This can make zhendouzong and other strong people smack their tongue.

They can feel the terrible array in the falling Moon Valley here, but the powerful people in the Vulcan Valley broke in without hesitation.

That means that the thieves of the flame giant god must be inside, that is, the two disciples suspected to be their true douzong are also in the falling Moon Valley.

"Grandpa, what should I do? Do you want to kill them together and save the two first?"

A real douzong strongman asked.

"Isn't this nonsense?"

"We really fight against the sect, the noble Taoist King inherits his power, and has broken through the forbidden area of life several times. Will we be afraid of the falling Moon Valley?"

"Go, follow me in. Don't provoke others. Retreat when you find those two precious disciples."

The ancestor of Zhendou sect is extremely confident in the strength of himself and others!

Just when zhendouzong wanted to break in, Long Yan came and directly prevented the strong men of zhendouzong from breaking into the falling Moon Valley.

"Er... Lord boundary guardian, why did you stop us from going in to save people?"

Zhendou Zong looked at Long Yan puzzled.

"That's for your good."

Long Yan looked at the falling Moon Valley and frowned.


The strong men of Zhendou sect looked confused.

Then, Long Yan looked at all the strong ones, including the strong ones inherited by Daojun such as Xingyue Youshang and Xie Xunfeng, and then spoke seriously:

"Except for the ten strong ones, all the others dispersed."

The guardian of the world speaks. Although these strong people don't understand, they can only listen to orders.

Therefore, there are only ten powerful people outside the falling Moon Valley, such as Xingyue Youshang.

"Lord boundary guardian, my son Xingyue is respected inside. Is it OK for me to go in and save him?"

Xingyue Youshang looked at Long Yan anxiously.

"As for you, do as you please. Don't blame me for not reminding you when something happens."

After saying that, Long Yan stabilized the space of the falling Moon Valley and left directly.

Anyway, most of the people were ordered to leave. The remaining ten powerful people were free to toss around. Long Yan didn't want to take care of so many things about Bai miserable.

The little evil star is white and miserable. Long Yan is really afraid of him now.

Seeing that Long Yan was gone, these strong men afterthought Long Yan's words.

Of course, Xingyue Youshang didn't think so much. He directly broke into yuezun, the Savior of the falling Moon Valley.

In order to save the so-called two "disciples", the ancestors of Zhendou sect also broke in directly.

Xie Xunfeng naturally wants to see how Bai Xinshen and Dongli Xiaoyao killed xingyuezun. Then he will see if he can rescue him and plunge into the array.

As for the other strong ceiling people, they are not so impulsive. Anyway, they come to the theatre. There is no need to take risks in order to see the theatre.

At this moment, in the falling Moon Valley, a huge flame giant god is fighting with strong people such as Xingyue Zun!

Originally, in order to break the array as soon as possible, xingyuezun directly used a powerful means to fix the star beads.

This is the powerful Avenue device of Xingyue palace. The strong locked by the fixed star beads will be fixed there and immediately fix the space.

Unless the strength is strong enough to get rid of the power released by the fixed star beads, it can only be set there.

Unable to escape, wuxinzi had to control the flame giant God and release the powerful fire power to attack the enemy in situ.

Bai miserable is responsible for attracting strong attacks such as Xingyue Zun for wuxinzi, but Bai miserable can't play much role at all.

In desperation, Bai miserable asked wuxinzi to hold on for a while, while he went to find Dabao, and then asked Dabao to use the power of Bing Daowen. This time, he would kill Xingyue Zun anyway.

Xingyuezun, beizhanhai and other powerful people, together with their own powerful treasures, have the combat power of nearly ten powerful people.

Enough to fight the heartless flame giant!

The power of the God of fire is rapidly consumed. Those who are forced to use the power of the God of fire helmet for the third time.

It's a plan that can't keep up with the change!

I didn't expect Xingyue Zun to have a big way to fix the beads in the sky. It can be seen how much Xingyue palace values Xingyue Zun!

No wonder Long Yan ran away.

Although these guys are in the law realm, they fight and take out the inheritance treasures. They are more and more cruel. Where can they provoke them.

As long as they don't make a big noise, Long Yan won't bother to pay attention.

"The power of the Vulcan helmet is over there. Rush over at speed!"

The God of fire has great power in Beijing. He takes a large team of God of fire generals to rush over while resisting the attacks of the five elements kill heaven array and other large arrays.

Not to mention, the big array here completely surprised the God of fire Kyoto.

"Who put up the array? Why is it so terrible?"

As for Xingyue Youshang, Xie Xunfeng and zhenneng, they naturally feel the fierce battle between wuxinzi and the strong not far away!

The three strong men are also with their own thoughts to resist the big array!

"Brother Bai, hurry up. I can't hold it."

I feel that the Vulcan power of the Vulcan helmet is about to be exhausted, so I'm not in a hurry.

Bai miserable soon returned to Dabao, "Dabao, come on! Let the array run independently and use your power of Bing Dao Wen to help me kill the enemy!"

"Ah? This..."

After all, Dabao hasn't been with Bai miserable for so long. Let him make full use of the power of Bing Daowen, which will hurt his flesh for a long time.

It's hard for him to recover without special natural materials and treasures.

At this time, er Niu showed up and said with a mouthful: "Dabao, will you help? If you don't help, I'll learn Xiaoran and don't worship you."

"Ah? No, er Niu, you appreciate my brother's talent. If you don't be my little fan sister, I'll die of boredom and loneliness!"

At ordinary times, when Er Niu wakes up from her recovery in Tiandao, Wuxing Town, Dabao takes Er Niu crazy dancing and singing. It's just two live treasures that often make trouble.

Fortunately, Bai miserable can't perceive... The noise of two instrument spirits in the five elements Zhentian Dao. Otherwise, Bai miserable may have a headache.

After Dabao promised, he manipulated the array to target others, and then let the array run by itself.

Then, Dabao released the powerful power of Bing Dao Wen and entered Bai miserable's body.

In an instant, Bai miserable's power soared to the level of the top ten, which is the limit that Bai miserable can reach.

"Brother Bai, this can reduce my loss to the greatest extent. You can solve the enemy as soon as possible so that I can stop indoctrinating you with the power of military Dao Wen as soon as possible."

After Dabao said this, he and Erniu went back to Tiandao in Wuxing town.

Bai miserable directly held the five elements Zhentian Dao in his hand, and then wrapped it with the golden red prison force integrating the power of the Dao pattern of the Dabao soldier. In this way, no one could recognize the Dao.

If Er Niu's power of military pattern is good at recovery, then Da Bao's power of military pattern is good at attack, the ultimate fierce attack.

"Xingyuezun, you can't run this time."

After that, Bai miserable immediately came directly to wuxinzi.

At this moment, the power of Vulcan helmet is exhausted, and Vulcan helmet is also taken away by Xingyue Zun.

Seeing that the heartless child was about to be killed, Bai miserable's eyes coagulated, "white tiger breaks the sky!"

The powerful golden red prison force turned into a huge white tiger hundreds of meters and cut it to xingyuezun and others.

Where the white tiger passes, the space is broken. Even the killing power of the five elements kill heaven array is broken. It's amazing!

This is the first time Bai miserable saw the power of platinum formula. He couldn't help sighing: "originally... The white tiger breaking the sky is so powerful!"

Strong people such as xingyuezun have felt the terror of the "white tiger". They don't dare to resist hard and directly flee in panic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai miserable came to the Pearl of the fixed star sky and cut it directly.


This space was directly cut into pieces, and a crack appeared in the fixed star bead, which was cut away, and the heartless son was able to get out of trouble.

"Wow, brother Bai, you have such strong power. Why didn't you use it earlier? I was almost cold."

No heart son after getting out of trouble, make complaints about it.

"You hide first, and then give it to me."

Bai miserable stared at Xingyue Zun and said.

"OK, I'll prepare a surprise for them!"

With that, wuxinzi disappeared.

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