"My friend, hurry up, the game is about to start."

At the entrance of the stadium, Zhao Dongyang shouted to Tie Xiao behind him with an anxious look on his face.

"Why are you in such a hurry? The competition doesn't start until 4 o'clock. It's only 3:30 now. We can crawl in even if we want."

Tie Xiao was holding two cups of drinks he had just bought and responded as he walked.

"Don't you see there are so many people inside? If we get late, it will be hard for us to squeeze in. We have to go in early to get a good seat."

""Okay, okay, we're about to go in."

Tie Xiao said impatiently.

As he spoke, he handed a drink to Zhao Dongyang.

Zhao Dongyang took the drink, then took out two tickets and handed them to the ticket checker next to him. These two tickets were brought to them by Lin Rui this morning.

"There are so many people! There are more spectators than during our games. It's incomparable."

After passing the ticket gate and entering the stadium, Tie Xiao couldn't help but sigh at the huge crowds in the stadium.

"Nonsense, this is the Spanish Second Division anyway, it is the highest level except for the Spanish First Division. There must be a lot of people. Our league is two levels lower than theirs, how can we compare?"

Zhao Dongyang said unhappily, he couldn't stand Tie Xiao's country bumpkin look who had never seen the world.

"That's true. I really envy Brother Lin for being able to play in front of so many spectators. I wish we could have the same treatment one day."

"Come on, if you really let me play in front of so many people, maybe your legs will be weak. It will be embarrassing enough."

Zhao Dongyang never forgets to mock the other party.

"Hey! Are you looking for a beating?

Tie Xiao was immediately upset and rolled up his sleeves to teach the other party a lesson.

"Hey! That's enough, a gentleman talks instead of fighting, don't you think Brother Lin will be nervous? After all, this is his first competition."

Zhao Dongyang waved his hand quickly to change the subject, he couldn't afford to offend the big guy Tie Xiao.

Hearing this question, Tie Xiao was fooled, thought about it seriously and said:"Well, it's really possible, after all, it's the first time, we have to cheer him up later."

""Yes! We have to support Brother Lin."

Zhao Dongyang also nodded in agreement.

At this moment, his eyes swept across a stand not far away, then he pushed Tie Xiao's shoulder and said,"Look over there, isn't that Aunt Claudia from our players' restaurant? She's here too, let's go over and say hello."

Tie Xiao looked in the direction of Zhao Dongyang's finger, and saw Aunt Claudia, who was wearing a large Atletico Madrid jersey, waving a team scarf and cheering there.

At this time, Claudia changed from her usual serious and calm demeanor and turned into a fanatical fan. Like the other fans around her, she kept cheering and singing, like an innocent child.

Tie Xiao had never seen Claudia like this before, and was a little stunned for a moment.

"Are you sure, that's... Aunt Claudia? The restaurant manager?"

Tie Xiao looked at Zhao Dongyang in confusion.

"Should be... right."

Zhao Dongyang was a little confused when Tie Xiao asked him this.

The main reason was that the contrast was too great. The current Claudia was completely different from the Claudia they usually saw.

"No matter whether it is true or not, we will know after we go over and say hello."

Tie Xiao pulled Zhao Dongyang, who was still a little dazed, towards where Klauya was.

Fortunately, the two were very close to Klauya, and they were next to her in no time.

""Um... Aunt Klauya?"

Tie Xiao called out cautiously.

Hearing someone calling her, Klauya turned around and saw that it was Tie Xiao and the others, and immediately smiled.

"Oh, it's you, Tie, and Zhao, you two are here too? Are you here to cheer for Lin?"

Claudia's words immediately made Tie and Xiao feel relieved. It seemed that they had not recognized the wrong person.

"Yeah, you too?"

"Yes, yesterday Lin said he was on the roster and invited me to watch his game, so I came, and I brought my old friends with me."

Klauya said, pointing to the middle-aged men and women next to her.

Tie Xiao and the others then noticed that Klauya was not alone, she had called a few companions.

Most of those people were in their 40s and 50s, both men and women.

Seeing Klauya pointing in their direction, several people also waved to Tie Xiao and the others.

"Hey! Claudia, I still don't quite understand why you dragged us to watch such a Serie B game? You know, if you hadn't come to me, I would have gone to Levante with the first team. You know, that's the opening game, I think the boys in the first team really need us to cheer them on."

A burly man with a thick beard looked at Claudia with an unhappy look on his face and said

"Didn't I tell you, Rei? I asked you to come here today to cheer for a very interesting Chinese boy. This is what I promised him."

Klauia explained impatiently.

"I really don't understand what's so good about a Chinese. China is a football desert. I don't think there is anything worth cheering for the players who come out of there."

After hearing what Rey said, before Klauia could speak, Tie Xiao and Zhao Dongyang next to them were upset. This bearded man said that Chinese players were not good in front of them. Isn't this scolding a bald man in front of a monk?

Tie Xiao was the first to argue:"Uncle, what are you talking about? Don't look down on the Chinese. What Aunt Klauia said about Lin Rui just now will definitely surprise you"

"Oh! Really? Boy, you better be careful with your words. If what you said about Lin Rui doesn't satisfy me, I will curse you." The bearded man called Lei Yi was obviously not a good person either. He immediately glared at Tie Xiao.

He had a ferocious face and a tall and strong figure. He was really scary when he got angry.

However, Tie Xiao was not afraid of being scared. He immediately responded tit for tat:"What if Lin Rui's performance is good?"

"Then I will apologize in public and admit that you Chinese are very powerful."

Lei Yi said very simply

""Okay, then you wait for the apology." Tie Xiao said and ignored the other party.

Klauia next to him saw the dispute between the two but did not stop it, but just watched with a smile.

In fact, she still agreed with what Rey said in her heart. In her impression, there are really no outstanding Chinese players.

If it weren't for Lin Rui's invitation, she would definitely not come this time.

After all, a Western Second Division game is really nothing to watch.

You know, she usually goes to the La Liga stadium to watch the game.

The reason why she brought a few old friends was because she felt that it was too boring to come alone, and she had to bring a few people to take the blame.

If it's boring, everyone will be bored together.

And as a backbone member of the famous Atletico Madrid fan organization Forward Elite, it is easy to pull a few people to accompany her.

This is also the reason why the companions she brought kept complaining.

After all, everyone's time is precious It's too expensive, and it's a shame to waste it on such a second-tier league game.

At this time, when he met Tie Xiao and the other two young men, who were refuting them right away, the hot-tempered Rei was of course unhappy.

He had already thought about it. If the Chinese boy they were talking about didn't perform well, he would definitely teach the two arrogant guys in front of him a lesson.

There were still more than ten minutes before the start of the game, and the players from both sides of the game had already filed out of the player channel.

Seeing Lin Rui walking in the middle of the main lineup, Tie Xiao and Zhao Dongyang cheered.

Klauia next to them also cheered a few times symbolically, while the others watched coldly with an expression of being on the sidelines. At this time, the fans of the home team also found that there was an Asian player in Atletico Madrid's lineup, and they immediately started to talk about it.

"Where did that Asian player come from? Why haven't I seen him before? Is he Korean or Japanese?"

"I don't know either. Look at the player's name on the big screen over there. Um... Rui... Lin. This should be a Chinese."

"Chinese? When did the team have a Chinese? Can Chinese play football? I have never seen Chinese in the top European competitions. It is said that their national team is ranked outside the top 100 in the world."

"Oh, that's too bad! Is there no one else available for Marcelo? They put this guy in the starting lineup. Except for being tall, there's really nothing good about him."


Listening to these discussions, Tie Xiao and Zhao Dongyang were both a little annoyed and a little discouraged.

China's football level is there, and there is no way to deny it. It is normal to be looked down upon.

After all, if you want to be looked up to, you must first be self-reliant. If you have made dazzling achievements, others will naturally look up to you.

On the contrary, if you are not strong enough, you will clamor all day long that this one looks down on me, that one looks down on me, and you are all wrong.

That is a typical giant baby.

So at this moment, Tie Xiao and Zhao Dongyang did not continue to argue with those who spoke rudely.

At this time, they hoped that Lin Rui could slap these people in the face with his performance on the field.

They believed that by that time, these people would definitely change their faces. At this time on the court, the players of both sides had already started the pre-match ceremony.

The pre-match ceremony of the Western Second Division is very simple. The players of both sides took photos, shook hands, and then exchanged team flags and guessed the sides, which was considered completed.

When the players from both sides shook hands, Lin Rui observed that there were several tall players in the Athletic Bilbao B team on the opposite side. They looked muscular and were not easy to mess with. The

Bilbao players on the opposite side were also a little surprised at Lin Rui, a player with an Asian face.

Asians are rarely seen in European competitions, especially in Spain.

However, after being surprised, these people showed contempt in their eyes.

This Atletico Madrid really has no one, so they asked such an Asian to come over.

Can Asians play football?

When shaking hands, there was even a Bilbao player who refused to shake hands with Lin Rui.

Lin Rui looked at the nearly two-meter-tall, disdainful sturdy man in front of him, and felt a little strange.

What does this idiot mean? Is he a psychopath?

For such a provocation, Lin Rui certainly would not indulge the other party. He curled his lips in disdain and didn't even look at the other party.

This made the strong man on the opposite side very angry. He threatened Lin Rui in his ear:"Boy, you'd better remember me, Olayaga. When we get to the court, I will definitely make you look good. I promise!"

Lin Rui looked at him strangely, as if he was looking at an idiot. A trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and he shot back:"Really? Then we'll see if you have the ability."

Hearing Lin Rui's words, Olayaga's face became even uglier.

However, at this time, the players from both sides were still shaking hands, and he didn't have the opportunity to say anything more. He glared at Lin Rui fiercely, and then turned away.

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