Most of these disciples are external and internal disciples of Tiandou sect.

Powerful core disciples and inheriting disciples will not compete here. They have a special competition platform.

Naturally, it's normal that these disciples haven't seen Bai miserable.

"I'm a new disciple. I came here to learn about the environment."

Bai miserable said casually.


It was the first time they heard that disciples came here to understand the environment.

"Ah, don't say that senior brothers don't take care of you. This is the hall of fighting, which is specially used for our disciples to compete and cultivate at ordinary times."

"The battle platform here, except No. 1, can be used at will as long as no one competes."

Said an outside disciple.

"Why can't platform one work?"

Bai miserable asked curiously.

"The newcomer, remember, it's a special platform for senior brother Qi Jiang and senior sister Zhenxie."

"Although they are not here at ordinary times, they occasionally come to duel. If they find someone occupied when they come, the occupied disciples will be miserable."

Another disciple of the outer gate said in fear.

"Yes, elder martial brother Qi Jiang and elder martial sister Zhenxie are the strongest internal disciples of our Tiandou sect. They are tied for the first place. No one can do anything."

"In order to compete for the first position, they will meet and compete with each other after they have some understanding or breakthrough."

The outside disciple next to him agreed.

Bai miserably said, "thank you for your guidance. I'll go after a look."

Later, Bai miserable watched many disciples of the next Tiandou sect compete with each other.

They all practiced the true martial arts Sutra, and most of them did not understand the potential.

In Tiandou sect, only disciples who understand the potential can have the opportunity to be promoted as core disciples.

A disciple who does not understand the potential can never become a core disciple.

As for inheritance disciples, that is monster level genius, just like true unification!

Maybe the whole Tiandou sect really belongs to such an inheritance disciple.

Not to mention, it's a special flavor to watch these disciples compete with each other here.

Bai Nai likes the atmosphere very much. Everyone practices the strongest skills. They compete and discuss with each other purely to become stronger.

It can be said that Tiandou sect is an extremely special inheritance force in the six worlds.

Because they didn't hide their clumsiness, they just gave the best skill "true martial arts classic" to all their disciples for cultivation.

Unlike other inheriting forces, most of them only pass the best skill to the disciples with strong talent.

In Tiandou sect, as long as you are not afraid of hardship, willing to work hard and diligent, you can become stronger!

This is why the disciples of Tiandou sect are the largest sect among the six inheritance forces.

Because of this welfare, it is absolutely the first in the world!

In order to watch the competition of these disciples, Bai miserable found an unmanned platform in the middle, jumped up directly, and then sat there to watch the war.

Looking at it, Bai miserable couldn't help thinking of Dabi, Nanding City, the beast king of the mainland.

At that time, various geniuses competed with each other, and the eight immortals crossed the sea to show their magic powers.

Soon, a disciple was shocked to find that there was a man sitting on platform 1.

"Look! A boy dares to run to the No. 1 platform!"

As soon as the disciple exclaimed, many disciples immediately looked at Bai miserable.

"Wow, man, you are so awesome that you dare to sit on platform one."

An inner disciple boasted.


Bai miserable was speechless.

This platform is clearly in the middle. You told me that this is platform 1?

This is No. 1 battle platform. What is the number of battle platform closest to the inside?

At this time, two figures quickly flew into the hall of fighting.

"It's senior brother Qi Jiang and senior sister Zhenxie. They must have come to compete for the quota of tianwu battlefield."

A disciple exclaimed.

"Tianwu battlefield?"

Bai Nai wondered.

But Bai miserable didn't want to be targeted by the two disciples, so he came down from the battle platform.

But Qi Jiang and Zhenxie both saw that Bai miserable had just sat on their sacred No. 1 battle platform. This is their mutual affection and competitive battle platform, which has special significance.

Therefore, before they were promoted to core disciples, they would not allow other disciples to use this platform, and warned internal and external disciples.

Both internal and external disciples basically know this.

Unexpectedly, I saw someone on the No. 1 platform today!

So the two of them who flew to No. 1 battle platform stared at Bai miserable coldly and said faintly, "smelly boy, which disciple are you? Come up and be punished!"

Seeing this, other internal and external disciples observed silence for Bai miserable.

"The new comer is the new comer. Now you're in trouble!"

"You can't get down without being skinned."

A disciple muttered.

Bai miserable looked at them and smiled, then explained: "elder martial brothers and sisters, I'm new here and don't understand the rules. I don't know this is No. 1 battle platform. Please forgive me. I'll invite you to tea another day!"


General Qi said coldly, "hum! New comers will be punished even more. It's your new lengtouqing who is most likely to break the rules. Don't you see the big red word" one "on the edge of the stage?"

Bai miserable noticed that there was a red "one" on the four sides of the battle platform. Before, he thought it was a symbol. Now it seems to offend the two disciples.

Meanwhile, the white heart is so good that what the two make complaints about?

"Ah, I remember. The patriarch has something to do with me. I have to do it."

With that, Bai miserable wanted to leave directly, so he didn't bother to bully the children here.

Although these children are strong one by one.

Qi Jiang and Zhenxie, in particular, are obviously talented disciples who understand the potential. They may not be able to fight with their own strength alone.

How can I say that I am also a person who can be called by Tiandou sect's real ancestor. I am the highest generation of Tiandou sect. How can I have the same experience as my younger generation.

Therefore, the thirty-six strategies are the best!

But Bai miserable wants to go. Qi Jiang and Zhenxie won't let Bai miserable go.

"Throw him on the stage."

Qi Jiang said directly.

The disciples who watched the play had to surround Bai miserable and said, "little brother, I can't help you."


Bai miserable was directly carried up by the people and then thrown onto the battle platform.


Bai miserably patted his ass, and then painstakingly said, "I tell you, I don't want to see things like you, otherwise, I would have deceived the small with the big.


The people were speechless. They felt that the disciple had a pit in his mind.

As for the strong in the dark of the hall of fighting, they don't care about these disciples. As long as they don't hurt the foundation of martial arts or risk their lives, they usually don't fight.

At this time, Zhenxie, in order to solve Bai miserable quickly, then fought with general Qi and said faintly: "don't say we didn't give you a chance, we two, you can choose one to fight. In a quarter of an hour, you can walk down the platform."

The disciples under the stage were surprised. "You're lucky, new. Elder martial sister Zhenxie just asked you to fight for a quarter of an hour. Normally, it's two quarters of an hour!"

Bai miserable said angrily, "then I have to thank her?"

Seeing Bai miserable, the disciples didn't feel nervous. They also smacked their tongue, "he's so calm!"

Then, Bai Nai said to Zhenxie and Qi Jiang shrewdly, "which one of you is weaker? I'll choose the one."



They pointed at each other and said.

"You're weak!"

Qi Jiang said seriously.

"With you? I'm a little better than you!"

Really evil said displeased.

"You are weak!"

"You are weak!"

The two are not giving in to each other.

Bai Nai smiled and said, "why don't you fight? Whoever loses, fight with me. Come on, I'll shout one, two, three, you start! Three, start!"

After that, Bai miserable hurried away.

They were ready to go to war. Suddenly they felt something was wrong. They seemed to be fooled by Bai miserably.

They looked at Bai miserable who had run to the door of the hall of fighting, and shouted angrily at the same time:

"Don't run!"

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