Awakened the blood Guardian power of the ancestor Xingyue Avenue!

Although xingyuezun has no power of Tao patterns, his physical strength has far exceeded that of the strong in Xiaodao territory.

This is a long time ago, the leaders of the endless world carried out an inheritance plan to let some of the top powers of the jiuchongtian in the avenue realm return to the six realms to leave inheritance and cultivate future generations!

That's why there are the so-called Daojun inheritance forces behind!

At that time, the king of Xingyue Avenue returned to the tianwu world, founded Xingyue palace, and left this powerful blood Guardian force to return to the endless world!

So far, I have never returned to the tianwu world.

All previous masters of Xingyue palace regard this Guardian force as the strongest secret treasure.

It was not until Xingyue Zun was born and showed his unparalleled talent that Xingyue palace passed it to Xingyue Zun and warned Xingyue Zun that it should not be used easily until the moment of life and death!

Now, Xingyue Zun can only choose to use this force between life and death in baimiserable pit.

Feel the incomparable power of the whole body, which is not only the power of blood, but also the power of flesh.

Xingyue Zun is confident. Now he can easily blow up a small world with one punch.

It's even easier to deal with Bai miserable!

"Bai miserable, you can force me to use the guardian power of my ancestors. You really surprised me!"

Xingyuezun looked at Bai miserably cold

That look, I wish I could cut Bai miserable alive hundreds of millions of times.

In the face of Xingyue Zun now, Bai miserable has a bitter face. It's still a hair. It's estimated that he can't even beat a hair of Xingyue Zun.

Bai miserable had to take the five element Tiandao back into his soul space again, then spread out his hands and said helplessly: "Xingyue Zun, you are cruel!"

Looking at Bai miserable who has accepted his fate, Xingyue Zun is extremely comfortable, "let me play with you and blow you into the depths of the void!"

The angry Xingyue Zun immediately came to Bai miserable and grabbed it with one hand

He wants to blow up baimiserable countless times. If he doesn't die, blow him into the abyss again!

Just as Bai miserable was preparing to be tortured, suddenly two dark green thunders burst out of Bai miserable's eyes and turned into two dark green people.

A day shift, a night thought!

Xingyue Zun was shocked and instantly retreated far away


Bai was stunned.

At the same time, the two voices sounded in Bai miserable's mind, "help you before we sleep, so that you won't be driven into the abyss of nothingness again. However, there will soon be strong people who will find here, and then we will have to sleep."

Then, the day shift and Yesi looked at Xingyue Zun expressionless.

Xingyuezun's heart beats wildly. He can feel the strength of these two strange people. It seems that they are no weaker than him now!

"Is this... The guardian force in Bai miserable's soul?"

As soon as Xingyue Zun thought about it, day shift and Yesi made a move.

Xingyuezun quickly fight with all his strength!

Day shift and night thinking have no gorgeous moves, but some are the simplest, most violent and most rapid punches and kicks!

But it was a fist and a foot, as if the world was destroyed by thunder, which exploded the void storm.

Bang Bang

Two to one, Xingyue Zun was beaten and lost!

Even if Xingyue Zun uses a powerful star shadow secret method and a star sky killing move, it is useless!

Seven stars, instantly exploded by the day shift!

Yesi smashed the star sky with one foot.

Xingyuezun was beaten and screamed repeatedly. He once doubted life!

The power of day shift and night thinking is a little stronger than Xingyue Zun.

Although they are attacking Xingyue Zun, they still can't kill Xingyue Zun in a short time.

We can only do our best to cripple Xingyue Zun.

The three men's battle lasted less than a quarter of an hour. The day shift and Yesi felt it and directly turned into dark green thunder and returned to Bai miserable's eyes.

Bai miserable knows that it is estimated that the strong are coming. They don't seem to want to be found.

After looking at the dying xingyuezun, Bai miserable wanted to go up and make up a knife.

Just then, a light came from the depths of the void in the blink of an eye.

An alcoholic, suddenly appeared here!

When an alcoholic saw that it was Bai miserable and Xingyue Zun who had only half his life, his eyes suddenly coagulated, "Bai miserable, what did you do?"

"An alcoholic elder, yes, I did it with Starling. Let me make up for him first?"

Bai miserably takes out the prison empty ancient knife and is going to chop Xingyue Zun.


An alcoholic stopped quickly.

Just when the day shift and night thought appeared, the Lord of the six gates sensed the changes here.

That is their familiar and unknown power!

The Tianzhi family is ready to move recently, and the Tiandao masters seem to have moved again. They can't come to confirm in person in case the Tianzhi family finds a flaw!

Therefore, the sixth gate master quickly asked an alcoholic to come to investigate!

"Did you get those two strange forces just now?"

A drunkard looked at Bai miserably.

"There's no way. Xingyue Zun used the guardian power of Xingyue Avenue Jun, and I couldn't beat him. Therefore, let starling stun me and make me lose consciousness. When I wake up, Xingyue Zun will lie there."

Bai miserable found a reason to prevaricate.

After all, when a drunkard was in the Yang heart, he saw the dark green thunder power in his unconscious eyes.

Listen to Bai miserable's explanation, an alcoholic also knows something.

He has experienced the horror of white and dark green thunder.

It is estimated that the dark green thunder appeared, and the direct dialogue between xingyuezun and xingyuezun appeared, which led the sect leader to sense the change of this power.

An alcoholic immediately reported the situation here.

When the sect leader learned about it, he asked an alcoholic to return to the endless world at a high speed and brought Xingyue Zun back. The sect leader mainly understood the battle between Xingyue Zun and Bai miserable!

So, an alcoholic took a look at Xingyue Zun, then inhaled it into his hands and thought, "the capital that Xingyue boy has been forcing in the endless world is this little guy. His talent is really good!"

Seeing this, Bai miserable immediately shouted, "Hey, an alcoholic elder, he knows my secret and let me kill him. It's all over!"

"I will erase his recent memory. Xingyue Zun will die and have to die on the battlefield of the heavenly family. You'd better do less harm to the seeds of genius in the six realms!"

After that, an alcoholic left in an instant.

It seems that Xingyue Zun was taken by him to the endless world.

In this way, Bai miserable completely lost the opportunity to kill Xingyue Zun. He can only make plans when he sees Xingyue Zun in the future.

Subsequently, Bai miserable began to make every effort to rush back to tianwu and Luoyue valley.

When Xingyue Zun was taken away from tianwu world to the endless world, Xingyue Youshang felt a sense and panicked in an instant. He no longer paid attention to the neuropathy of Huoshen Jing!

"My son Xingyue Zun!"

Xingyue Youshang roared wildly, and then quickly returned to tianwu domain. He wanted to return to Xingyue palace as soon as possible and contact the ancestor Xingyue Avenue Jun.

Seeing this, Huoshen Jing stopped shooting, but said in doubt, "did the little thief die?"

After that, huoshenjing also returned to tianwu domain.

Soon, Bai miserable, Xingyue Youshang and huoshenjing came out of the void and returned to the valley of the falling moon.

Xie Xunfeng and zhenneng didn't find Bai miserable and others in the void. They had returned here in advance.

Xingyue Youshang saw that Bai miserable was safe, but he didn't see Xingyue Zun. He immediately roared to Bai miserable: "Bai Xinshen, where's my son Xingyue Zun?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm dead!"

Bai miserable said unhappily.

Failing to kill Xingyue Zun has made Bai miserable depressed to death.

Xingyue Youshang dared to jump out and yell at him. It's amazing that Bai miserable didn't work with him.

Knowing that there could be no more delay, Xingyue Youshang roared angrily, "Bai Xinshen, if my son has any long and short, Xingyue palace will pursue you and all the people related to you forever!"

Just as Xingyue Youshang was about to return to Xingyue palace from the void, wuxinzi suddenly took Dongli carefree and laughed over the falling Moon Valley:

"Everyone, the surprise is ready!"

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