of Bai miserable, comparable to a huge mountain!

"No wonder the Deathly council brought itself to the open space of the secret land. It turned out that the holy land of the twelve saints was like this."

Bai miserable smacked his tongue in his heart.

"Brother Bai, this is a pagoda of trail level!"

Two girls said.

Bai miserable nodded and could defeat the inheritance left by Fu Tiandi, a strong man of Tianzhi family, which could be so simple!

This makes Bai miserable feel more excited, so he is more sure that there are countless natural treasures on each floor of the pagoda.

Bai miserable drools when he thinks about it. Di Qiucheng doesn't deceive me!

At this time, di Qiu said, "Xiaobai, go in! Try the twelve floors of the pagoda. There are defenders on each floor. The strength is the same as you. You can only defeat the defenders by your own strength. I hope you can break through. If you are defeated or even killed by the defenders, the spirit of the pagoda will naturally spread to you!"

"Don't worry, di Changlao, I will break through for the resources of little Vajra sect... Oh, no! For the future of little Vajra sect!"

Bai Zhen was so excited that he spoke his heart.

But white and thick skinned, just think you haven't said it.


The twelve ancestors were covered with black lines one by one. They felt white and miserable, which was a little unreliable.

Bai miserably waved and resolutely entered towards the entrance of the pagoda.

It's just Bai miserable's impatient action and drooling food expression

Let Zhuang Yan and others have a burst of blue tendons, and they were very suspicious, "can this white tragedy really break through?"

Seeing that Bai miserable had entered the testing pagoda, the great grandfather Feng Guice said faintly, "I'm about to die, so let me sacrifice first!"

After that, Feng Guice's hands were sealed and his strength poured into the first floor of the test pagoda.

In order to completely open the trial of the little King Kong sect's trial pagoda, it requires the full strength of at least 12 strong people with ten Heavenly peaks in the heavenly soul realm to awaken the defenders.

In the past, the little King Kong sect didn't care about this power at all.

But for today's Little King Kong sect, it is undoubtedly a huge loss.

The top ten strongmen in the heaven soul realm are already the ultimate strongmen they can reach.

Opening the holy land of twelve trials means losing at least one top strong person.

The people of little Vajra sect are bleeding, but they have to do so.

Therefore, every time the twelve holy places of trials are opened, the little Vajra sect will be cautious. Otherwise, once those who break into the holy places of trials fail, it will be a great loss.

The twelve ancestors of the little Vajra sect are old. Losing their strength is equivalent to sacrificing their own lives.

Soon, Feng Guice's strength was absorbed by the first layer of the test pagoda, and Feng Guice fell!

Zhuang Yan, di Qiu and others knelt down to Feng Guice's body.

Then use the prepared golden coffin to load Feng Guice's body, and then put it away temporarily. After the Bai miserable trial is completed, it will be buried to the great grandfather.

All this, Bai miserable doesn't know. The people of the little King Kong sect won't tell Bai miserable, let alone let Bai miserable know.

At the moment, Bai miserable is trying to find Tiancai and Dibao on the first floor of the holy land.

It's very big here. The pagoda has its own space. You can't see the end at a glance. You don't know how big it is.

But here, there are stones everywhere, not to mention natural materials and earth treasures, not even a spirit grass.

"Mother chicken, is di Qiu's old food biting me?"

Bai miserable spits blood in his heart.

At this time, the earth began to tremble, making Bai miserable almost unstable.

"What's the matter? Did the watchman appear?"

"Yes, it must be the watchman. Maybe Tiancai and Dibao are there."

Suddenly, the earth split, Bai miserable directly showed his emptiness and flew up.

In the huge crack, a huge stone freak climbed out

"Brother Bai, this is the undead. The undead of the split earth stone people is huge and has strong defense."

Myna youyou said.

Bai miserable wants to take out a red weapon to fight with it, but Bai miserable is stunned to find that neither prison ring nor Najie can be opened, as if they were blocked.

"Brother Bai, don't bother. This pagoda blocks everything. You can only defeat it by your own strength!"

"By the way, brother Bai, don't be killed. Even if you have an immortal body, it is estimated that once you are killed, you will be regarded as a failure of the challenge and immediately spread."

Starling said.


In that case, Bai miserable didn't dare to turn to death, so he had to fight it with prison force


At this time, the cracked stone man who climbed out roared and came towards the white Massacre

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