"Hey! Lin, what did the big guy across from you say to you just now?"

Silvio, who was next to Lin Rui, came over and asked with concern.

"It's okay, that guy told me to be careful on the court, he said he wanted to teach me a lesson."

Lin Rui said indifferently

"Lin, you have to be careful, that guy is the most notorious butcher in the Bilbao team. It is said that many forwards have fallen under his feet."

Hearing Lin Rui's words, Silvio's face became a little solemn.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll be careful."Lin Rui said nonchalantly.

Hearing Lin Rui's words, Silvio was still a little worried, but he didn't say anything more.

At this time, the team captain and goalkeeper Moggi had finished guessing the side, and Atletico B got the right to kick off. Bilbao B got the right to choose the side.

In the end, Bilbao chose the west goal, which was facing the sun, so that Atletico's players would face the dazzling sun when they attacked.

And they were facing the sun when they attacked.

This would be very beneficial to them.

The players of both sides who had chosen the venue stood in formation according to their positions on the field, waiting for the referee to blow the whistle to start the game.

The referee of this game was the famous Spanish Second Division referee Danny Just.

This referee is said to be a doctor, and he has always been known for his strict law enforcement in the Spanish Second Division.

Just stared at the watch on his wrist, and when the hour hand pointed to four o'clock, he immediately blew the whistle to start the game.


As the referee blew the whistle, the players on both sides immediately started to move. Lin Rui knocked the ball back to Silvio behind him, and he quickly moved forward.

At this time, the system's voice sounded in his mind.

"Triggering task: Best debut. Task content: Win the first professional game and score at least one goal. Task reward: A gold gift package."

Hearing this voice, Lin Rui, who was running, was stunned for a moment.

This is another task.

The last task brought him a lot of gains. I wonder what I can gain from this task?

He couldn't help but feel a little yearning.

But just as he was stunned, the football was passed to him.

He subconsciously stretched out his foot to catch it, but it was empty and the football rolled past his feet.

When he wanted to chase it again, the football had been intercepted by the Bilbao defender, and then a long pass was kicked to the front court.

"What the hell is this? If they can't even catch this kind of ball, what is that Chinese guy doing?"

"I said this guy is unreliable, right?"

"Is Marcelo stupid? Why did he send such a thing to the field? Is Atletico Madrid out of people?"


The fans who saw this scene suddenly became agitated.

All kinds of complaints were flying everywhere.

Tie Xiao and Zhao Dongyang in the stands were also a little embarrassed at this time. They looked at Lei Yi who was teasing beside them, and their faces were hot.

"Don't worry, the game has just started, we have to give young people the opportunity to make mistakes."

Klauia on the side was also comforting several other emotional companions.

But her face was also a little embarrassed.

She never thought that Lin Rui would do this to her just after the game started.

This kind of low-level mistake is really too amateur.

At this time, she no longer had much hope for Lin Rui's performance.

On the sidelines, Marcelo saw that Lin Rui messed up the first time he received the ball, and he shook his head. What is this guy doing? Sleepwalking?

Marcelo thought with some dissatisfaction.

But he also knew that this was Lin Rui's first professional game after all. It was normal to be a little nervous in front of so many people.

I just hope he can overcome it as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will be really difficult for him.

On the court, the football kicked out by the Bilbao defender fell at the feet of Bilbao striker No. 11 Seguin.

Seguin made a light stop and unloaded the football.

At this time, because Atletico Madrid was attacking, the team's overall formation was pressing forward.

At this time, he was suddenly interrupted, resulting in only two Atletico central defenders left to defend in front of Seguin. Seguin saw the opportunity and immediately dribbled forward, attracting two Atletico defenders to intercept him.

But at this moment, Seguin directly passed the ball sideways.

On his passing line, Bilbao's other striker Oteo had already come up.

After receiving Seguin's pass, he took the opportunity to bring the ball into the penalty area.

At this time, only Atletico goalkeeper Moggi was left in front of him.

Facing Moggi who had left the goal, Oteo made a low shot, and the ball passed by Moggi's side and went directly into the lower left corner of Atletico's goal.

The ball went in!

Oteo saw the ball enter the net, and immediately turned around and ran with his arms open.

All the players of Bilbao B team also swarmed up and surrounded Oteo, and a group of people celebrated in front of Atletico's goal.

"Oops! The ball went in. It was so frustrating to lose this ball. A mistake in the frontcourt was seized by the opponent. Atletico's defense needs to be strengthened. But it was also because the mistake was too sudden, allowing Atletico's entire defense line to be broken by the opponent without any preparation."

The voice of the on-site commentator was full of regret.

The home team fans in the surrounding stands were also silent at this time, and everyone showed an expression of disbelief.

The ball was lost just now?

You know, the game has just started for less than two minutes.

On the other side, the few away fans at the scene began to cheer wildly.

Although the sound waves formed were not loud due to the small number of people, it was extremely harsh.

The Atletico fans who reacted immediately booed, which suppressed the cheers of the away fans.

"It's all the fault of that Chinese kid. If he hadn't been distracted, how could the team lose the ball? I told you that guy is no good."

In the stands, Rey was looking very angry with his big eyes.

Several other teammates also echoed and complained about Lin Rui's mistake.

And this time even Klauia didn't speak out to stop him. It was obvious that she was also a little dissatisfied.

Tie Xiao and Zhao Dongyang next to them were blushing at this time, but they couldn't refute it.

Because it was indeed Lin Rui's mistake that led to the final loss of the ball.

The two could only remain silent and silently endure the cold words of the people around them. Seeing that the two young players didn't speak, Rey didn't continue to embarrass them, but the disdain in his eyes could not be concealed. Marcello on the sidelines couldn't bear it anymore. He paused and dropped the mineral water bottle in his hand.

He already regretted letting Lin Rui start the game.

Although that guy usually performs very well in training, he just loses his temper in the official game.

Now that the opponent has scored a goal first, this game will be difficult to play.

You know, Bilbao is famous for its defensive counterattacks.

Letting the opponent score first will make the opponent's defensive counterattack more confident.

Anyway, they are already one goal ahead, even if neither side scores a goal later, the opponent will win.

And if they want to win at home, they can only attack.

And attacking will create loopholes in defense.

If there are more in the middle... If the opponent seizes an opportunity, there will be no need to play this game.

Marcello was full of worries about this.

He had already thought about it. If Lin Rui could not quickly integrate into the game in the first half, he would definitely replace him after the halftime break.

And if Lin Rui was replaced by the midfield, what awaited him would be a long bench career.

This is the cruelty of professional football. If you are given an opportunity and you cannot grasp it, then what awaits you will be a not-so-bright future.

At this time, Lin Rui, who was walking back on the court, certainly did not know the coach's plan.

He was also very depressed about the loss of the ball just now.

Unexpectedly , He was distracted for a moment, and the opponent seized the opportunity.

This feeling was really different from the usual training games.

The nerves of the players on both sides were highly tense.

In this situation, any lack of concentration could have serious consequences.

Thinking of the system's tasks, he became a little anxious.

After the opponent scored a goal, it became more difficult to complete the system's tasks.

If he failed to complete the task, his golden gift package would be wasted.

He would never let this happen.

But just when he wanted to return to his own half to kick off, a very annoying voice came from behind him.

"Hey! How do you feel, Chinese boy? Is it good? I will make you feel better later."

Lin Rui turned around and saw the ugly face of Olayaga.

At this time, the other party was looking at Lin Rui with a joking face, his eyes full of contempt.

Lin Rui's mistake just now was intercepted by the opponent.

It can be said that the goal just now was initiated by the opponent.

So at this time he was very proud, and at the same time he was even more disdainful of Lin Rui.


Lin Rui would not tolerate the other party, and directly gave the other party a Chinese curse, regardless of whether the other party could understand it or not, and turned around and ran back to his own half.

Although Olayaga did not understand what Lin Rui's Chinese words just now meant, he was sure that it was not a good thing.

He stared at Lin Rui's back and spit viciously.

""Just wait, you'll see what happens!" Olayaga cursed viciously.

The football was placed in the center circle again, and the players from both sides returned to their respective half.

Lin Rui stood next to the football again.

He knew that some of his teammates behind him looked at him strangely.

Although no one said much, they were definitely dissatisfied with his mistake just now.

But Lin Rui didn't care. As a professional player, he had to bear all this pressure.

As long as he could score a goal later, all this would be reversed immediately.

The key is that your mentality must not be affected. Otherwise, if your mentality jumps, it would be a fantasy to want to perform well.

At this time, the referee saw that the players from both sides were ready, and immediately blew the whistle to start the game.


As the whistle sounded, players from both sides immediately started moving again.

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