The place of real cultivation was not far from his bedroom. Bai miserable soon came here.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the little brotherhood would come to find Lao Zao in person. Did you fall in love with Tiandou sect and want to be a platform here and move towards the big stage of the endless world?"

"Needless to say, I'm in charge of Tiandou sect myself. I'm sure. My little brother will be the ancestor of Tiandou sect in the future. His status is the same as that of Laojiu!"

"The key point of this matter is to inform the sect door and open the whole sect meeting as soon as possible."

Make complaints about automatic speaking, but only in the heart can you say "you can really make up!"



"I really can, Lao Zu. Which eye of yours saw that I was attracted to tiandouzong? I came to confirm something with you."

Bai miserably hurriedly interrupted me. I really can.

Otherwise, I don't know if the goods will be forced to bow. I directly inform the whole sect that he is the ancestor of Tiandou sect.

"Confirm something? What's up?"

I can't understand looking at Bai miserable.

Later, Bai miserable recovered his true face, and then said with a smile: "really, I'm Bai miserable. I'm lucky to return to the tianwu world. I hope I can really keep it a secret for me."

"Hiss... You escaped from the void abyss!"

What a shock to my ancestors.

Bai miserable smiled knowingly. Without too much explanation, he thought he had escaped from the abyss of emptiness.

"Zhenneng, I'm sure you know. I've preliminarily revealed to the genius of your clan that I'm destined to fight Zhentian, the ancestor of your clan. I don't know if you can really know?"

Bai miserable explained.

"I know about it. It's true that the boy did report it when he came back."

"Is... Little brother Bai really related to my ancestor?"

"Is brother Bai the descendant of my ancestor?"

After the shock, I can really guess.


Bai miserably rolled his eyes.

After some time of acquaintance, Bai miserable knew that Tiandou Zong was a real ancestor.

"I'm not the descendant of your ancestor. Besides, my surname is Bai. Your ancestor's surname is Zhen. It's true."

"I don't know if your clan still has contact with your ancestors?"

Bai miserable enters the theme.

"I haven't been in touch for a long time, but if I take some measures, I can still contact my ancestor. How do you know my ancestor, little brother?"

I can finally get serious.

"It's not that I know, but that the spirit of the sword I got knows the ancestor of your clan."

Bai miserable said truthfully.

"The spirit of the sword? You mean the supreme sword you used in the war with Xingyue Zun?"

I was stunned.

"That's right!"

Then Bai miserably took out the five element Zhentian Dao and said with a smile, "I don't know if I can really recognize this Dao?"

Bai miserable didn't use his strength to wrap the five elements Zhentian Dao this time. I can really see it naturally.

Looking at the half golden and half green five element Zhentian Dao, I can really stare, and then quickly take out a portrait.

In the portrait, a handsome man holds a war knife, which is the five element Zhentian knife.

"Hiss... Little brother Bai, don't tell me that this broken knife... Is the supreme sword of the king of five elements Avenue... Five elements Zhentian knife!"

It's amazing that my grandfather's shocked heart beat wildly.

At this time, Dabao and Erniu appeared, "old boy, you know the goods, it's us!"

"Oh, my God!"

It's really amazing that Lao Zu stepped back and fell, which made him almost confused.

Suddenly, I can really recall the battle between Bai miserable and xingyuezun. Is the white tiger and green dragon the unique skill of the king of the five elements Avenue, the formula of the five elements Avenue?

I'm not sure.

After all, the legend of the king of the five elements Avenue is too old.

Tiandou sect also left a secret about the king of the five elements Avenue.

It's true. I'm not sure. No wonder Xingyue Youshang and others didn't recognize Bai miserable's move inheritance.

"Brother Bai, have you got the inheritance of the king of the five elements Avenue and practiced the formula of the five elements Avenue?"

Really, my grandfather asked.

Bai miserable didn't hide it and truthfully told him, "it's not complete. After all, I only get platinum formula and green wood formula, which is not the formula of five elements Avenue."


Hearing Bai miserable's confirmation, I can really kneel down directly.

"Unfilial younger generation, meet Bai Zu and two Taizu Daoling."

"I don't know if it's the descendant of Taizu. Laojiu still wants to be brothers with Baizu. It's Laojiu's fault. Please punish Baizu."

Suddenly, all my clothes fell off, and I was naked in an instant.

"Oh, my God!"

Bai miserable covered his face and didn't see it.

That's right. Dabao, the stripper, untied zhenneng's clothes.

I can really feel chilly, but he didn't have a miserable order and didn't dare to move.

Bai miserable gave Dabao a shudder. "Who told you to undress? Er Niu, take Dabao back to the knife and teach him a lesson!"

"OK, brother Bai!"

With that, er Niu directly grabbed Dabao's ear and went back to Tiandao in Wuxing town.

Bai miserable looked awkwardly at zhenneng. Lao Zu said, "get up, don't call me Bai Zu, put on your clothes."

When he got up, he could really get dressed quickly. He knew Dabao did it, but he had no opinion in his heart and was very willing.

"Bai Zu, the generation can't be disordered. Otherwise, if the ancestor knew it, he would certainly hammer me to death. You are the descendant of the king of the five elements Avenue, the younger martial brother of the ancestor, and the ancestor of our Tiandou sect. Call you Bai Zu. You should."

Now it's really shocking and exciting.

He never thought that the young man of God who wanted to stay in Tiandou sect was the ancestor of their Tiandou sect. In this way, he didn't have to spend any more time on this matter.

"If there are outsiders, don't call me Baizu, just call me Xiaobai. If there is no one, call me Baizu again."

Bai miserable had to say so.

"Yes, please obey the order of Bai Zu."

It's true that my grandfather looked at Bai miserable respectfully like a child.

The change of time made Bai miserable a little uncomfortable.

"Well, when do you think you can contact... My senior brother, I have something to say to him."

Bai miserable said directly.

"Don't worry, Bai Zu. I can contact the ancestor of Tiandou in one day at most."

I can really promise.

"All right, then prepare as soon as possible. I'll go to tiandouzong for a walk. One day later, I'll come here to see you."

After saying that, Bai miserable directly showed his emptiness and left.

When Bai miserable left, I could really cheer with excitement, "ah Hoo!"

Soon, zhenneng's father calmed down, and then contacted the leader of Tiandou sect Zhending with a tone stone, "Xiaoding, are you dead?"


"Lao Zu, I'm not dead..."

Lord Zhending of Tiandou sect burst into tears.

"If you are not dead, go to find Bai Xinshen for me immediately. No matter what happens to the sect, you must accompany Bai Xinshen for me all the way today. He is a little dissatisfied. You are going to collect the body for yourself!"

After that, I can quickly find other top strongmen of laitiandou sect, and then go to the Holy Tiandou hall to get ready to contact the ancestor zhentiandou!

At the moment, Zhending was stunned. When he thought of the character that Zhenzu could do what he said, he was frightened all over and hurried to the main hall.

"Roar! Elder, all the affairs of the sect are left to you today. Our sect leader has an urgent matter to deal with."

After Zhending roared, he tried his best to find Bai miserable.

Leaving the elders and other strong people in the main hall, one by one, they were confused and forced, "what's the matter with the Lord? What emergency does he want to deal with?"

At the moment, Bai miserable wanders around like a tourist somewhere in tiandouzong.

Soon, Bai miserable wandered outside a main hall, where Tiandou sect disciples competed with each other.

Bai miserably looked up at the name of the hall "the hall of fighting", and he slipped in curiously.

Many talented disciples of Tiandou sect also saw Bai miserable come in. Several disciples gathered around, "which disciple are you? Why haven't you seen you before?"

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