All the strong were stunned and looked at Xiang wuxinzi.

At this time, wuxinzi detonated all the big arrays directly!


The strong are stupid.

These large arrays were detonated, but they were powerful enough to blow up the falling Moon Valley.

Even if the top ten are in the center of the explosion, it's enough to drink a pot!


The violent explosion directly raised a huge mushroom cloud in the falling Moon Valley!

The top ten in the appearance war of the falling Moon Valley were also shocked by the strong waves of the explosion, which directly retreated some

The strong people in the valley of the falling moon have suffered one by one!

The most powerful Xingyue Youshang and others were only lightly injured. After all, they had many means, that is, they were bombed like a beggar.

Many of the weaker ones, such as beizhanhai and Vulcan generals, were seriously injured.

They've been fighting and exhausted. It's good that they didn't die in this big explosion.

Bai miserable is safe, but his clothes are missing.

Without the help of the big array, Bai miserable is no longer ready to continue to make trouble.

Green mountains do not change, green water flows.

There is plenty of time to go to Xingyue palace in the future!

Therefore, Bai miserable rises in the air, joins up with wuxinzi and leaves directly.

Wu Yuan, who has been hiding in the empty air outside the falling Moon Valley, secretly followed him again after seeing Dongli carefree.

Xingyue Youshang didn't take anyone to chase Bai miserable. He cared about the life and death of Xingyue Zun.

Therefore, Xingyue Youshang angrily looked at the direction of the white tragic disappearance, and then returned to Xingyue palace with the speed of the disabled people.

I'm really interested in Bai miserable and hurried to catch up with him!

Xie Xunfeng felt his bare head with a headache. "Fuck, so many people, my hair was blown away. I knew to protect my head first."

After Tucao, Xie Xie Feng returned to the starwater hall from the void to make complaints about his bald head.

Huoshen Jing looked at the Huoshen general who had lost a lot and felt a little flesh pain.

However, the relic of the ancestor, the Vulcan helmet, was finally found, which was a great luck in misfortune, and the little thief was estimated to have died.

Thinking about it, Huoshen Jing and Huoshen generals rushed back to the divine world while healing.

To say who lost the most in the falling Moon Valley incident, it should be beizhanhai and others on Xuanwu island.

It can be said that the strong brought by the Northern War sea died in 7788.

Most of them were killed by Dongli Xiaoyao, a small number were killed by the five elements sky array, and some died in the war with the fire god general.

Beizhanhai's son beizhanyin is also in a semi waste state!

Their father and son returned to Xuanwu island with desolate faces!

As for the other strong ones, seeing that the dust of the falling Moon Valley event has settled, they will disperse themselves!

For a time, the whole tianwu region talked about the falling Moon Valley event, and there were different opinions!


Wuxinzi, who was moving, saw a strong man coming after him and said, "brother Bai, an old man followed us!"

Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao turned around and saw an old man who looked like a beggar and followed them very quickly.

"He is a strong man!"

Starling said.

"Heartless son, find a place to stop and see what's wrong with him!"

Bai miserable whispered.

Wuxinzi nodded, then found a mountain and blinked directly in the past.


I can finally catch up with Bai miserable and others.

Don't look awesome, but the power of Tian Yan Qi's shift is really giving strength. The ten strong men want to catch up with the heart for a short time, it is also very hard to do!

"Who are you, elder? Why are you following us?"

Bai Nai looked at it with a light smile. It was really.

"I'm the ancestor of Tiandou sect. I can really ask you if you have something."

I can say it directly.

"Oh? What's up?"

Bai miserable asked suspiciously.

"How dare you ask, little brother? Is he the god man who went to the top of Taoist mountain? And there is my token of Tiandou sect?"

I was very excited and asked.

If these three geniuses can be fooled into their own sect, Tiandou sect will greatly increase its strength!

Dongli Xiaoyao took out the token of Tiandou sect and explained, "yes, it's us. I went to Tiandou sect before and your sect leader Zhending gave it to me."

As soon as I heard that Dongli had gone to Tiandou sect before Xiaoyao, I could immediately rub my hands and invite him: "three little brothers, after a big war, the Star Moon Palace suffered heavy losses. I'm sure I won't give up. It's better to go back to Tiandou sect with old man. First, unnecessary trouble can be avoided. Second, old man admires the three!"

Bai miserably squints at the ancestor of Tiandou sect. When he sees the old man, he just wants to recruit three of them into his sect.

At the right time, Bai miserable doesn't consider where to go for the time being, and Tiandou sect was created by zhentiandou, the little disciple of the five elements Avenue Jun. Bai miserable also plans to go.

So Bai miserable pushed the boat along the river and said, "since the elder warmly invited us, the three of us will go with the elder."

"Oh, my little brother, I'm really worthy of being a God who can climb the top and watch the Taoist mountain. I'm just refreshing. Walk and lead the way!"

I'm so excited!

A genius who can follow Xingyue Zun who has liberated the life body in the sky, or a genius who can return safely from Xingyue Zun's pursuit of unity of law!

If this kind of God and man can join Tiandou sect, it will be the manifestation of the ancestor.


On the way!

I can really ask, "white little brother, where is Xingyue Zun? Did you die in the war?"

"No, I was saved. I should be in the endless world now!"

Bai miserable replied casually.

Hearing that xingyuezun is not dead, Dongli is carefree and lost.

But it's good. When he gets stronger in the future, he can find Xingyue Zun and avenge himself!

Although it is difficult to do, as long as we have firm faith, no matter how difficult the obstacles are, we can break through the past!


Xingyue palace!

After Xingyue Youshang came back through zhanxingzong transmission array, he went directly to the forbidden area, and then used the ancient inheritance means to contact the king of Xingyue Avenue.

"Ancestor, I'm the contemporary leader of Xingyue palace, Xingyue Youshang. I have something very important to report!"

Xingyue Youshang respectfully said.

The statue of the king of Xingyue Avenue released bursts of starlight, and a dignified voice sounded, "what's the matter?"

"My son Xingyue Zun fought with a young strong man and disappeared in the void. I sensed that he was no longer in the tianwu world, so I want to ask the ancestor to find me in the endless world."

Xingyue Youshang reported simply.

"Zun'er is fine. An alcoholic adult took him to the endless world and has informed me to pick him up. You don't have to worry."

After that, the statue of the king of Xingyue Avenue returned to calm.

After hearing that xingyuezun was all right, xingyueyoushang was relieved, then sat on the ground and wiped a cold sweat on his forehead.

For a long time, Xingyue Youshang said slowly, "what is the sanctity of baixinshen? The respected son after the unification of Dharma can't help him. His strength is not under me, and there are many means. Which force is the strong one trained?"

Then, Xingyue Youshang returned to the hall and ordered people to secretly investigate the trace and origin of Bai Xinshen, Dongli Xiaoyao and wuxinzi.

Moreover, he explained to his powerful forces that he was not allowed to trouble them without his orders.

With the strength of Bai Xinshen, to trouble them is to trouble yourself.

Without 100% assurance, Xingyue Youshang doesn't want to suffer any more.


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