Galactic Union Japan
- 49 - (medium)
'… This is inside a very huge spacecraft called Tierkmaska, the central headquarters ship of the Union of Galactic Republics of Tierkmaska, stationed just halfway between Miyake and Oshima, we are sending you a relay from the Grand Conference Hall…'
Japan Broadcasting Association. The reporter of the so-called NHK relayed in a harsh voice colour from the United Central Headquarters ship Tierkmaska.
Other Japanese companies of national liberation. Key media abroad. Press distribution companies will now be allowed to relay and interview, and camera cannon lines will focus on the conference hall.
Whatever the hell the relay is, it's a relay of the signing ceremony for Japan's membership of the Tierkmaska Union.
This time, in a compromise with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the media from around the world were thus allowed to relay, but since individual interviews with officials from various countries of the Union, such as outside the official press conference, are still strictly prohibited, the corresponding manuals were challenged to relay this time with one hand so that the bureaux would not do the wheeling in the usual way.
Next to it are people from the volunteer wide area press from all over the Tilian countries.
They don't do interviews for profit. I am not going to do individual interviews or anything like that.
But Tierkmaska, a recording device. With a serious look in one hand, he seemed to be 'recording' how this meeting was going.
A civil law reporter somewhere tried to interview an Iseira wide area reporter with the same sense of fellow media, Sa was flat-handed and controlled and turned down. He doesn't respond to a word.
In these places, companies in the global press feel the difference in their skin from the global world. The bureau's reporter, who tried to interview him, is messed up and peppered by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who have suffocated.
Tilian wide area reporters simply shoot and flush. It's completely neutral. Therefore, we will try to gather the most accurate information possible. So it is important to capture footage that covers everything.
Like someone else, there is no concept per se that we want to stumble on our claims or just what is convenient for the company's ideology.
Not to mention that they don't have the very notion of exaggerating or distorting small events in the most plausible way, like Acha's party agency newspapers and local newspapers.
They never miscount at least 20,000 people to 110,000, or understand the difference between the number of servants and the actual number of people.
The NHK cameras point the cameras at a deliberate venue where the ceremony does not yet begin, shooting the appearance of the various races and streaming them into the teahouse.
The Isailans were originally Kailas, Permiras and Discars to the Dustals.
The Samarkans and Mr. Zamur are now a hot topic in the world, not just in Japan.
Others appear to be coming from Hamoul, which is now a non-member country.
They are also bird races, but different designs from Mr. Ise are watching and intriguing.
There are many other races. Some species have never met Kashiwagi either.
Wait until such a race begins to meet together in the giant conference room of this ship.
NHK cameras take a telephoto of a corner of the Japanese seat.
Then there you will see Mahatma Kashiwagi, the "Chief Minister for Tierkumasuka".
He seems to be bickering with a well-physique, middle-aged, male-style Iseira...
"It's been a while. General Hestle."
"It's a hiccup, Keller. It's good to see you again. '
Shake hands hard. The width of the swing up and down is also large.
"Is it Doe? Keller. Honorary Agent Il Carshell's title, do you fully use it?
"What are you talking about, General? He gave me the title of Erai, so I even broke into the military relationship of the private Titans. What will you do?"
Yes Kashiwaki says, Hestl laughs out loud.
"Hahahahahaha! Isn't that a good thing? As far as I'm concerned, it's a wish or a fulfillment, Digin."
"Nor - that's fine..." That's right. How about after that? of example… "
"Garg Derra, right?
Hestle looks a little serious.
"Keller, too, I think he already knows, but with the success of" Dilfield Gyorai, "most of them grew up together. The Dimensional Groove is no longer their private stadium."
"So does it feel pretty good already?
"Yes, there are still sporadic fights, but there's nothing like a series of fights that happened at the Taiyo Kay Gate in Selzent State so far."
Nevertheless, Hestle says this will probably just be a temporary one, too.
They're not stupid either. If such countermeasures were taken, we would naturally consider the manoeuvre to combat it again.
War is such a thing. Nevertheless, this must be a great achievement to have been able to invent a method by which the previously passive Tilian side could actively attack. Even then, contacts with developmental process civilizations were of great significance, Hestle says.
"And the status quo is in a good direction, Ga, because either way, we can't figure out who they are. It's like doing a dangerous pest extermination that springs up from somewhere. '
"I see... are you someone you can negotiate with?
'Come on? Whatever that is... just that being able to develop those weapons would definitely be the ones with the thought to at least make things logical and think. So, even if we could negotiate, I don't think it would make any sense... in fact...'
"In fact, what?
'No, that confidentiality may be leaking... that's what I'm talking about'
Silently nodding Kashiwagi.
He also reads the report on the example case of the Sileira. I was also aware of reports of suspicious missing persons and others there.
"So, right, Cashwagidaijin. I'll change the story, Ga. '
Hestle punches his bread hand and wiggles his index finger pi.
"Huh? Yes. What is it?"
'Ano, the manoeuvre weapon that Yalburn and Nihon's technical research institute have jointly developed... said Marjen Tsare, ca?
"Oh, yes. What's that?
"Arre, that's a good airframe! I would really like you to provide the design data. I thought I'd mass-produce a few at the Ministry of Defense quickly and give it a practical test."
"Ha. Really! So... I have to talk to Sawatari. But isn't that going to get caught up in the Three Principles of Transfer of Defence Equipment or something? Ma, I guess it doesn't matter because there will also be data with Yaru Defense... is it okay with the agreement or something?
Minister Kashiwagi says bumpy by himself. Made in Japan and Yarburn, it's the first defense equipment on Earth and the first in Japan. It is a big story that Tilian headquarters will appreciate that. In other words, Japan's defense and security department affects a huge security organization called the Tilian Ministry of Defense. The impact is enormous.
and talking like that, on the front porch of the grand conference hall, Marihail and Cyval. Gotobe appears, with a standing ovation, and applause rolls up.
The signing ceremony begins.
Hestle also shook his hand with Kashiwaki and returned to the seat where the Iseira formation was located.
Alternatively, Fell, who was bickering in the seat on Iseira's side, returns.
"Masatosan. Here we go, sir."
"Oh, yeah."
That said, Kashiwagi takes Fell's shoulder as he sticks his body together and looks out on the stage.
Then Marihail and Cyval. Then Gotobe waves from the platform in the direction of the guest seats where staff sit on the delegates of each country. It's not the wind where some ceremony takes place, nor does it feel like a narrative presenter comes out to your layers.
When the three wave on the stage, they try to sit on the long table, which seemed superior to seeing, which was prepared behind them, for a little while between the three.
The Iseira and Dustal staff, dressed in clean outfits, pull the chairs and seats the three, just as it is on Earth.
Next comes another staff member with a thick document beautifully bound by this elegant work again.
In Ti Lian, the kind of advanced and compact portable information equipment. For example, authorization of submissions is also a society that can interact with Switzerland through PVMCG, but when an advanced inter-state treaty is concluded, it is customary for them to sign what is now called paper.
The staff carefully sets up the paperwork and hands over the writing equipment.
Writing instruments. This is also a pen-like image thing in the Earth world. Things are set up at the desk, but it seems that Gotobe uses his favorite fountain pen.
Three people sign the paperwork with Slasla.
Marihail as the representative of the Union. Cyval signs as the negotiating country.
With the signature of Marihail, all the countries of the Union have indicated their willingness to recognize the accession of Japan to the Union, and with the signature of Cyval, as the negotiating country, they will sign the contents of the mutual confirmation and approval of the negotiations.
When the three of them exchanged hands with each other and all the signatures reached the documents, the documents were carefully handed over to the representatives of the various countries, which constituted the conclusion of the Agreement of Accession to the Union by shaking each other's tied flat hands.
Seeing that, the delegates rise again and applaud the thunder.
In the teahouse television broadcast, according to the paintings that Gotobe and the others shook hands on.
[Japan. Full membership in the Galactic Union]
and the tellup is shown to a large extent. Nevertheless, it had not been made known to the world that the Union's membership had already been joined by a parliamentary resolution voiced by Ms Kafer, but Marihail, the Head of the Union, in the presence of so many representatives of the Member States of the Union. The persuasiveness of the painting, which was immediately signed with the negotiating country Cyval, was once again of strong impact. Besides, because the venue is a spacecraft that reaches a total length of 25 kilometers floating off the coast of Mishima...
'Now, as a member of the Union of Interstellar Nations, my country will mark a new history here. In the history of our country, there has been something called a major historical milestone with numerous national alterations. Everyone who watches this broadcast will probably be a witness to this history as the most dramatic event of all......'
For NHK, relay this signature expression with a slightly emotional expression.
Other civil liberations feel the same way, but those in civil law use more dramatic representations to narrate them.
But when this becomes an overseas media outlet, this is the kind of press that flows to the world...
"By signing this treaty, Japan will have access to space-scale science and technology. In the future, we will be a nation with a stronger voice than our own against the global world." U.S./CNN.
'This Treaty is the security of the Far East region. It will greatly affect the problems of the islands, especially in our country's Southern Krill Islands' Russia Channel 2.
"The State of Japan was able to gain enormous military influence through a great backing: the Tierkumaska Union. The Gotobe administration is looking to exercise influence over former militarist Asian countries' Korea and KBC.
"Japan, with this membership of the Tierkmaska Galactic Union, intends to exercise its enormous influence and to alter its historical perception by making the history of Asian aggression unknown," China-China Television.
"Japan picked up big with accidental fate. With the membership of the Galactic Union, will it be isolated? Or sprinkle that influence on the world? Either way, the fact that Japan is the only exception in the future, in any way, won't be possible anymore 'UK/BBC
and transmit such images to their respective countries.
From the standpoint of it, Japanese media officials can afford it somewhat, but overseas forces have not caused some kind of grief.
It's an unusual place from the interview ground. Coverage within the central headquarters ship 'Tierkmaska'. It is certain that this is also unknown to the media today.
Well, today, this day, and the rest of the story that Gotobe made a run for with Marihail and Cyval and others.
But it was the Japanese government that said in my heart that this is all I have now, and it was also a wack to ask...
Now, the signing ceremony ends in such a way.
It's surprisingly clammy. Indeed, on the contrary, it does not mean that we will have ceremonies for days to sign the Convention, so it may be an extrapolation.
Besides, before the signing ceremony, the reason why the signatory diplomatic fleet did not show its face in a place called "Holy Land Japan" and "Japan, a civilized nation in the process of development that solved the sperm death and gave us hope for the future" is the first story, so the truth is that the individual diplomacy of the Tibetan countries and... clearly, thank you, Japanese tourism is the main story... honestly, membership signatures can be a secondary story.
And then there's Mr. Marihail's "Operation Crazy," and it's like that.
One of the characteristics on the political stage, carried out by the Tierkumaska Union.
At the end of the big ceremony, we move on to the party in the form of a standing meal, so to speak. It's like free diplomacy time.
Move the place from the Grand Conference Hall and move it to something like a large ballroom, as it did during the Yarburn cantonization ceremony. After Marihail's tangible greeting, the interested parties are free to start welcoming each other.
Then there happens to be an alien crowd around Japanese politicians and bureaucrats, and a diplomatic offensive begins.
"Kashiwagidaijin. Welcome to Ohatsu. I am from the Republic of Hamur...... '
Kashiwagi is a representative of the citizenship of Hamur. Voice is given to politicians of a status equivalent to that of Minister of Foreign Affairs.
"Be the first to see you, my lord."
"Thank you very much for your help with the one incident on the Sileira, Daijinkaka. On behalf of the people of Hamur, I would like to thank you on this occasion '
"No, I don't... I haven't done that much. Please, what's the story?"
No, no, that's, no, Minister Kashiwagi dealing with aliens. If these places are also rational intelligent life forms to each other, I wonder if they are somehow universally common...
Kashiwaki meets with His Excellency the delegate. This kind of place is really a great ability.
As such, it feels like we're going to bump into each other's questions and so on with His Excellency the delegate...
"My lord, I have one question..."
"Hi, what is it?"
"Sure... the Hamur nation has been negotiating membership for a long time now before we in Japan, right? But why is it still a" deemed country "?
'Narhod, is that the question? That's a pretty good point. "
According to his Excellency the representative's story, the reason seems to be that there are actually few forces opposed in the country with regard to the accession of the Hamur State to the Tierkmaska Union. They say a quick story makes it difficult to fully join the Union without either flexing or sequestering these people.
Then why are you taking so many notes, it seems, because something called its historical positioning for them with regard to the legacy of Toral civilization dichotomous opinions.
It turns out that the fact that Hamur's science and technology were under the influence of Toral in the Hamur country is actually a story of the last few decades.
This means that ideologically there should naturally be a rebellion of conservative layers who want to understand the legacy of Toral civilization as the legacy of Hamur's own civilization, and the truth is that such a party feels like it hates the very notion of Toral, and does not feel very comfortable with an organization that, like the Tierkmaska world, publicly acknowledges the existence of Toral.
But I am not opposed to membership per se because I want to join a Community called the Tierkmasca Union.
But when that happens, His Excellency the delegate tells us that, unless the Tilian side acknowledges the influence of Toral civilization as a state, the ideological differences in thinking on the Sochi side may create confusion in Tilian ties, so that the Tilian side may now be cautious.
"Toma, that's the place, Cashwagidaijin. It's embarrassing. '
"No, I'm not ashamed of that."
"E? What's that?"
"No, nothing, on this planet, we talk about that all the time. I've been doing it all year long enough to be an asshole already."
"Are you a sow?
"Yeah. Well what do you say, there are not many such issues and stories on this planet that usually come up. There's a story like that with Goman."
There are things big and small, but if intelligent life makes a nation and hundreds of people of different colors start operating in that country, there will be a lot of such problems.
In the case of Iseira, they were the ultimate state of extinction of the species, so they could unite the will of the species.
Still, there was a conflict between the "status quo maintainers" described in the example "Elbaira" and the "progressive evolutionists" like the Nayokualaguya Emperor.
Listening to this Hamur story, it would be something like the 'conservatives' and 'progressive evolutionists' conflict in 'Them Subjective'.
But such a diagram of conflict. From the point of view of the earthlings of the developmental process civilization, "Huffle, it's still that thing blue," he said with a chest tight (?) I can say.
Ethnic conflict, to the structure of religious conflict that began yesterday with trendy Islam. to ideological conflicts, conflicts of economic inequalities. To the faction of the company, the Japanese-Christian Union and PTA. Had a blast of the net low-level feud over the character using the game.
A race like 'Conflict Experts' is Earthlings already.
... Kashiwaki telling Mr. Hamur such a story as a joke. Raise your arms to the side and laugh bitterly.
'Ha ha. Kashiwagidaijin. You are an honest man.'
"No, my friend treats me like a 'idiot'. Ha ha."
Normally it's not something you hang out with and talk about like this.
However, Kashiwagi's lack of submission creates such a fondness for the opponent. But the person is unaware of it.
"Even in a state relationship like that, we're developing civilization to this point, so we can see that there's a mutual understanding, right?
"Is it mutual understanding... you can say that, and 'mutual compromise' is what it is. But with the pain and itching, but I guess you're doing well. And the nations of this planet."
"Hum, Mutual Compromise Death... Narhod. Is that some way of thinking...... interesting '
That said, its Mr. Hamur, punched the bread and the hand,
'My country is not yet a full Member State, but it is also interesting to send trainees to Yalburn for that reason. No, Digin, thank you. Very informative ta'
In other words, he seems to be taking Kashiwaki's hand, shaking it with a boom, and rushing to Marihail somehow.
Kashiwaki drops off his back as he nimmarizes, feeling like he hopes his notoriety will help him at all... Somehow there was still a crowd of Japanese and non-interacting species around him.
"Yes? What about the Prime Minister? Dr. Mishima? Fell?
Looking around, Japanese politicians, bureaucracies. It has already been attacked by various races.
Mishima turns to Kashiwaki and says, "That way please" with her mouth puckering... Kashiwaki nodding with her mouth of letters to. Looking at Fell... from all the followers of the Nayo Empire, he was thankful... he seems to be in an inescapable state.
Dr. Kashiwagi. 100 slaughtered Diplomatic Attacks of Mr. Tilian Race.
To a species with a double eyed eye, a race with three fingers and an inverse joints in the foot. Sometimes there are such coalitions. He said this was hard to check for sanity.
But there is Mahatma Kashiwagi. Sometimes it feels better now.
"Oh, thank you. It's my first time to see you. No..."
... I want Minister Kashiwagi to do his best...
Well, now, when Japanese government politicians and bureaucrats are waging a battle in Tierkumaska, the central ship, like that, for the total mobilization of their spiritual power. In Sagami Bay, a single Iseira was coming to Dildar Iseira, a central ship docked adjacent to Yalburn State.
Its appearance. Recently elaborate Earth's white coat… but the standard dimensions are big, so the cuffs are folded or the chest pockets are stabbed with a cat sun character ballpoint pen.
Iseira girl who came dressed like that. He is a visiting professor at Neela Ders Meml University of Tokyo.
She has also been one of those who has received various titles since the passage of Japan's entry into the Union in the previous National Assembly and has also been involved in Kaguya's return operation.
The Deputy Director of the Yalburn Bureau of Science was awarded the Medical Supervisor's Chapter by the military, and we are talking about this visiting professor from the East University.
Because he's such a Neela professor, even Dilder Iseira gets a pretty polite response.
"Here you go. Neelakyoju"
"Oh, they are."
Neela to be put through the waiting room.
Sitting on the couch with a chocolate and waiting, a crew of Dilder Iseira brings treats to his drink.
Professor Neela eating that mog with Nico's face.
Wait a long time and the head of the Dilder Iseira central system will come.
"Thank you for waiting, Neelakyoju. Come here."
"Ah, huuuuuuuuuu"
Neela tosses the rest of the treats all over her mouth and follows Totetote and those responsible as she mogs.
Then, normally, the heart part of this ship is absolutely only accessible to a very small number of officials or authorized persons. Arrive in the main system management compartment.
"Then Neelakyoju. After that, I'm asking the staff here to use the system freely, Node."
"Hi, I'm Aligato. Then let me not hesitate to touch you."
"There's a security level, so don't do too much impossible data entry. Again, Master Nayokualaguya... I can't believe I'm already choking."
"Haha! Yes. Okay."
"Well, take your time"
And, like that, as you can see from the current conversation, the dimension that Neela came to have us analyze the neuronal data of Emperor Nayoquaraguya, who transplanted it to Dildar Iseira.
Normally, we talk about whether we should remotely access Iseira's own system from Earth with quantum communication, but the reality is that we can't do that for some reason.
One of the first reasons for this is that Nayo Emperor data has a structure that does not accept remote operations.
It is also said that when the Nayo Emperor left his own brain structure, he also looked at hacking and other measures, and that this was because he did not like foreign information to be mixed in.
"I remotely manipulated myself and messed with the gate at will, and Master Nayokualaguya is a wagga mom who doesn't like his remote manipulation...... bumps"
Professor Neela starts her job saying something strangely bumpy.
She starts PVMCG and populates the system with all kinds of materials she gets from Japan.
But then again, in the global way of saying Nayo Emperor data, it is likely to be a login password, the materials provided by the Emperor Etc. to the old Japanese palace houses until now, and the photos obtained independently by foot. Extract and organize paintings, etc.
But the number is enormous.
The ship's system room is likely to be filled with Neela's open VMC monitor.
However, this is where Professor Neela comes from.
It is the soul dare to enter the results of this study from one end.
"Sate sate, time is limited. You gotta hang in there."
Neela takes the seven tools needed for the work out of the cat sun bag and sets them up.
One is a heating pot made of Iseira.
One is a mineral water maker.
One is a selection by Professor Neela. Local Coupler Mens Set.
One is carefully selected by Mr. Fell. Retreat curry set.
One was a "one-off" given to me by the Farmers' Association of Fukushima Prefecture.
One is Captain Paul's selection. Japanese confectionery set.
One is, Sie carefully selected. Japanese refreshing beverage set.
... is a great seven tool. Perfect. More dull.
With such a setup, there was also the Iseira Deln entering that system room.
"?... Oh, isn't that Chief Zash? What's the matter, sir?
Tanaka's boyfriend and Neela's subordinate, he was head of the Zash Hunt Servell Yarburne State Science Bureau.
"No, no. The deputy director said he'd take care of something, so I'm here to help."
"Oh, that's... but it's a lot of work. I'm sorry."
"Ha. Don't worry. We also have powerful allies."
That said, Zash invited
Come in, gentlemen.
Oh my... It was a large number of Samarkans who came into the room.
"Well, aren't you all from Samarca? This is this!
Surprised Professor Neela. Zash says:
"I thought it would be comforting to use the help of these people for such analytical work. I was just here, so I asked for your help, and if I could see the neuronal data of Emperor Nayokualaguya, I would be happy to accept it."
"That's, thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen of Samarca"
Neela drips her head with pepper.
The Samarkans, too, drool their heads. What a feeling.
Actually, neuronal data for the Nayokualaguya Emperor. This is nothing like a state secret.
Rather, it is as public as there are Nayokualaguya followers.
However, because the protection of the data is unusually strong, there is nothing that can be done about it. So it was pretty hard to bring it to Japan, too, because it felt like it had to be implanted into Dilder Iseira's system for every piece of hardware that housed the system.
"We Mo, Nayoquaraguya Hale. Thermisa's neuronal network device structure Niha, of great interest. Keller Neela, with a single workload. Ha, probably requires 867.8076580987689876 differential cycle no time for this analysis, but if we raise the total force, the reduction will canoe to 68.9087679765098946576546 differential cycle. Let's get to work."
Representation of feminine Samarkas speaking in a quick tone and systematically.
"No, it's a boulder, Mr. Samarca... Yoshi! Now you've managed to see it. I'll do my best!
Professor Neela with a rough nose wrapped around her white sleeves.
Okay, well, what's the outcome? Would it be fun or something?
As such a story progresses in Dilder Iseira, the world shows various movements simultaneously in various places.
of the people involved in it, there are all kinds of dramas.
Is their stay a long or short month? It feels like individual subjectivity, but for the two men and women here, it will be quite a long one, such an event awaits.
So the location is the state government bridge block in Yalburn. It is the former Yalburn Mothership Bridge Tower.
In the reception room there are Mr. Sie and Ichigo Takawa.
Yesterday, it was the two of you who exchanged wars, but after all, Takagawa said that Sie's attitude was strange, so he asked me since then.
The place is still between buddies, so it's not deludable. Sie honestly guessed that there was someone she wanted me to meet.
Such a conversation yesterday.
Cie's room after the first battle. Two people sitting next to each other in bed. You know, still working hours. I'm saved because I'm on lunch break for now.
"So, what do you say, Sie? Are you calm?
Takagawa stroking Sie's head.
"W, un......"
"What the hell is wrong with you? You don't look like a sire."
Shie who is somewhat of a werewolf. I just go by in the alley with the invincible Mr. Sie, and I normally find that behavioral suspicion strange.
"Ano, Sono... Actual Hannah, Singh..."
"Nanodaga Tomorrow...... Guilde Greed Sii Guy Noda......"
Who I want you to meet + The Diplomatic Fleet is currently coming with Wansa + Ask the story, Sie's relatives are political officials + Dustal's central ship is also coming =
In Takagawa's brain, such a formula is assembled, to consider the chin and the answer…
"No way...... your parents are here?
That said, Sie shrugs her shoulders and nods cocklessly.
In other words, a situation arose at the moment where the construction of the corresponding relationship had to be prepared to become a final matter.
Sie stared at his expression with an upward look that he felt sorry for pointing his mouth without even a pattern, saying that such a forceful situation would just as well be Takawa.
But Takagawa...
"Ahhh... you know what... I see..."
"No Mecha? Darling"
"No, that's right. If that's the case, I guess I'll see you. But I live here, too. I don't have any formal clothes. What do we do?"
"E!? Sin. clutterclernoka!?
"What? That's not how I'm not gonna see you. I'm going to see you... and there's going to be a future."
Shie listens to Takagawa properly.
Makes an unexpected face because Takagawa responds so normally.
That's what it feels like as a Japanese man. If there is a parent of the other party who has become friends and such a relationship, the Japanese lord will decide to be prepared. Besides, Takawa is forty-two years old. I'm not a kid there. I don't want to go that far now.
Besides Fell and Kashiwaki's friends, Liassa and Oakbook. Herzen and Hasegabe to Tanaka and Zash.
In fact, we now know that there have been surprisingly many relationships between these Yalburn crew members and the Japanese since then, and on closer examination, it is no longer such a rare phenomenon.
According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the other day there were also new couples. The Kailas Fru and the Japanese Dern pattern were discovered... what is it that they discovered, but that's the place.
So, this is still a rumor... I hear there's talk of Orcas, a thirty way beauty, and Sawatari, Yaru.
Takagawa just looks a little sinister.
"Dorsitanoda? Darling"
"Hmm? Yeah... No, actually..."
Takawa told Shie a little about himself.
Listen to that story, Cockroach and snort Sie.
It's just that Sie... the fact that her parents are Dastal Führer ended up being annoying.
... and back in time like that. Currently.
In the reception room, Sie and Takagawa wait for the person in question.
Takawa, in some cases, was dressed in the uniform of a Special Risk Self-Defense Officer.
The uniform colors of the special risk militia are colors according to the characteristics of each department, diverting the current land, sea and air militia uniforms intact.
Takagawa was therefore coming to the reception room wearing his own blue uniform.
Numerous badges line the chest with unevenness. Among them, the chapter on operational support for the return of Kaguya, the outer edge of the solar system, which I received from the Self-Defense Service of the Yalburn Autonomous Region at the time, and the earlier chapter on participation in the Japan-Yalburn Special Crisis Preparedness Exercise, that is, the equivalent of the Gargdera Dora repelling badge, are also worn on my chest.
Sie was also wearing a WAF uniform to boast that she was now a member of the Special Risk militia… Sie's WAF uniform also has quite something to wear.
I waited a long time...... Vice Governor Jegri led me into the reception room by President Gash.
Takagawa is also nervous about its piercing appearance in the sixties.
The outfit also feels somewhat military-like uniform. When this was Sie's father, there was an atmosphere that made me so convinced...
"Sie, hisasibridana. How are you, Dattaka? '
"Tarley...... Hisasibrida......"
I am a parent daughter for some reason. You two are hugs.
"In Sono ha?
"Un, now c, yarmartiano defense organization he departure citeitena. Sono uniform da. Il Carshell Yattel '
"Nani! Il carsheldato! Souka, Mowsonna Class Ninatta Noka...... Taicita Monoda '
Gash slaps both arms of his daughter with bread and nods unununung.
So, I moved my gaze towards Takagawa, who sees such a parent-daughter conversation a little further away, and approached me.
"... Your Highness Ga, Siega Care Ninatteil Toiu..."
Then Takawa, now that he has no hat, bows down with a pasi salute.
"Ha. Lord Gash. My name is Nobuji Takawa, and I'm dating your daughter."
Gash nodded cocklessly, looking at Takawa's chest as a chill...... Then he saw two Tilian badges.
"Howe" and a gash pointing his mouth.
"Singh. Anona...... Actual Ha My Turiha......"
Sie said, "My own dad is the Führer of Dustal. Shut up and be sorry Nasai," Gash pokes around Sie's waist to control the words ahead.
"Huh?" facial sire. Gash snorts with his eyes.
"I ga, Sieno father. Gash Jade Rosshoda. Mow daughter Kara. Listen Itailto Omoga, Dustalde politician Yattail. This time (c), Yarmartia signing ceremony Nidastalno representative Deyattekita. I'll see you later, Oki, please.
"is a fear. My lord."
In that word, Sie said, "Huh?".
Gash did not name himself Dustal's Führer. I guess I meant to distract my daughter for once.
Sie, too, spills a "hoo" laugh.
I guess this is something we'll find out later, too, but it's no surprise we don't even know who Dustal's head is yet, at the field self-defense officer level.
"Carshel Tagawa. Daughter Ga. Annoying Kaketheorankana?
Gash asked Takagawa nicely, breaking his previously surprising gaze.
"No, that's not true. She and I actually work together as buddies. A great pilot of skill, all of our SS operatives are counting on her already. That's for sure, my lord."
"Souka, Narhodna...... Maa, Conato Colode Lichimbo Monanda. Seat Lanka? '
"Yes. Right."
Three people sit back on the couch and calm down.
Let's talk about things in the wake of something like that.
About work. It's private. And the familiarity story between Sie and Takawa, etc.
Gash tells Takagawa what he thinks of Sie.
And this kind of story naturally comes up: "What do Takawa's parents think of Sie?"... this is important as a parent with a daughter. It is a common challenge in the universe.
When that story comes out, Shie and Tagawa nod at each other... because I already told Shie in advance yesterday. its contents.
"Lord Gash...... Actually, both my parents were already in the other world and now my relatives only have one brother"
Yes, Takagawa's parents are already in the other world.
That's what it looks like, too. Because Takagawa's name is Shinji, he is the second son. Naturally, he had a brother, who was quite apart from him, and Takawa was born when his parents ate.
So his parents, even if they think about it in the earthlings' lifespan, can be at an age that is not particularly surprising in other worlds.
Takagawa explains such a place to the gash.
"Soudeattaka. Solehas manukoto searching for a story. Xu Saleyo, Tagawa '
"No, it's not enough to care, my lord."
"Hum, about the Tagawano family. Socoma de Hannashi Teclertha. Nareva, I, the Morosho family no matter, oma...... a, ya, kimini story citeo canakere banaranna...... yina, sie?
"Aah, Tanom. Tarley."
Talk about the house… As a Dustalian, this is an action that means deepening rapport with the other person.
Ichigo Takawa. It seems suitable for the glasses of His Excellency the Führer.
As for the gash, he initially thought it was a younger guy, and he was worried on his own that such a thing would work well with Sie, but from a gash's point of view, actually, if you open the lid, a fine, calm middle-aged man. Naturally, as for mental age, they become a couple with more age differences than Kashiwaki and Fell. In that regard, did Tagawa reassure you that he was going to hold on to Sie's reins, Führer Gash, who starts talking to rap...
I guess it's something like a relief for now. It was the two of us who broke it down gradually...
Now, if this is how it can also be a big stage of these, unprecedented 'diplomacy', if you give a tangible expression, there is' encounter ', there is' reunion ', and the words are embellished in those letters' reunion ', and the story spins in various places.
The next day after the accession signing ceremony.
Mr. Fleet will henceforth be free diplomacy.
In response to the diplomatic corps visiting the official residence, there was a group of people who enjoyed sightseeing in the name of visiting each region…, and so on, they made a lot of noise all over Japan. So, the bureaux of each municipality can be very attached to the response of such tourists, so here Shiraki...
(Municipal chief of officials Domo, think! I've been dealing with that all my life! Hey, "Tokyo is the only Zului"! Don't make yourself comfortable, Zamayamiro! Guhaha!)
And I'm screaming in my heart... but I won't say it out loud.
Head of Shiraki, who cordially and politely responds to highs and local government bureau crying.
This time, new sights and white trees had been given a prior overview of the species in the countries of the Union. Regardless of Kashiwagi's correspondence with a number of races… It is honestly only recently that the politicians learned the specifics of the races so far.
Regardless, in the dossier to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the bureaucrats concerned knew its contents in data terms, but it is also within the Tis Union, as in the case of the relationship between Iseira and Diskar within this Union, that there is not much dating, even when it comes to the Union, it does not mean that it is all a country with equivalent dating or diplomatic relations. Therefore, there are still places where we can get information.
Because of this, I can normally think about and understand how important an organization is to have a presence in the Union's General Department of Defense. That is because the mere fact that we are within this military organisation allows us to grasp the information of the countries of the Union in all respects.
Now, there are places like that, in this coalition of states called the Tierkumaska Union, that can create misunderstandings. Or some 'countries' have a bit of silly skills to grasp the state.
It is, for example, a state called the 'Republic of the Samzeira Integrated System'.
This time, that mission is coming too... it was this species that first troubled Kashiwaki. I don't care which way you look, you're an Izeiran.
So, I thought Kashiwaki was very Iseira, and when I talked to him like that, he made me feel better and told me, "We are not Iseira".
Asking Fell what it feels like, he nods and explains.
"Narho Donalhod. That's not just about appearance, it's hard for Nihon San to understand, sir."
"Hi. The Samzeiran Suns made a mistake because their ancestors were originally Isailans, Death. '
"What? Really! So you broke up with the Isailans?
'Hi, right? Once upon a time, we traveled on an early spaceship, built under the influence of Toral civilization, and stayed intact on an undisclosed star, the former Iseira Suns who became inhabitants of that star. So Sam (broken up) means Iseira (Iseira), and the Sam Zeira and they name themselves.'
"Well, I recognized you independently. Iseira is."
"Hi. She didn't have a reason to say no at the time."
In fact, such a sectarian nation can be quite among each race.
They say that some Dustals, Kailas and Diskars, in the distant past, have become a divided nation in a similar way.
When I hear about it, Kashiwagi becomes interested in it again.
But I'm going to tell Fell that even on Earth, there are usually people like that.
"Are you a sow?
"Yeah. I'm gonna hide something. This Japanese guy was told a long time ago that all kinds of ethnic groups from the continent had settled in and become Japanese today. If we poke more at the source, there's a theory that humankind, born on the African continent, is breaking up and breaking up, spreading to the world and forming the Earth today."
Even if it wasn't so long ago, Germans and Austrians, for example, are of the same ethnicity, and it's normal on Earth for the British to break up and become Australians or Americans.
"Heh, I see, Death. The ancient Isailans before the discovery of the Toral Civilization were on the verge of annihilation and small, so that kind of history is Alimacen. But when you ask that, you mean the same thing about Yattail. Sasga Developmental Process Civilization Sun. Learn it, S. '
Minister Kashiwagi does his job in such a meaningful way that he can also learn the diplomatic knowledge of such a coalition.
The two of them were now in Dr. Kashiwagi's office, waiting for a guest.
Wait a long time, the sound of knocking on the door. Yes, please. To enter the room, call the Cabinet Office staff. SP, Yalburn State Security staff. Zorro. Furthermore, it was Marihail and Cyval who brought in media cameras.
"Thank you both, Madam Speaker, for waiting!
"Welcome, Death. Fada Marihail. Fada Cyval '
No, it feels like no, and I'm gonna shake your hand.
At that moment, Pasha Pasha and media cameras will shutter and the flash will light up.
Here's the "Keep it up, please!" or something like that when I call out, they knock me out, so I feel painful and itchy.
And in anticipation of the opportunity, a Cabinet staff member urges the media to exit. Because I only allowed the first few minutes of shooting.
Escorts to the SP also checked the safety of the room, saluting and exiting.
Only four people remain in the room.
'No, Keller. That's about it again. From now on, it's private mode,' said Cyval.
'Hi, that's what I'm asking you to do, too. Keller' and Marihail.
"No, I'm sorry, both of you... If it's true, it's more my business to deal with the Prime Minister..."
That would be so. If you say so, the top of the Union and the top negotiator are coming to the Prime Minister's residence.
But...... Mishima in Gotobe and Hama in Haruhi. This makes me so damn busy.
What a schedule of meetings with representatives of various races of state. Even Kashiwaki is being driven out without the request of Marihail and the others.
Kashiwagi's body is now in a state where he is not the only one… he will not be aware of it at all, but within the Tierkmaska coalition, a man named Masat Yama Kashiwagi. It is now a S-grade VIP.
'Are you talking nani, Keller? I'm here to see you. Hey, Marihail. "
'That's right. Today, your friend just came to see you and Flinze. No need to worry about that, sir.'
'Oh, yes, you are. If it's true, the meeting place was as good as Keller's home.'
Cock-and-mouth Kashiwaki. These two are already in such a relationship.
"Hestle also invited him, but he had his first meeting with Boweyshaw today and was unfortunate that he couldn't get out of it, yo"
"Yes, that's right. I mean, I'm the one who set that meeting up, Speaker Cyval."
"Well, did you?"
"Yep. General Hestle has one of my people who would love to see you... I'm fine. Regards from me, I think it will be a good meeting."
"Narhod, that's no problem."
Kashiwaki set up a meeting with Hestle and Japanese security officials, he said earlier in Iseira.
I told you about Kato, who became the 'Chief of the Tabernacle' of the Special Risk militia. Let's smile and jerk off that some kind of retirement has grown.
And Minister Jing Nozaki to Koichi Kurumi. Second Colonel Liassa comes with support.
The other side had Zerue and Charli attached to Hestle's support.
With all due respect, Hestle will also have a meaningful meeting.
Says sake and beer are available for that meeting for some reason. Hestle also said he's cutting nanomachine control today.
Colonel Takagawa and Colonel Sie, members of Kaguya's heavy town, are absent because they have an interview with Representative Dustal...... like that.
Mr who sits on the couch like that and proceeds to the conversation. So Marihail slaps his hand like "Well," and gets to the point.
"De, you know why we asked you..."
"Ha, yeah. I understand."
Cyval lays beside him, hands up beside him, and leaks a laugh all the time.
Marihail is Nico and feels like "Ne ~" with Fell.
That's Negotiator Kashiwagi Sensei, there's no drain.
"That's what I'm talking about, so I'll probably take you to a place where the best chefs are on the move"
"Ala, it's time for that. The boulder is Fada. With the best chef?
"Yeah, we're all going to do that now and just pull back and wait... so excuse me for a second and I'll get in touch with the other side..."
Kashiwagi pushes a shortened icon when he takes out his smartphone.
"... Oh, dear? Me. Yeah. Oh, it's already started... Huh? Is that it? That's tough. Leave it right, I'm taking the VIP... Roger that. Then I'll hurry up. Yes. Bye."
When he hung up the phone, Kashiwaki looked at Mr.
"Thank you to Fada, Flinze, for being so cocky here."
"Ho ho ho? What does that mean? Masatosan '
"Deputy Minister Fell... they say it's a big deal. We won't rush."
"Ha ha! That's handsome! If I'm late, don't develop into a cocksimon die su!
It's a joke, but the place, Dora, is very busy, and Big Sight says come early.
Well, where are they taking us?
To Marihail, Cyval said,? "It was a look...
Now, with that happening, the Kashiwagi and the four of them head to the place where Marihail and the others are 'flying' the transporters they've boarded from Haneda Airport.
Aim is the old Fukushima prefecture nuclear site. It is now also the home port of Kaguya and the base of the militia. The name also became "Special Risk SDF Double Leaf Base".
With both radioactivity and the efforts of Paul and others, we are already at a dose that is harmless to the human body, and for those who are still anxious, Thielkmasca Medicine guarantees peace of mind. They are supposed to inject me with a nanomachine for the treatment of anti-radiation damage free of charge.
That being the case, more and more people were beginning to return to the land, and houses that had been abandoned for a long time, weathered and eroded flora and fauna, etc., had such a system in place that the first craft crew would patrol the city to carry out repairs in high quarns if offered.
Of course, the base facility is still in the process of being built, only a temporary prefabrication is now built, and since the port is finally more complete, Kaguya arrived at that port, a situation in which Kaguya itself operates in conjunction with the functions of the base headquarters.
Since we originally made the nuclear facility a Gothic and Special Risk militia facility as it is, its facility area is quite large, besides it is still in a further state, so it would be natural to talk about whether something could not be done using this size in conjunction with the meaning of the reconstruction of Fukushima Prefecture, so Kashiki thought, because this time everyone from all countries of the Union is here, he called out to the Land, Sea and Air militia, and further solicited the will of the private sector to hold it...
[Memorial to the signing ceremony for the accession of the Union. Interstellar International Curry Festival]
was! It feels like the sound of puffy puffy puffy is going to sound more and more.
So, now. This twin leaf base... was a hell of a lot of people, people, people and gottas.
There is also a mix of Zamulu people in it who do not know if it is okay to speak in the category of "people".
I mean, for a subject named Tilian, Curry's influence is still even weaker. Visitors have aliens mixed with idiots.
Double-eyed aliens handled by Minister Kashiwagi earlier, or inversely articulated aliens with three fingers.
Samarkasan seems to be coming too.
Earth-side visitors are not allowed to enter this time except those who possess Japanese nationality. Therefore, it was necessary to buy a Participant ID online or at a government-designated travel agent in advance, and without that ID, it was a mechanism that could not be included.
Still, a huge number of prospective ticket buyers arrive, resulting in an unusual number of ticket issuers for these de facto restricted events.
Regardless, participant cards are issued for a fee, so the economic benefits are good everywhere.
Fukushima Prefecture at this time of year. Clearly it's fucking cold. Well, somehow, the curry is the other person, so it definitely warms up, but it's still in a comfortable environment, so just like during the "Greater Tierkumaska Exhibition" of the case, it's Valme with Kaguya, and it expands its environmental shield. Environmental adjustments were also perfect.
... In fact, this time, the Tourism Agency has put forward an opinion on whether foreigners can also enter this' Curry Festival ', but the Minister in charge, Kashiwagi, did not allow this for a reason.
For its part, the Tourism Agency, using this as a material, aimed to revitalize domestic demand in the name of tourism, but the main reason why Minister Kashiwagi put it out of the way was because of the "current period".
The reason for this is that it overlaps perfectly with China's 'Chinese New Year'.
'Spring Festival', or Chinese Lunar New Year. At this time of year, the people who buy things from the continent blast them into Japan and push them… the number of people in that big election is not half.
And if you're going to allow me to participate in a curry festival where I can interact with aliens, I can already see what kind of chaos it will be.
If you suck, it won't be a fuss about a spy agent.
So Kashiwagi did no good to the Tourism Agency. Instead of having to do this, it is obvious that if you do not do so, you will be blinded.
In these alien exchange events, the Japanese government, in fact, does quite a bit of foreign regulation. This is what the UN says about 'racism' and 'human rights violations' and the status quo quite a bit.
But the government is not willing to stop regulating so far, even if it dares raise such a voice of condemnation. Because we understand the meaning of Tibetan 'centralist diplomacy'.
The world, whatever it is, doesn't mean we just have to be 'friendly'. Not all brain-weather 'peace' is right.
There is something called moderation in the world. Often, when there is a huge discrepancy in their mutual ethics, even peaceful stories lead to discord in one way or another.
So what do we do? I don't go out with Hannah. I don't talk... this is the only reality.
The Earth world today. Even one immigration issue about a religion famous for its fundamentalism, their 'nature of not interacting with others' is causing discord in the world.
By analogy, "the state where people are allowed to live in people's homes and are unwilling to follow their home training and claim that their home training is correct in other people's homes" is the issue of people and is now greatly appreciated as a so-called immigration issue.
They say, 'Our religion is peaceful and does not affirm contention. So there is no sin,' he says. I'm sure you're right. No one in the world will deny about it. However, people who still complain about them as' the problem 'don't care about such things as whether their religious doctrine is peaceful, for other reasons. I mean...
"A state where you let people live in a house and you are unwilling to follow the home training of that house and claim that the home training of your own house is right in someone else's house"
What do you think of this point? It is to this word. Such problems will not converge unless they themselves become aware of this and solve it. Clearly, there is no fine dust, such as the problems and obligations that must be solved by immigrants. It is' those who have accepted 'that are obliged to resolve it.
You can't just think normally and admit such irrationality. That's what a three-year-old would know.
Ethics that even a three-year-old like this can understand is often attributed to 'religion' and 'folklore', and people who don't have it together cause problems in the world, saying 'we were right but discriminated against'.
It is out of the question to persecute or sue for acts of violence, but it is nonetheless certain that we need to understand the feelings of those who denounce it.
The essence of what is called Tierkumaska's extreme intensive diplomacy. This can be described as an aggregation of these experiences, which they have been conducting diplomacy on a 10,000-year basis.
The Japanese government is also unwilling to stop when the world tells us that it is' discrimination 'and' a violation of human rights' because it has understood it all this time.
This peaceful festival, the "Curry Festival," also had this kind of interaction on the backstage until it was implemented. Big deal, ladies and gentlemen of the world, is it something like hard work?
... and well some backstory like that - so...
Kashiwagi and Fell, both chairmen, once drop the transporter off at Kaguya.
Then, in Caguya, he is greeted with honorary tributes by members of the Special Risk militia.
Tiras to Fujido, who picked me up. Without a courtesy greeting, we go down to the harbor.
Then... the moment I get off Kaguya, Mr. Fell turns into a nihella face, and I can suck him off somewhere from Fla ~ all the time.
That should be it, too. Well, a venue where you can get in with the smell of curry that's turning back already.
The trouble with the smell of spice spices is that they stimulate the appetite center without question anymore.
It is often said that if you want to eat things, such as a casual summer, you should eat dishes with plenty of spices. In fact, doing so blows up appetite loss and so on in one shot.
'Co, this is...... great!! It's too great, Keller! What is this?
Marihail makes his eyes shine in a world where there is only a curry that spreads in front of him.
"Oh, this choking scent already. To keep watching this is close to torture, Keller. '
and Cyval rubbed his stomach too, ready.
So, tighten the chili, Marihail asks Kashiwagi.
"De, Keller. Where is it that you have the best chef?
"Oh, yes, haha. Eh, around that..."
and Kashiwaki pointed to the area where the militias were putting out their own...
"... of, I recommend the curry that the militiamen are making. In this Japan, militia members make good curries because it's already a famous story. Probably the best chef ever when it comes to curry."
'Got it. So...'
"Oh, wait, uh... oh, look, there"
Kashiwaki waits a moment. Then Kashiwagi's men, Marihail's husband, brought Nilfa.
"Sa, I'm out of work today, and enjoy. No date. What do you say? Speaker Cyval in particular."
Marihail and Cyval spill a laugh with a "what the hell" face. As far as Cyval goes, Kashiwagi and the hug... and that's where Marihail realizes.
Where's Flinze?
"M? Sure..."
"Oh, it's true. I was there just now..."
Then Nilfa noticed.
Isn't that you, Ka?
At the tip of Nilfa's finger, Mr. Fell...
Stay in line with the curry booth you're looking for. Peek ahead of the row with your fingernails first.
The boulders are through, and now Mr. Fell, the expert. The booth lined up is rumored to be the best last year's "Marine SDF Submarine Squad/Intense Taste Curry" booth. Preliminary investigations seem to be perfect. I don't know, Mr. Fell. Your work today is already in a state of owarity.
Put your hands aside, bitterly laughing Kashiwagi Sensei. You were all laughing...
... Now, all kinds of races, tongue drum the curry.
Whatever the Zamuru are also curry threesome...... a smaller tentacle appears to come out of the tentacles, cleverly holding the spoon and putting it in the mouth somewhere in the body.
As a matter of fact... the Zamur tribe is an unexpectedly big hitting species.
Especially from high school girls, "Cute ~ ♡" is very popular, and even the venue has been taunted with photos.
Furthermore, it seems that some peculiar, EEG sensitive conversations are interesting, and even in such places they can be big-ass.
Using a selfie stick, it feels like that with Patience.
Mr. Samarkas, too, if I may say so, are idols on Earth already.
He seems to interact with a lot of Japanese people.
What's more, if the Diskars... whatever, it feels arrogant and tons of demo popularity, the guy makes Fru, the woman is in a photo match with Deln, and if she sucks, it feels like it's a cosplay party... what a no more.
In the meantime, Kashiwaki and Fel also enjoy the festival.
It's not just curry today, but lots and lots of events are happening in the venue.
To a concert by the militia music corps, trained to perform. Such is also publicly available.
So, in the corporate booth, Kimijima to OGH. To Itsuji, in addition, sponsoring companies have offered booths to promote products using Tilian technology.
Among other things, the consumer electronics manufacturer, which is actually headquartered in Osaka Fumen City, and the Japanese consumer electronics manufacturer famous for their consoles, are analyzing and using the aerial projection technology of the case, and they are going to sell a laptop that Verdeo and others had previously received from the prototype and a TV that uses its aerial projection monitor technology next month.
Now that Japan's first Tilian technology has been analyzed, when it comes to the general market, it is widely discussed, and bookings are well secured, and it is highly expected that it can be countered by fruit-marked manufacturers and three-star manufacturers.
"No, you've come this far already, Fell"
'You have something emotional, Masatosan... mogmog. Hi, A-n.'
"Yes, sir."
Minister and deputy minister sitting in the booth eating curry. These two are also the first dates I've had in a long time. It's a bit of a public/private confusion, but I was wondering if it was okay.
That's where you two feel like you're already at work today.
"Ooh, Kashiwagi."
"Oh? Hey, oh! Are you feeling good?
"Oh well. Mr. Felferia, are you enjoying yourself… and you seem to be enjoying yourself"
"Hi. Extremely Easy Death. Mogmog '
Fell runs a small variety of operations to indulge in a variety of curries.
Because there must be no concentration on one type, no hunger, etc.
At first glance, he aprons his camouflage clothes and seems to be standing on the scene.
Booth is decorated with an animated and adorable picture painted by someone, an equally large pop of Fell and Sie... so, in fact, he was painted by Ogami... indeed, he is a graduate of the Kanji Arts Department.
Furthermore, it seems to be decorating Asahi Ryu's large photo panel and quite attracting guests in Operation Azatoi.
"Ha! Mr. Special Crisis can do whatever he wants now."
"Well, this time the Sea Self-Army is changing the color of their eyes. You can't lose. People in the land, sea and air have been coming to eat on a hostile inspection since earlier."
That said, look what Fell's good at.
"Woof, I invented this recipe for Special Risk Sun, sir. It's an honor to be seen as a rival, Death."
"What!? Really? Are you serious? Oh."
"Actually. That's right... you wanted an image of working with the Titans because of the danger. So I borrowed Mr. Felferia's recipe."
The story says it contains Indian spices and Iseira spices and herbs. The meat uses pagham meat, and the concealed taste seems to be military confidential.
(Are you all right, Oi...)
Minister Kashiwagi who becomes anxious. But they say it's very uke because it's either an Iseira ingredient called pagham meat or it's used. Sometimes they say that scouts are hiccups coming from other militias and corporate booths.
When I talk about it, I am a visitor again.
They brought me to Helzen...
"Flinze! Keller!
"A, Sansa!
"Mr. Sansa!
It was Sansa Leno Tumaca.
"Ahhh, I finally found it"
"Huh? Mr. Herzen? Mr. Sansa from Yalburn?
"Difference, Ma. Yikes! I took Keller Sansa, went to Shushawkantey, misplaced her, and I'm talking about the Furdas coming Koch...... Mo, it was tough, so hey!
"Hey... I'm sorry...... I don't know, should Mr. Herzen contact me for a word, too? What... Huh? Ah... Could it be Mr. Herzen? Curry for that reason... actually savory..."
'A! I did bring Keller Sansa with me, sir! Okay, I'm here...'
Herzen wolves and tongs at Kashiwaki's pointing. Looks like it was a star.
Three people laughing at Woof.
"Ha, I don't know what else to do anymore... Sansa. Long time no see."
"Woof, hi, fada. I'll sit down."
"Sansa, you've come well, sir"
"Ha. Flinze doesn't seem to change either...... Oh, and, both of you, I have a miar omedeto. I wanted to say it, so far...... '
Sansa keeps her eyeballs down. Ahhh and forgiving Fell and Kashiwagi.
Now Kashiwaki and Fell have their work done confirmed today.
"Bye, O. We're going around a lot."
"Whoa, slow down"
"Yeah, I'll see you later."
Sansa and Fell. And Kashiwagi.
Take the three of us around the venue.
Aliens and the landscape as if one day the Yalburn Invitational had expanded with a large number of Japanese.
Guide Sansa through all kinds of finger pricks. It was like three sisters or brothers or parents or children...
Well, this is another change of place and again Dilder Iseira.
its main system room.
Focus on the VMC monitor, pop pop and parse data indiscriminately. Nayo Empire neuron data. Professor Neela will take it into the security system.
The results of that analysis will then be examined further.
Samarkas who help, it's a great collaboration, and they do their part as if it were a machine... there's no waste at all in that collaborative movement.
"Phew, chot, let's take a break and eat -"
Neela sweats and sits tight on the chair.
Copy that, Deputy Director. Deja, the nutritional supplement pack owned by the deputy director is created for the number of people in the high quarn and heated. Rate shima, huh?
'That's right. Oh, speaking of which, it's Fukshima today, and he - he was having a festival? I wanted to go, too.'
'Huhuhuhuhu, then why don't you ask your compatriots for help and secure the ingredients for the Curry Festival, Ca?
"Ma, so is that, sir... well, let's have a nice chot meal."
Boil the cottonseed and hot water to create a high quarn for the number of people in the Felsan selection of curry sets, with a small curry festival.
Even at Samarkas, curry is encouraged as an excellent nutritional supplement.
Cook the rice properly, and get it delicious over with.
But right now, I wonder what's missing from Emperor Nayo's neuronal data, which also doesn't quite react to its flavor, and Professor Neela, who has a sense of consciousness over there and a bad taste flies.
'That formula, thanks to Mr. Samarca, I was able to type right away - and the accompanying material was all kinds of butchy, Desquedo... it's not good... you're missing something, right?
The head of the Samarkan feminine type then points out an interesting point, which he realizes because they are them.
"Deputy Director Neela. I'm afraid the current data entry policy is not wrong."
"Assuming the current work is wrong, the security of the neuron system will be activated, data entry will be refused, or the data entered will automatically be delisted."
"Hi, that's true Death... As it stands, Death is not responding, but there are no errors."
'Hi, so far, so much work, and as it's not enough after, what I've noticed is… aren't you the emotional emotional deja of your naturally delivered organism?
"H? Joo Cho Teki Kan Joo?
"Hi. We Niha Don't Exist" Love Emotions, "" Love, "" Sexual Desire "Toy Umonodes"
"Moshi, if the corresponding communication records, Nayokualaguya Emperor's, behavioral records at the time, etc. have scattered decyl data, should I enter such things too?
"Uh-huh, I see... but I didn't realize there was such a dossier..."
Yes, it is young.
Professor Neela is still young. So, in fact, such a genius girl does not have the equivalent of a dern with her, and she does not yet have romantic experience. So instead, the Samarkans pointed out those emotions.
But she is also a professional involved in this matter. Even if I didn't have that experience, I remembered about whether or not there was anything equivalent to it... I hit the bread and hands...
"Oh, can I use that?
Neela searches for all the VMC monitors she puts out in the room, and when she finds a certain VMC monitor board, she shows it to Samarkan leaders, to her hands.
"This is it..."
"Hum, Koleja? Although it looks like a code with a pattern of five, seven, five, seven and seven characters, which corresponds to the pronunciation of Yarmartian '.
"I'm not sure, either, but the old Nihon Sun is a soo who sent these patterned code letters to each other to communicate his emotions to them."
"Narhod. So, you think this collection of codes is a record accompanied by such historical emotions?
"Yes, it is, but it's an old nihongo, so what are you writing, Wakannaides?"
That said, the Samarkas seem to be getting together and talking fast, starting a conversation like a data exchange and discussing something.
"Deputy Director Neela"
'In the meantime, let's type in all that code and see'
"Hum, will that happen in the end, I got involved. Then let's do it. '
That said, we will split them up and scan and enter something like that code exchange record that we have collected so far...
Such work continues for a long time...
"Sate, this is the last time - All right, then. '
Code scanned by Neela.
"Huh, it's over, Kedo..."
'Hum, nothing in particular happens sir...'
"Huff, well, if it's that easy, I won't have a hard time ~"
'Uh-huh, was our view wrong?
"Mama, that's not the only record I've got, so let's do a lot of things yo '"
"Eye, yes sir..."
Professor Neela does the neck pounding like that. I thought that was it for today.
It feels like withdrawing today, as I prepare to stay... Deln, the Iseira who jumps in with a change of blood... from that outfit, looks like a Medical Department staff...
Is that you?... Hey you! Did you do something here now?
"M., you and Nandesca. To the first person I met...... I'm Neela Ders Memulkijdezyo, Deputy Director of the Yalburne State Science Bureau!
'Oh, well, that's rude. I didn't know you were in that position...... Oh, well, then could you come to the infirmary now? Deputy Director Neela'
'? I'm not sure what... okay. Then you all come with me.'
and Neela and Samarkaian staff flying to the infirmary with medical bureau staff who have changed their blood phase.
And the moment I walked into the infirmary! Samarkaans blew to the sight too on the servant Dr. Neela!
"Nah! Nah, what is it? The corn! 'and Nirakioj.
"Ko, Koleja...... this can't be a phenomenon! No, can you? Conna! '
The sight they saw.
A full medical pod for virtual organ producing transplants used to sustain emergency life in a single vessel is operational… Skeleton, nerves, built-in, and muscles are created as you look at them. And it's virtual.
"Huh? Huh? Oh no... virtual creation to this point... '
Neela wolves. But certainly, even in virtual organs. It's not impossible if you just let it happen. It's just that nobody did that... probably...
An eye bulb is further created. However... the brain was not created. Instead...... what a high quarn creation on the head, PVMCG. In other words, the Zerquote system is created… it goes into the place where the brain of the head fits, suffocates, and further creatures are created virtually…
The body is created feminine and the skin is created… the colour is white. However, the feathered hair on the head is extremely colorful with blue as the substrate...
Neela peeking into the figure from the pod, the medical staff and Mr. Samarca... why...
They were all about to flip!!
Yes, now the Lord of that appearance, which should also be called a naked virtually created organism...
It was "Nayoquaraguya Hale Thermisa"...
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