When the five elements kill the sky array is activated, the power of the law of the five elements attribute gushes out and turns into the invincible power of the five elements.

This is a peerless killing array!

In those years, the Lord of the five elements Avenue developed the five elements sky killing array through the array of the old man.

The Lord of the five elements Avenue once killed countless strong people of the Tianzhi family with this five elements killing Tianzhen pit!

Dabao moved it out again. Wuxinzi naturally fell in love with this array.

Originally, wuxinzi wanted to arrange a nine day and ten earth array, but this array is mainly to trap others, and its killing power is a little weak.

The five elements kill heaven array not only has the power of five elements blockade, but also has the terrible power of five elements killing and cutting in the world.

Naturally, wuxinzi chose the array that Dabao said.

Of course, wuxinzi not only arranged the five element sky killing array, but also arranged other terrible arrays, which took several years.

Once the strong break in, even the ten strong can't easily leave the falling Moon Valley.

All the strongmen such as beizhanhai and xingyuezun who came under siege were trapped and killed by the five elements sky array and other large arrays!

Just at the beginning, many strong men of Xuanwu Island fell.

You should know that most of these strong people are strong people who understand power and potential, and they are the main strong people in Xuanwu island.

All of a sudden, I lost so much. Beizhanhai was directly crazy

"Roar! There's a terrorist killing array here. Get out!"

However, once the five elements sky killing array and other large arrays are started, it is extremely difficult to quit.

Unless you have absolute strength to break through these large arrays, or you have peerless treasures.

But obviously, most of the strong people in Xuanwu Island don't have it. They can't retreat. They can only fight hard!

Xingyuezun also soon found this, burst into a loud drink and reminded: "these large arrays are too strong. Don't think of retreating. Kill them with my speed. Find the person who arranged the array and kill them. The large array will naturally break through!"

Up to now, Beizhan sea and other strong men can only fight hard.

The five elements kill heaven array has continuously evolved Jinpeng, Mulong, water tiger, Huofeng and earth Xuanwu to attack the strong.

Even if the strong of Xuanwu island are famous for their defense, they can't withstand the repeated attacks of the five elements.

Bai miserably looked at the falling powerful men and said, "awesome! Is this the five elements sky killing array? It's too terrible! Can't even the ten powerful men kill?"

"How is that possible?"

"Brother Bai, no matter how powerful the array is, it also depends on the array base. The array base of our five element sky killing array is a big treasure. The big treasure is an imperial weapon spirit. It can exert the greatest power, so it can kill the five powerful at most."

"If the avenue level weapon spirit is used as the array base, it is no problem to easily kill the strong in the avenue environment. Unfortunately, the flag weapon spirit of Tianyan array has grown with me, and has not reached the level of King level weapon spirit yet."

"You see, those guys who have reached the top five have been able to resist the attack of the five elements kill heaven array, but they can't resist for long."

"It's hard to kill those strong people who exceed the five potential. They're just trapped at most."

Wuxinzi explained.

Bai Pang naturally saw that the strong ones with more than five potential, such as beizhanhai and xingyuezun, were only resisted by a steady stream of five element attacks and other auxiliary arrays, which could not cause much damage to them.

"Dabao, can you control the array yourself?"

Bai miserable asked.

"Don't worry, brother Bai. I'm the most familiar with controlling the array."

Dabao replied confidently.

"That's good!"

"Elder brother Xiaoyao, you go to cooperate with the five elements sky killing array to hunt the strong who are weaker than you. Wuxinzi and I will hunt those who are stronger."

"Let's split up and kill the others, and then kill xingyuezun together. Since these guys are here, don't let them run away!"

White miserable eyes linglie said.

"No problem!"

After that, Dongli's free and unfettered combat power is fully open, and he directly goes to hunt and kill the strong on Xuanwu island.

What's terrible is that under the control of Dabao, the strongman of Xuanwu Island sees the appearance of Dongli carefree, which is the appearance of a water tiger.

However, the "water tiger" transformed by Dongli Xiaoyao is extremely strong. A strong man with five potentials on Xuanwu island was directly killed by this "water tiger" before he had time to respond!

"Roar! Be careful, everyone. There is an extremely terrible water tiger. Its power seems to be no worse than that of the island owner!"


As soon as the other strong men listened, they immediately fell into great despair.

They can't escape, but they can't kill and kill. They can only wait for death in despair, or wait for the island owners to break through quickly.

They vowed that this was the most desperate moment they had ever experienced, and every minute and every second was a great suffering!

And Bai miserable and wuxinzi have been eyeing an elder level strong man in Xingyue palace, which is a strong man with eight potentials!

Bai miserably released the fire bar and motioned it to release the void sky fire against the enemy from a long distance.

Huoba naturally turns into a "fire phoenix" with the help of Dabao, and then catches a strong man, which is the art of wildly spraying white fireball. How happy it is!

For a time, it also caused great trouble to many strong people.

"Wuxinzi, use your Vulcan helmet again, and the third time is reserved for the last Xingyue Zun."

"Let's fight side by side again. The time to hunt our opponents has begun."

Bai miserably smiled.

"OK, look at me, brother Bai!"

With that, wuxinzi put on the broken Vulcan helmet, triggered the Vulcan helmet for the second time, and instantly turned into a powerful flame giant God.

Facing this giant flame God, Dabao can't change its form through the array.

Bai miserable was transformed into a "wooden dragon" by Dabao. Bai miserable's combat power was fully opened and killed the eight powerful men directly.

The strong wind of the stars and moon killed Bai miserable as a normal wooden dragon, but the wooden dragon split in two by itself did not dissipate and continued to kill him.

Bai miserably held up the prison empty ancient knife and cut it to the Xingyue wind. According to the Xingyue wind, it was caught by the wooden dragon claw.

The star moon sword in the hand of the star moon gale continues to cut off.



The star moon wind is silly. Are the wooden dragon's claws harder than his body?

At the moment when the star moon gale was stunned, wuxinzi who stepped on the flag of Tianyan array appeared and manipulated the flame giant god to give a heavy blow to the star moon gale.

Just a fire fist, it directly killed the star moon wind.

Naturally, the scene here was seen by Xingyue Zun not far away.

"Roar! Damn it, how dare you kill the elder of our sect and surround the flame giant god together. Maybe he is the one who arranges the array."

Xingyuezun roared, and then he took a group of strong men to kill wuxinzi.

Where will wuxinzi give xingyuezun the opportunity to directly move and disappear with Bai miserable in an instant and find trouble with other strong people.

In this way, a battle between hunting and anti hunting continues in this sunset valley.

No, later!

Huoshen Valley, Zhendou sect and other strong people also came to the falling Moon Valley.

When Xingyue Youshang learned that Xingyue Zun and others were trapped in the Moon Valley, he was foolish. He ignored Xie Xunfeng, led the strong to directly transmit to Zhanxing sect through the transmission array, and then rushed to the Moon Valley at full speed.

Xie Xunfeng saw that Xingyue Youshang was so hot, and then shameless also borrowed the transmission array of Xingyue palace to have a look.

Of course, after hearing about the fall of the Moon Valley, other powerful people who inherited the power of the Taoist king also went there curiously to understand the situation.

For a time, the whole tianwu region became lively again because of the falling Moon Valley event.

Tianwu city!

Long Yan rubbed his forehead, indicating that he had a headache.

He already knew about the falling Moon Valley and that Bai miserable was doing something.

"Headache, I really want to drive this little evil star to other big worlds!"

In order to prevent many strong people from falling because of the falling Moon Valley event, Long Yan had to leave for the falling Moon Valley reluctantly.

Now, outside the Moon Valley!

Huoshen Jing, the leader of Huoshen Valley, has felt the power of Huoshen helmet and determined that the little thief is in Luoyue valley.

"The God of fire will listen!"


"Follow me into the array, kill thieves and seize the helmet!"


After the order of Huoshen Jing, the leader of Huoshen Valley, directly took the lead in breaking into the falling Moon Valley.

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