Looking at the cracked stone man who attacked, Bai miserable directly released the three magic powers.

Blue sky shadow assist, blessing speed.

Amazing power assists, increases physical strength and resilience.

With the help of emperor, emperor and daughter, you can reduce the attack power of the split stone man.

Then, black flash unbounded domain and purple turn counter black hole are used for avoidance and defense. Red flame flower burial world flash fist is the main attack move.

In this way, Bai miserable and the cracked stone man began to work.

The space is shaking, the earth is cracking, and the rocks are flying, as if two fierce beasts were fighting.

Although the cracked earth stone man is a dead soul, he is controlled by the spirit of the test pagoda. His strength is just like the white tragedy of releasing all his combat power.

In other words, the greater the power of Bai miserable, the stronger its power.

Similarly, the smaller the power of Bai miserable, the weaker its power.

Fortunately, he has powerful and amazing recovery power, otherwise Bai miserable can't really do the cracked stone man.

The body is huge, the power is the same as yourself, and the defense is compared with the purple turn - inverse black hole.

The key is that the stone attack controlled by the split stone man makes Bai miserable very upset.

This can't help but make Bai miserable think of the little stone duck. His infinite ability to control stones is disgusting.

It can be said that Bai miserable tried his best to bang down with the cracked stone man, half weight and half weight, and was in a tie for a time.

"Red flame - flower burial world - Flash fist system!"


Bai miserable punches back the cracked stone man again.

But they just fought back and didn't hurt it, because the huge body of the cracked stone man was protected by layers of spirit stones.

Just now, Bai miserable's all-out punch just knocked out its spirit stone defense.


The cracked Stone Man roared again, and his fist bigger than Bai miserable blew down again.

"His grandmother's, the twelve holy places for trials left by Fu Tiandi are too pit father! The first floor is so difficult to do. It's a wool!"

White make complaints about black flash - no boundaries, hide behind, loudly Tucao Dao.

In fact, it's no wonder that Fu Tiandi will leave this inheritance, because the little Vajra formula has too high physical requirements.

This is the powerful body refining skill of Buddhism. It uses the power of the laws of heaven and earth to refine the body and break the boundaries of the body.

But in the end, it is still from the law into the Tao, but the comprehensive strength is much stronger than most of the law.

But there are too few geniuses with special physique in the world.

Therefore, Fu Tiandi left this test.

As long as there are younger disciples who can pass the twelve holy places of trial step by step, it also proves that they meet the standard of cultivating "little Vajra formula".

At that time, you can also practice the little Vajra formula and practice it step by step to perfection!

There are many talents challenged by the little Vajra sect, but none of them can fight to the 12th floor.

Most of the time, it was eliminated when it reached the tenth floor.

Unfortunately, before this genius could grow up, the most terrible war in the history of tianwu broke out, leading to the fall of Xiao Jin gangzong, the most promising genius.

The test pagoda has no sun and moon. I don't know how long it took

Bai miserable's prison power is completely consumed, and he can no longer perform the three moves of the three body formula.

Originally, Bai miserable thought he would lose, but he was stunned to find out.

When his prison power dissipated, the power of the cracked stone man also decreased sharply and became the same power as that in the middle of the white tragedy central environment.

"Hey! I'll go! Is the defender's power synchronized with me in this test?"

In order to confirm the accuracy, Bai miserable fought with the cracked stone man with colorless Zhenli.

"Green dragon binding heaven style!"

Bai miserable made a knife with his hand and instantly cut a huge green dragon to bind the feet of the stone man.

The cracked stone man really couldn't get away and fell down.

"Oh, Huo? You're miserable, you're miserable, cracked stone man..."

Seeing the power synchronization, Bai miserable was very excited.

Then, Bai miserable successively performed the green dragon binding heaven style, tied the limbs of the cracked stone man and wrapped his neck, so that the cracked stone man couldn't get up.

We can only use the power of the middle stage of the central territory. The split earth stone man can't get rid of the white and miserable green dragon binding the sky. This move is terrible.

Looking at the cracked stone man who could only roar, Bai miserable shouted to the pagoda, "taling, did I win?"

Who knows, an arrogant voice sounded in the empty space, "it doesn't count! Only fatal injury to the defender can be regarded as victory."


Make complaints about the miserable.

But now we can only find a way to deal with the cracked stone man.

Bai miserably looked at the huge cracked stone man, but it was only his neck that had better start.

Therefore, Bai miserable grinned and directly displayed the "white tiger breaking the sky" to attack its neck

Huge white tiger, breaking out powerful destructive power!

This is a move that can break the sky. Few people dare to carry it hard in the same realm!


The white tiger burst into the crack of the stone man's neck and immediately threw stones everywhere.

Looking at a gap in the crack stone man's neck, Bai miserable breathed a sigh of relief.

I was just worried about the synchronization of power. It seems that the defense is also synchronized.

Bai miserable thinks so.

If the strength is synchronized, the defense is not synchronized, and the strength level is low, how can we defeat this split stone man? We don't have to fight at all.

Soon, when Bai miserable almost ran out of colorless real power, the cracked stone man's neck was blown off.


The voice of Tallinn sounded again.

Suddenly, a portal appeared, and the cracked stone man returned to the ground after his head recovered.

This made Bai miserable stunned.

"Hey? It's over? I won. There's no reward? Where's Tiancai and Dibao?"

Bai miserable shouted.

"There is no treasure reward on the first floor!"

Tallinn said this directly.


Bai miserable read for a while, and then said, "can I recover and go to the second floor?"

"Of course, my strength here has great resilience, and your state will recover soon."

Said Tallinn.


Bai miserable despised for a while. It's not as fast as his own death.

Then Bai miserable committed suicide directly, which surprised taling.

"Huh? Committed suicide?"

Soon, Bai miserable man came back to life, and then said boldly, "your resilience is not as fast as brother's. don't envy brother. Brother is just a legend!"


Taling appeared in human form and looked at Bai miserable in amazement.

At this time, Zhuang Yan and others outside the pagoda were excited when they saw that the first floor of the pagoda was lit, "Bai miserable passed the first level."

"I knew Xiaobai would not let me down!"

DiQiu was overjoyed.

"OK, OK, brother didn't sacrifice in vain. Then it's my turn next."

With that, Feng Zhenyong, the second ancestor, directly transmitted his power to the pagoda, and the defenders of the test holy land on the second floor were awakened.

All the strong men of the little Vajra sect knelt down and said, "congratulations on the road!"

Later, when Feng Zhenyong's ancestor fell, the people also put his body in a golden coffin and put it away.


At this time, Bai miserable had passed through the portal and came to the holy land of trial on the second floor.

The second floor turned out to be a swamp.

Bai miserable shows his emptiness, just in case!

Before the second layer watchman appeared, Bai miserable hurriedly wandered around looking for Tiancai and Dibao.

But after searching for a while, Bai miserable didn't find anything, and Starling couldn't smell any magic medicine.

Suddenly, Bai miserable's eyes lit up, looked at the swamp, and then went straight down.

Just for a while, there was a loud bang, and Bai was blown out by something.

That huge force could affect the space, and Bai was blown out of his blood.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Bai miserable showed his power to startle the sky and other means, otherwise he would die.

"Can't you? The watchman on this floor can affect the space?"

Bai miserably smacked his tongue.

"Brother Bai, it's estimated that the tower spirit saw you use space means. Therefore, weaken the space of this trial place to the extent that the watchman can influence."

Starling explained.


At this time, a huge dark shadow sprang out from under the swamp.


"Sleeping trough! Nine heads?"

Bai looked at the watchman in front of him in dismay.

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