Galactic Union Japan
-49 - (Bottom)
[Me, I think, so I am]
It is a philosophical idea advocated by French philosopher and mathematician René Decatur in his own book, The Methodological Preface.
In hindsight... is there a way to prove your experience is real? Speaking of which, there's probably nothing like that. But the idea is that you can think of it as authentic yourself...... In other words, it is a philosophical proposition to become aware of the existence of something called "I am because I can think of me".
Even in the science of this Earth world, with the advent of artificial intelligence, he said, 'Do you sprout yourself on computers?' and so on are often discussed.
It is also a story that is often themed in the world of SF works.
This point is still important in films where Android from the future to the past comes to kill future resistance leaders, and this was often the theme in the story of an input maniac military robot who ate lightning and had his self and hated war.
Other stories about a spacecraft computer that I didn't want to blow up, or that I really had to travel through space in 2001, and so on...
It's just... if we're just talking about being ourselves, that's what we're talking about. In fact, the Samarkans and others are just the difference between a machine or a living organism, and they are also "possibly" species with a past called artificial life forms. So he has a splendid self and has developed in the Tierkmasca galactic world as one distinct independent species. It is an independent "race" that needs to be considered separately from the artificial life form that is said to have been their source.
However, if the lost personality is artificially regenerated.
That personality [I think. Therefore, if I am], what does that personality think of me now?
Besides, if that "I" combines a high degree of ethics so that I can realize that I was originally a lost personality, how would I treat that personality myself?
Such an event was about to happen now.
She was also a knowledgeable professor of Neela in the medical field, but what was happening in front of her now was incredible in her academic common sense, and the Samarkan staff next door seemed to be arguing somewhat with colleagues to understand this phenomenon in a fast-talking language.
VMC technology used for what we call PVMCG on Earth, "not" virtual materialization technology, not high quarn. Speaking of Ti synonyms, Zell technology is now trying to generate a whole 'flesh'.
Skeletons are formed, muscles are formed, built-ins are created, and nerves and blood vessels are created. The heart pulses, and when it comes to humans, the uterus is created, something like lymphatic rays, and bright white skin is created.
A nail is formed, extremely colored feathered hair is created, and one Iseira can do it.
The only thing that doesn't create a brain is a brain. Zell reactor in the form of a brain instead. The so-called PVMCG was created not as the only virtual, but as an entity of the High Quarn.
In the meantime, it was a few dozen minutes of events.
Samarkan staff to Professor Neela. And the medical bureau staff who came to get Neela looked terribly into that medical pod, still about to blow up in Surprise Yantian!
That created virtual flesh...
[Emperor Nayokualaguya Hale Thermisa]
The person thought he had become a model for the so-called "Don't be a Bamboo Kaguya Princess". She was an extinct Iseira beauty!
Looks like he's already started breathing.
Incredibly, the exhaling breath floats or disappears in a water vapor form onto the glass of the pod.
But it's still going to take a while to get to the awakening of consciousness.
"Fuwawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawaa! I'm not planning on doing this."
Sensei Neela, a genius scientist who pats and taffets his hands.
But a reassuring former artificial life form Samarkan. Scary stuff if you scrum it together Nashi. Report the results of a sober analysis of the condition to the boss, Professor Neela.
"Deputy Director Neela. Yahari This phenomenon is inexplicable, even when Doe thinks about it, Death. Even in our knowledge, Zell technology virtual organs are just things that perform emergency life support, emulating organ movements and only aiding in missing functions. So far so complete... yes Death, the imitation of 'life' is impossible Death '
"Hi... I agree with that, Ked. Ooh, this is actually happening right in front of you, huh? How do you explain that? Perhaps the work we were doing in the system room is already triggering, but it's just unexpected that this will happen ~ '
"It's Sono Street, Deputy Director Neela. If so, it could be...... whether Nayoqualaguya Neuron Data acquired the new technology, or whether she herself had it as knowledge from the beginning...... solely unexpectedly unthinkable '
"New technology?" … new…… technology…… fu ~ m… '
Neela arms up and twists out the contents of her memory. I wonder if something like that happened... I wonder if I was asking something... and arm in arm like that...
"A...... aaaaaah!!
I thought of something, Dr. Neela.
'Stay, no way! You nayo emperor Sama! You did it again!
Neela jumps onto a terminal that was nearby and taps a pop-pop VMC board at storm speed.
'Et, eh... eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh!! ……
Dr. Neela, staring at the virtually created flesh that looked like the Nayo Emperor with his jitsu eyes. And after a while.
"Ha-ha-ha... would you use it that way already, you big ha-ha-ha"
and hands against the wall, Neela becoming like a reflective monkey.
"Did you doe? Deputy Director Neela '
A Samarkan feminine leader sees how Neela is doing and visits with surprise.
'That Death Ne... Huh... I'll talk to you in order, and this one...'
Neela explains...
Apparently, this nayoquaraguya neuronal data awakened after typing in the code of the earlier 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 characters in the analysis work of the Neelas. And with tremendous analytical speed, they hacked all the terminals connected by this dilder izeira and its network.
It's easy to hack Titan's security. That's not half the ability.
In the meantime, this Nayo Emperor data... was wiped out and brought back by Cynthia Combi in the earlier "Hagudadora case"... like scanning the core structure of Garg Della.
Learn and master the Virtual Machine Life Structure System specific to its Dora Core…
"No way! Are you suggesting that Dora's virtual life system was upgraded to create this virtual flesh!!
The staff of the medical bureau are surprised to hear odd voices.
Neela snorts cocklessly that she's right... so is that. If Emperor Nayo had known about Garg Della, he would not have done that, but the knowledge of Emperor Nayo. In other words, in the living age, there was no contact with Garg Della yet. This means that the Nayo Emperor data, when hacked like this...
"Oh, look at the good stuff."
It must have puked Dora's virtual life-form system with about a feeling.
Perhaps, no, definitely so...
That is, right now, the presence in front of this eye, in other words...
[Virtual Life Form - Nayokualaguya]
You can say that. This... I have no idea what kind of ability it is.
While Neela had not yet awakened, I examined your large presence in the scanning system, which should also be called a drone, but the specially created Zell system on the head is quantum connected to the hardware system with the Nayoqualaguya neuron data, and the thought of the neuron data system is immediately reflected in this drone body without a time lag. Therefore, the ability to think and move into action will have natural life forms or more. Furthermore, while this drone body is in operation, the consciousness of the Nayo Emperor seems to subjectively contemplate the perspective from this drone body, and the neuronal data body is in Dilder Iseira, but that will be the way it will be in the form of the perspective from this drone body becoming "the person", Neela says...
The more I look into it already, the more amazing it is.
So much so that the Isailans of the Tilians, the apostles of this science, lose their hips, that it feels like their skill or deduction.
More than that… it was also obvious from this Nayokualaguya that "virtual life weaponry", which is currently prohibited in the Tibetan Union, is a weapon to be feared. Because if you say so, Dora, the ultimate figure is this Nayokualaguya emperor himself...
And when you wake up...
The cover of the zel treatment capsule opens slowly as the pshoo makes a noise.
In nudity, a nayo emperor with bright white skin to pull out slowly opens his eyes.
To the Medical Service staff, Samarkaans and Chief Zash. And Professor Neela kept her distance from the capsule. Keep an eye on that.
Regardless, in case they think about it, they create a particle pistol, the standard equipment of the Yalburn crew, and hold it in their hands... I don't know if it will work.
Such already frightened gentlemen, the Nayo Emperor rose to his knees and descended gracefully from the medical pod… completely nude, trying to somehow exit towards the hallway, Neela squeezed her courage and stood up in bold letters, holding back the streaking state of the Nayo Emperor's whereabouts.
"Da-da-da-da, no! Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Neela says those words vividly in Tierkumaska's highest salute.
I've never usually said anything like that, so it's all over the place.
Then Nayokualaguya, too, drips her head and sees what she is now... and Zash and the Medical Service staff. Look at the Samarka male shape, and dye the po cheeks.
The Samarkah feminine leader who guessed it...
"Ah, ho, holla. Mr Dern turns over...... it doesn't look like he's been told by me anymore Ka...... '
Sure... Samarka seems to know something like that.
When Nayokualaguya snorts and meditates on his eyes, he causes his nudity to create the plain clothes once worn by the royal family and to tuck himself in. Its appearance, it was dressed in an atmosphere like a coat of law to be worn for some sacrifice. By design, it's pretty old, to be honest. But it is graceful and graceful.
She's gonna break her knee and lay her hands gently on the shoulder of little Neela, who's gonna be flat-headed.
"That's right. You don't have to hang your head against each other. '
"Heh? Oh, no. Ha-ha-ha. '
It's like Monday night at eight o'clock, Professor Neela. How easy life is.
"Woof, the concubine is a portrait. Now it's just the will of the late deceased. It's not that big of a deal...... by the way, did you bring your concubine back into this world (depression)?
'Yes, yes! Oh, my God, that's right!
Until just now, it seems that I was complaining to Emperor Nayo about "refusal to remotely operate", "Dorakoa pakuri", or "hedgehog".
However, Professor Neela's surprise is that Emperor Nayokualaguya, even though he has virtually materialized, has, more importantly, diverted the technology of Garg Della and reborn it using the technology banned by the Tibetan Union.
And yet the possibility to this point in its banned technology. I mean, I never thought there was enough potential to virtualize a living organism. This may be an event that, even scientifically, could be a major discovery for a long time in some ways.
The technology of virtual organisms has not progressed much in the Tibetan Union due to the impact of the Virtual Biological Weapons Ban Treaty. So this is the first time I've ever seen virtual life as complete as the Nayo Emperor who's here now... conversely, if Garg Dehra gets full access to Tilian science and technology, it could also mean that he might be putting in virtual life for this weaponized Nayo Emperor class.
Furthermore, whether or not this neuronal data of the Nayo Emperor is' I think I am '… that is, the important point is there.
"Oh, I'm afraid Flinze..."
Neela was already on the verge of panic, but barely her thoughts on the issue had stopped her from 'falling' into panic just before.
'So you say that concubines are not fearful, little scientist. Lord, what's your name?
'Ha, hey...... my name is Neela Ders Meml. Frinzesama'
'Hmm. Aye, I get it. It's Neela... Phew, is there somewhere I can calm down and talk?
"Ha ha, hi... uh..."
When Neela looks out for everyone, she brings the couch and everything... to the infirmary for now, and sits down and talks anyway.
Take a breath Nayo Emperor. She looks around the entire infirmary...
"Neela, how many times have passed since the body of the concubine passed away?
'Ha, yes, uh...'
Neela tells me that it's been over a thousand years or so, converted into Earth time.
After all, Emperor Nayo is a brilliant scientist who must be a rumor. I looked at the equipment in the infirmary and thought about it. And most importantly, Neela thought it was amazing that this Nayo Emperor was aware that he was neuronal data.
She has also seen various neuronal data. In fact, Fell's parents' neuronal data output adjustments have also been done once by Fell's request. Still, the VMC creatures that are output respond as if they were willing, but that is only the output of super advanced possibilities and not what can be called 'self' … yes, from Tilian science it is' an artificial intelligence-type system close to having an unlimited self '. It's not' I think '. In fact, when Kashiwaki came to Izeira earlier, the output was exactly as we saw Fell's parents' neuronal emulation, and we don't produce an output that allows us to realize that we are 'neuronal data'.
This is where this neuronal data of the Nayo Empire is very different, and where Neela is surprised.
Samarca and the others, both from artificial life forms, shared the same sentiments as Neela. We used to be like that ourselves. But when it comes to boulders and such 'brain data of the deceased', Samarkas can't help but be surprised. That is because it is a 'case' quite different from them.
'Not so... Really... So, what happened to the sperm death?
I also ask. I still don't seem to remember seeing Fell or Kashiwaki. I guess the code of parallel worlds is still valid here. Indeed, if her system itself meant that she went to a parallel world where Kashiwaki and the others were at the time, the memories should have been sealed. If you can't record it in another system, within a time limit, you won't be able to check the memory of that time either.
Neela perceives it and tells Emperor Nayo how the sperm is progressing. The Kashiki operation "The Return of Kaguya"...
"... Oh my God! Did you have a national deal with Yamatonokni! Iseira! '
'Ha, ha, yes. (Oh well, Frinze was in a parallel world, so I remember...)'
'Oh, really, Yamatonikuni and I are in national traffic... are we... are we?'
Nayokualaguya tears deeply emotional with her hands on her mouth. So, Professor Neela goes there for more todome words.
"Ah, Flinzesama. So right now, this is... this Yarmartia. '
"Guz............??? What now?
"Huh? So that" Yamato "is now coming to" Yamato "for its signing ceremony because it joins the Tierkmaska Galactic Union."
"Yamatonokuni is... joining the Tierkumasuka coalition... are you?
"Hi. Uh, Frinze, don't you remember the person named" Kasiwagi Masato "and the person named" Ferferia Yama Naakaaara "?
"Cassiwagi Masato... Cassiwagi Masato... Ferferia... Ferferia..."
Nayokualaguya narrows her eyes so that she searches for something and moves her eyes crisply. A lot of times later, you finished looking for something to make you feel better...
The name of the Yamato is in the buffer. And the name of the Iseira Fru... I seem to know him... '
Oh, my God, you seem to remember Kashiwaki. The boulder is the neuronal data of the Nayo Empire. I guess I hacked into some backup area when I came back to this world to avoid those memory codes and missed the memories of Kashiwaki and Fell there. Thank you for finding it.
Neela tells Emperor Nayo that the two of them have worked hard to meet, marry, and join the coalition. And that Fell is descended from the Nayo Emperor.
'Yes, that record was also in the evacuation data. I have now merged the records into my concubine's main memory bank. I know, yo. I remember it step by step...... right. Yeah, it is. You did......'
This is the amazing thing about being what should also be called the 'System Self'.
Realistic intellectual life doesn't know how to record a memory, or how much it records, if it's gone from memory, it doesn't know what "real feeling" is.
I can admit the fact that "that's what happened," but I don't feel it. It's like eating liquor like an asshole and remembering nothing about that time the next day.
But with such a system, records can be fused together as memory. Therefore, even if there is no memory now, with this backup, the Nayo Emperor will be able to recall the "physical feeling" of the time, even if it is imperfect.
She changes the atmosphere from the Nayo Emperor, who until then had a slight Fell-like hoe feel, to the Nayo Emperor with some far-eyed deep expression... as if something had switched on...
Often silent Nayokualaguya. And most importantly, Nirahe talks.
"Neela, a brilliant scientist."
'Yes, yes!
"The concubine wants to meet Ferferia with the man of Yamato, whose name is Kashiwagi. Can't you handle that?
"First Meteor Eye Nikakakal, Kashiwagidaijin"
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Gash. We have read your face in materials."
"Um, siega colors to take care of ninateil youda"
"Yes. Hey, haha, I didn't know you were Shie's father..."
Minister Kashiwagi. At the Curry Festival venue, it was a curry meeting with the sie-daddy Führer Gash.
Dimensions that Sie brought him to this venue because Gash wanted to see Kashiwaki.
I felt like I was dating Takagawa by pressing Gash against Kashiwagi and Fel and Sansa.
Three bitterly laughing Kashiwaki people who don't know.
Actually, Kashiwaki, of course, but I know the face of Führer Gash. Whether that's the story of looking at Tilian diplomatic material or not, I only vaguely remembered it as' President Gash ', and I didn't even remember the name' Jade Rossho 'after that.
I didn't think he was Sie's father, etc., so at the same time I was surprised that there were various things I thought about Sie's relationship with Takagawa.
And Kashiwaki complaining a little about Fell.
"Hmm, I didn't hear Mr. Sie was such a lady."
"Datte, it's a promise to Sie, mon. Because it's a promise between Shinyu and Shinyu that you should never say it. I couldn't even tell Masatosan all this, Death. '
I'm saying that, but Fell, there's nothing like taking that apart and caring about it, so I just forgot to tell the guideline Kashiwaki.
"I don't know, Mr. Sie's such a lady, and Fell's like Flinse, right? Doesn't Yalburn just have a VIP on it?
'That's a tamata, Masatonsan. Gash Odysama often came to visit the castle, even after my Falun and Marma had died, drawing Shie's hand, through me. That's when Sie used to play with me instead of your sister, yo. I don't know, Falun and Marma are Saw, who were best friends with Gash Ojisama.'
"Then when you do, you and Mr. Sie are childhood friendly. Fell is."
I see, Kashiwaki thought.
From Hatha's point of view, Shie and Fel had a lot of atmosphere like that, whether they were close or not.
But it was like we trusted each other, and somehow there was an atmosphere of 'sisters'.
So, Kashiwaki is convinced when asked that.
"San Samo, Cocomadego Hard Dattana. Omaegaytecreta lizarde, flinzemocayoni splendid ninatta '
I was eating curry on the side, and Sansa was so frightened by that word in Gash.
"With all due honor, you sit down, Fada Gash. Siesama or Fada. And Lumeasama is here to support you, Mass."
Lumea. This is Hal the Sie. In other words, it is the name of Siemma. "Lumea Nanna Rossho," he said.
While we talked about it that way, Gash also felt somewhat united while eating curry.
Kashiwagi was told by Gash that it was also in Takagawa, and he was surprised. But he hasn't spoken to me about being the head of state, the Führer. He thinks he's a prestigious Dustal politician.
"Are you sure, my lord? You don't have to tell Tagawa around."
"Another Nikamawanyo. Dorsei no tenure mo, mousuguowalida. Hot Itemo Normal No Politician Ninal '
Yes, President Gash's presidency is about six months away from Earth time. Therefore, there is no problem without telling Takagawa about it.
"Demo, Yarbanga, Harmani Arrival Cite, I Mo Colors Report Materials Misetemorataga......"
That said, Gash took his seat in large part, a little further away and invited Kashiwagi to quicken
"(Tekkiri, Sieha, Kashiwagi Minister Tokutsukto Omotteotaga)"
"(Wow, sire, please don't. If Fell asks, we'll both be blind. No, seriously.)"
When I look at Fell next to Sansa, I see the two of you with a guillotine eye whether you're guessing something or not.
Back in your seat, in Kashiwaki's ear.
After saying so, Fell takes a sizzling look at Masatosan with her sliced, golden-eyed thin eyes. Its gaze is very cold.
"Nothing. Nothing."
A minister who is desperate to forgive. Look at that sama, big laugh Führer Gash and Sansa. What a long time.
And when I'm doing such an asshole story with the head of state of one country, Sie and Takawa run across the seats of the Fells. Besides, that run is unusual. To Sie, a full run of physical surgery I showed during the Fishing Island incident entirely.
Takawa also hits other audiences while worshipping "Sunmasen" with one hand to follow Shie.
"What is it? Tell Mr. Sie, Mr. Takawa, what are you doing?
Sansa also follows the Siers with her eyes with a Kyotong face on Gash and Fell.
After a while, I ran out of breath and Sie...
"Kashiwagi! Omae, Yarbanka, Dildar Iseirakara, how many contacts haataka!?
"What? No? Nothing...... hey Fell"
'Ha, hi...... So, Sie, what the hell is wrong with Death? In such a hurry......'
Takawa is also catching up with Sie and saying Zeezy. Looks like he came with a pretty dash.
"Kashiwagi-san, Fel...... Anyway, guys, it's tough"
Then Gash was surprised.
"Tagawa, doushi tatoi unoda. Siemo...... Sonna Normal Narazar Face Cite '
"Nani-iteirunda, Tarley. Now tirascala emergency no contact gaatta no dagana. Kiiteodoroke, Kashiwagi. Actual ha...... '
and Shie tries to talk, Kashiki's smartphone rings a ringtone. The opponent...
"Oh, I'm sorry I'm talking to you for a second. It's from the Prime Minister..."
Sie tongues "chip" at the bad Gotobe phone in the meantime, turning her body half a spin.
But as for her (from Nitobe in this situation means…), I bend my mouth to the letter to watch Kashiki respond to the phone call. That was the same with Takawa.
"Yes, Kashiwaki. Good job Prime Minister...... Huh? No? Nothing yet. Now the siers are in a hurry too...... yes............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Isn't that amazing! Yeah. Yeah. Huh? Entitlement? What is a virtual life form...... ahhhhhh? Is it true! Yes. Yes. I get it. Of course! Yeah, I'll take Fell, too. Yes. Okay. Then locally."
Kashiwagi cuts his smartphone all the time.
Shie and Tagawa guessed what they were talking about at their leisure from the content of the conversation.
"Mr. Shie, Mr. Takawa... your blood phase has changed... we're talking now, right?
"Aah, Souda... Tondemonai thing dazo"
"That's what happened...... sie. Looks like we got the story, so I'm gonna go tell Second Sergeant Osami."
"Aah. Tanom, darling. I Ha Once Kaguyahe Back Le '
"Okay...... then father-in-law. I am now..."
Takawa calls Gash 'his father-in-law' and runs on a dash to the Extremely Dangerous Curry Booth.
Gash doesn't seem to be all over the name, "Um," he nods loudly and smiles, dropping off Takagawa.
Sie also returned to Kaguya in a quick and sexy motion.
"Nde, Soleja Souto, what the hell is Gaattanoda? Sapphic Situation Ganomi Komenaino Daga"
Gash arms up and asks the curry spoon tingling instead of the instruction stick.
Fell and Sansa feel the same way.
Kashiwagi exhales one with Fu and says to shake his hands inwardly and lend his face to the gentlemen.
Kashiwaki whispers as everyone faces the table.
"Ladies and gentlemen, calm down and listen...... especially Fell"
The wasp, Ka?
Kokukoku nodding Kashiwaki.
"Actually... he successfully decoded the Nayokualaguya Emperor neuron data"
Yes, Kashiwaki says, a moment of silence for the three of them.
More and more my face turns into a surprise look.
"Mom, no way Neelachan did?
"Oh. They finally did it."
'That's amazing! Noni who could not disarm anyone for 1000 nen after the death of your ancestor Sama......'
Yes. I was able to temporarily disarm it on Kaguya's return operation, but that was also somewhat temporary, and you'd better have come out of the emperor. In fact, I soon became silent again.
"Empress Nayoqualaguya Neurondatano Unka...... story niha hear itairga, solega dekireba, emperor nodatani, sperm death cure no data validation sacer kotoga dekirno dattana"
"Yes, I'm talking about it, because I'm not sure it's hard either"
"Shishi, is that all that surprises you about Keller Shie?
"No, Mr. Sansa. That's right... Emperor Nayokualaguya... he's been revived as a virtual life form..."
Hear the word, three more of these to be Kyotons.
Speaking of virtual life forms... every time I'm familiar with Garg Derra, the Dora of the house, what the hell.
Emperor Nayo told Mr. Nayo that he had apparently scanned the remains of the Dora Core obtained by the Siers in the earlier 'Far Away Dora' incident to learn its structure and materialize itself as a virtual life form, albeit virtually created.
Then the three hear the story as a poker, without even shouting.
"So me and Fell are going right now, to that dilder Iseira. Thank you, sir. He wants to see me and Fell."
"Fa? e? Mo But your ancestors ha, are you remembering something in that world Death!?
"No, they don't mean that. I don't know the details, but it's still like we were recording memories somewhere before they disappeared."
Talking about that, Gash.
"Narhodoyokwakatta. Tonikaku is important da. Early Ku Ship Hehang Tahouga Liang Yi '
"I'll take care of you, Flinse, Farda... Farda Gash, I'll take care of you, Kara."
"Sumanuna, San Sayo"
"Yea, what are you talking about? Do it. Gozaimus, Fada for cheap '
Then Kashiwaki, Fell, take a seat.
"Excuse me, Lord Gash, Mr. Sansa. It's a festival because of it."
'I'm sorry, Ojisama. Sansa'
"What do you ossify? I am also a member of the staff of the Second Embassy of the Republic of Nihon. Hurry... '
"Um, Osorak, Cyvalya Marihail Nemo Talk Ha Row Teil Darrow. Isatonareva, I, Mo Hoka, Hand to Hand Ou."
So the two of them thanked each other and went from Kaguya to Yarbanhe once on transfer, and Dilder Izeira...
"Yo, it's you who have come to my Dilder Iseira. Fada Cassiwagidizine. And Flinse Ferferia. '
As soon as we transfer to Dilder Iseira, Captain Dilder Iseira and his staff greet us in the transfer room with the highest salute.
Fell goes beyond saying that Kashiwagi is now also a super VIP in Iseira. There are no strangers.
"This is polite, Captain."
Kashiwagi fears for a polite welcome.
"Captain Keller. What about Fada Nitbe and the others?
"Yes, Flinze. Already in the guest room."
"Ho, welcome room...... it's ka!?
"Ha... if you look at that, it will be. Anyway, to the cochlea. Fada too...... '
Guided by the captain, Fell and Kashiwagi took him with the staff to the ship's reception room.
In front of the reception room, a rigorous escort with a gravity launcher guarded and consolidated the room.
This is also a strange schematic. Dilder Iseira is a ship that can also fight a battle called a central ship. The fact that such a strict guard in it has a gravitational launcher to protect him... is by no means the wind that he is protecting the person in this. I would rather not let it out... but it is the reception room. It also means that we treat each other with the utmost respect.
(Again... be vigilant...)
Kashiwagi has a slightly sinister face. Fell seems to think the same.
When the guard confirms the face of the Kashiwaki line, Ba Ti Lian salute in a correct position to pave the way.
When you enter the large reception room decorated with Iseira condiments… in the back seat, the number of Neela and Samarca people. Take a short distance to the Gotobe and Mishima and other Cabinet Office staff. Osamura Eight Thousand Spears Elite Guard Self-Defense Officer. And with the medical staff...
"Cashwagi or ferferferia? Oh, it's been a long time!
In ancient Japanese, finding Kashiwagi and Fel to make a bright face with Papa...... was Nayokualaguya.
"Hey, Sire Nayoku Qaraguya? Ho, are you really Your Majesty?
"Na or Japanese is weird Nano......"
The question Kashiwaki and Fell think - I met her in a parallel world. I mean, she was in a parallel world, too, not least. But she remembers herself very much. I didn't know that was strange.
More questions Fell thinks... What is this Japanese word?
"You won't be able to get around. Feel and weave well.
Nicholas laughing nayo emperor sama. I'm already smiling at the state budget class. Beauty is also a good place. And where I laughed, I looked a lot like Fell. Unexpectedly, Minister Kashiwagi gets upset.
Mr. Fell looking on the side. Put the tip of the ballpoint pen on Kashiwagi's ass...
"Yikes!! Phew, Fell!
Turn around and say, "Pi ~ p ~" Felsan... no mercy to your ancestors.
Look at such a fell, Nayoquaraguya. Couscous Laughter
"Felferia is also energized and above all. I sent the information to the bank to find out whose, Kashiwaki's, but it's good. I'm attracted to my heart.
'Huh? Oh, what are you talking about... et...'
Fell pounds his zel quote. I wonder if I'm not feeling well.
"Ha Fell, I'm not. Your Majesty's words are old Japanese. In short, you said congratulations on my marriage to Fell.
Kashiwagi will teach Fell what the word means now.
"A, that's... thank you for your words, Frinze..."
Fell returning it with the finest salute. Exactly in front of you, the wheelhoe mode is a seal... maybe.
"We manage to understand, but we speak quite differently... Your Majesty. You can do it in Iseira's words. Zerquot is in Japan... No, because all Yamato government officials have it now."
Then Nayokualaguya nods "un" and meditates his eyes a little.
Nayo Emperor's PVMCG is like that because it has a built-in head.
Can I help you?
"Yes, I understand very well"
"Uhm. Again... Long time no see, Kashiwagi"
"Ha, thank you for your help then, Your Majesty... but haha... I'm not entirely out of my memory anymore"
'That's impudent. Still, there was a lot going on back then.'
Kashiwaki holding both hands the hand offered by Emperor Nayo...... the moment of that grip!
Kashiwaki was stunned... his hands are warm... Fell seems surprised to hold that hand too.
As for Fell, I was looking at it with my parents' virtual causative body sensations, but obviously not.
From what, from its touch, it is a complete 'flesh' … Fell who rounds his eyes and looks at Kashiwagi and his face.
Kashiwaki understood what this strict security system now meant.
And Gotobe and the others distanced themselves a little, and also understood what it meant to be surprised by the look on his face...
It is true that this being is' life '… but it is tentative first life' virtual life '.
It's a "Garg Della" technique in Kashiwagi's knowledge...
"It's a kashiwagi..."
"Huh? Oh, yes, what is it, Your Majesty?"
'Um... Hi. The concubine seems oddly wary, do you know why?
"Ah, yes. Well... Fell, I'd better explain it to you."
"You're a sow... I don't think you know what Osorak and Frinze are thinking in their living times. Let me explain this to you. '
"You're a party. Please."
Fell turned the story of forces now hostile to the Tierkmaska world into a nayo emperor.
And now the technology that makes up the emperor's body is the technology of its hostile forces, something that the Tierkmaska world cannot do, but it is also the technology that is forbidden because of its dangers.
'!!... Oh yeah... I did know in the data of the Information Bank that there is some hostile presence in the Tierkmaska world today, but I didn't know that this primitive body was the technology of its forces...'
Exactly. Nor did Emperor Nayo seem to have been able to hack even military classified information from the Tilian Defense Department to hear this story. Usually Garg Della related information is almost there.
Badly in between, however, Dora Vazler's core was usually stored in a secure vault because Sie had taken it to Yalburn. It was not stored in a highly secure vault because it was a wreck and was to be handed over immediately to Hestle et al. Nayo Emperor Sama hacked there.
"Uh-huh... If that's the case, this primitive. Maybe you should dispose of it...... too bad s. I liked this technology, Death... '
Neither did the Nayo Emperor think it was a great technology to rebirth into this world because I had never seen a technology that could create a great virtual life so far... it is the will of the Nayo Emperor who loved the Tierkmasca world with her. If that's why you have to throw away this body too...
"The need for it is Ashima Senyo!
Saying that out loud, two people coming into the reception room early foot...... it was Marihail and Cyval.
The two kneel and salute in front of Nayokualaguya.
"Those guys... bind the Tierkumasuka world today... you're Marihail and Cyval"
"Hi, Happy Birthday to Flinze"
Marihail said that in a respectful voice.
"Frinze Nayoquaraghya. The people of Izeira will rejoice in this newspaper. Congratulations. '
Cyval is like that to the left.
But Nayokualaguya also said again, "I am nothing but a figure. He's not such a great being," he seems to be afraid back.
Just that the neuronal data of Emperor Nayokualaguya is activated. This is from 80% of the Nayo Emperor followers in the Tilian world, that would be a good place to rejoice.
However, he stresses that the person in question is not the person, but a portrait, although it is the memory, sensibility and will of the Nayo Emperor. In other words, he seems to be aware that it is' someone else who is unlimited close to him '.
Kashiwaki observing how it is...... still this neuronal data. I don't know if it's just the Nayo Emperor phenomenon... but I was wondering if I had...
Marihail let go that the Nayo Emperor's neuronal data code was unlocked, and even virtual life, which is a "imitation" of Dora technology, but it was wonderful to reborn it as if it were accompanied by appearance.
He said it was trivial, such as imitating Dora technology. It's something we can do if we want to do it with our technology, so I was wondering if it's okay.
'... it's teh, isn't it? Because it's not like a weapon was born in Nye. And...'
Marihail tells a realistic story as head of the coalition. That, with the help of Emperor Nayo, might be able to figure out something about Garg Della.
'Are you sure? Cyval. "
"Oh, roger, Marihail... Captain, lower your guard. It's okay. '
So the nayokualaguya emperor is finally open.
Marihail and Cyval invite the Gotobe, who were asking about the situation a little further away, to introduce them to Emperor Nayo.
"The prime minister of Yamatonokuni? It's the ultimate in pleasure.
Nayokualaguya accidentally salutes Gotobe and Mishima and others in Japanese. The Gotobe and the others shake hands, but they still seemed surprised at the creation of a virtual creature beyond that level of reality.
A little diplomatic time like that.
Kashiki turns to Neela and says "Hey, hey". Neela stopped by Totetote and Kashiwaki...
"Professor Neela. That neuronal data from Nayo Emperor Sama... you have complete ego..."
"Yappa Rifu, but you think so, Death... Actually, me and Samarkasan over there were surprised by that too..."
Anything, Neela says, at the suggestion of the Samarkas, when Samarkas increase their species in the medical room earlier, when they make cloned bodies in planned production, they put a 'self-check' on their compatriots who can.
Because we are a species with such a history, it is said that there are still a few percent of cloned bodies that do not bud themselves. Such a person will train to awaken himself by sending him to the appropriate facility, but it is said that he passed the Samarka-style self-test to the Nayo Emperor at his leisure.
"... because it is Toiukoto... I think that the special nature of the neuronal data of Nayokura Guyasama is causing this phenomenon."
"Hi, Sister Fell... The neuronal data of Nayokualaguyasama is integrated with the hardware of the Toral System, unlike what Sister Fell's parents feel like."
According to Neela, such general neuronal data simply causes the software called information of the deceased stored in advanced memory to be played back in a manner consistent with the neuronal structure through a playback device, but the neuronal data of the Nayokualaguya Emperor is not the same as normal neuronal data because it is mounted in the form of software integrated into a specially made toral type system.
When they say that, they do realize that, too, Fell is haunted. Convinced to snort at Neela's story.
"I see... even though it's small, it's neuronal data that's proprietary to one dedicated torral system. Then can you be convinced..."
Why did she intend to preserve her own neurons in such a way? I guess it would be best to ask the person of the day why, but you can talk about that later.
So the treatment of Emperor Nayokualaguya.
The first is that it is neuronal data that should also be called Izeira's national treasure.
Secondly, that it is life, albeit virtual, with personhood.
With this in mind, the issuance of citizenship for Izeira meant that Cyval gave his life under the authority of the Chair and was immediately implemented.
Looks like Marihail and Cyval tried to make it through to publication with instant event data, but Kashiwaki and Fell are very pleased with the publication of the case. And the Japanese government waited.
'... you think we should stop publishing? For what reason? Minathan'
Marihail and Cyval question something different.
"Perhaps you have never experienced this in your history… If now the people of Iseira and Thielkmaska see this majesty of Emperor Nayokualaguya, it will cause a great panic by talking about 'the Creator is back.'"
"It doesn't have to be that now... well, we're not irrelevant, either, to the discovery of the Holy Land of Nihon, the success of Kaguya's return operation. The development process in Japan and the planet, the prevalence of civilization and science, and what I call it, is causing considerable cultural shock to your culture. In that state... haha... if your people knew the emperor existed
... It won't be a panic scene. "
Speaking of which, I also followed the Gotobe and Mishima I was hearing back there.
"Yes, Your Excellencies. In that regard, I would like you to refer to the history of our planet… the resurrection of the Creator. It is a phenomenon close to 'the coming of God' in this earthly wind. It will never produce good results."
"Right. Think about the possibility of your fanatical son using this event to commit terrorism or something. Regardless of the future story, shouldn't we just lay low now?
Cyval and Marihail think with their arms around the three words.
Then Nayokualaguya too...
"Speaker, the words of Minister Seuri. I think the concubine is right. '
and show agreement with the three opinions. I guess she is also a person who has experienced a lot in her former Yamato. Maybe that's the experience.
There is no such thing as an earth-like divine Buddhist religion in the Tierkumasuka world, but dare I say, this Creator worship is close to it. However, their Creator beliefs are people whose reality is clear, and they are not like the so-called Divine Buddha.
"We wonder if His Majesty Nayokualaguya is reborn in such a way... I don't know how to say this rebirth either, because we know how he was born with personality anyway, but if people who don't know it only hear the results and tell this phenomenon in hearsay, you may be distorted and the facts distorted and a bad 'legend' is born. That's all we have to avoid."
With these words of Kashiwaki, they both seem convinced.
'Sure... that word makes sense... should I lay down a warrant until things settle down for the moment? Hey, Marihail. "
'You're a sow. To my surprise and pleasure, I almost lost my reason. The boulders are the Kellers. Sure, that word, you can say a lot......'
The boulders are the people of Thielkmasca. This kind of place is fast to understand.
... so for now the Nayokualaguya Emperor gained citizenship in Tierkumaska in such a way.
But she herself has made certain suggestions.
"Speaker Cyval"
What is it, Flinze?
'No, that Flinse tribute... the concubine is the' will 'of the deceased Emperor Nayoquaraghya, not in person. In other words, unlimited identical person and other person. Can you do anything about that "Flinze" or what the Yamatos call "Emperor"? There must be some misunderstanding. "
'Ha ha... that's what they said mo...'
Mr. Twisting his head with Hmm.
Indeed, the heir to the throne is currently Mr. Fell. So Flinse, it also combined that it was a strange story that there were two people with honorable names.
Then Fell makes a suggestion.
"Deja, let's say Nayokura Gyasama is a relative of mine."
"Yes, no, Fell, relatives actually are."
'It's not, it's an external body. Your name is also for the time being...... Nayosan So, Ugh.'
"If you mean externally, that's fine."
But Mishima...
"No, Doctor, I've honored His Majesty Nayokualaguya at the press conference the other day. This... I don't know... well, you can only manage to stand out."
"There it is, Dr. Mishima. It's Mr. Pohl's."
"?... Oh, that one. I see."
That said, Neela transfers Kigurumi System resources to the Nayo Emperor.
Nayoquaraguya to meditate on the eyes and check the system configuration.
'This... looked like a pseudomorphic system...'
"Yeah, that's right. Originally, Tierkumasuka was better when working in Japan, well, that's right. It's a system developed to simulate the species in order to accommodate the Japanese who are still resistant to aliens."
'I see. So here's how you should use it'
The Nayo Emperor naturally changes its body color from white to the water color found in the general Isailans. Then Mr. Cheers said, "Ooh."
"Wow, that skin color really makes me look like Fell..." Kashiwaki said.
"Sure...... this is definitely Dr. Felferia's relative. Ha," said Gotobe.
"What a guy this is. Fu Ha," said Mishima.
and just like that. For now, I combined to do this.
Mm, that 'concubine' system tone and the ancient tone of the Japanese conversation... Nayo Emperor Sun also laughs bitterly that all this can't be helped. He wants me to give him a break because it's already stained.
"Ha, some people are like Reiko, isn't that okay? This is personality, too."
"Buha, for sure. So is that."
I was wondering if Kashiwagi and Mishima would be different.
Well, somehow, congratulations are no different. It was just too unexpected, so I'm in a demo state...
"Soon after you came to the solar system, is it the Hado Dora case... and soon after you came to Nihon, to the Curry Festival, the resurrection of the Emperor... really, you won't get tired of it"
Marihail smiles like a hu.
'No, Marihail. Curry Festival and the Dora case, and I'm wondering if we can handle this in the same line.'
"Alas, the Curry Festival will change the food culture of Thielkmasca. Ensure...... '
"Ma, well, I don't know... haha"
"And Cyval? You have a reunion with Keller Nilfa, too, right? Isn't that undeniable there?
It feels like this is here, Cyval. It feels like no.
Kashiwagi and the others have more new allies.
In an unexpected way, an unexpected person, but in a sense also a very important and comforting person, joined the companion.
Nayokualaguya Hale Thermisa...... will of a person about 1000 years ago. And in writing, another personality.
It is the first experience for the present Earthlings.
It doesn't mean the dead have resurrected. The replication of the consciousness of the dead has resurrected itself.
I just think Kashiwaki.
I don't know what to say about the human brain, just around 1250 grams. Speaking of pure storage capacity alone, it is also said to be 140 terabytes in digital conversion. But in terms of storage capacity alone, that's a number, but when this activates a person's "self" including "consciousness" and "emotion" … even a small amount of a torral system is needed. One unit is also the size of the unit that requires coupling to a ship-mounted system.
Civilizations that produced biological artificial life like the Samarkas may have understood this in a way. Because in order to form a personality with such self in a machine, like the Nayo Emperor today, even Tilian science and technology will require a single piece of the toral system. Therefore, the civilization that created the Samarkas may have attempted to manufacture advanced robotic systems in the direction of "biological androids".
'... so, minasama. Have you talked to Owari yet?
Dr. Neela, who was waiting to put a paragraph on it, said something.
"Hi. Deputy Director Neela. Something? '
and Marihail.
"What the hell, Janai, chancellor... Flynn for what I am... Janakata. I think I was absolutely committed to analyzing the code for Nayokura Guyasama. Ka!?
'?...' Marihail thinks with his arms. But he said, "Ah. Oh, yeah! I'm sorry."
'Already!...' said Neela as she swelled her cheeks. 'Nayosamana, Nayosama. Um, I need to talk to you.'
"Yes, what is it, Neelakyoju?"
Glad to have the Nayo Emperor say 'Professor', Dr. Neela.
'You know what? Originally, this is why I let Nayosama celebrate like this...'
Neela tells Emperor Nayo that she is correct in analyzing the dimensional variation figures for the spermatozoa she derives, or because she wants me to help verify them.
'Yes. I understand, young scientist. its input data. I remember everything in my system. All you have to do is analyze it.'
'Yes, yes!
Just give me a minute and Fell will come from the side...
"Nayokualaguyasama. Um, that's what Neelachan was saying... I heard that maybe when the emperor was suffering from a sperm death, in a parallel world flown, it was a world where a cure for sperm death had been established..."
Neela told me about it in a report that she was working on. Naturally Fell was reading that too.
Nayokualaguya nods cocoon...
'Yes, you're right... I don't remember that anymore in my concubine, but I do remember the notes recorded by my concubine herself. I do remember that. And in Yamatonokni at the time, I wrote a desperate copy of that memory...... it was a good memory...... I know the people of Yamatonokni didn't know what Huhu, the concubine was doing either, but he provided me with the tools to write things and places to help me out a lot......'
Nayokualaguya begins to talk about her past by telling Neela and Fell that. I guess Fell wasn't willing to listen to what he said so far, but Kashiwaki and Gotobe. Mishima's complexion changed... for the Japanese, because it is a testimony to the truth a thousand years ago.
Kashiwagi invited Big Moon, who was attached with the escort...
"(Oh. Take a record of this story. It's important)"
"(Roger that... that's kind of a hell of a day.)"
At first glance, give instructions to his subordinates and start recording.
Nayokualaguya, Earth. And when I woke up again in Japan, I still don't know where or where, but I woke up in the bedding of an old couple's private home.
And that the old couple took care of a lot of things.
That, at that time, he himself understood the identity of this sperm death, and there was a formula and solution to the dimensional variation numerical value of the cure in his memory, so he desperately tried to take a record. However, it is good that the old couple and the villagers worked so hard to bring the escape pod as well, but it was damaged more than expected, the recording device became unusable, and the villagers prepared and provided paper for brushes and ink that were luxury items in Japan at the time.
'That letter or symbol that the concubine desperately writes down... hehe, woman, grandfather, was wondering, but you must have thought it was something to be thankful for. When did the villagers help me...'
Then I wonder when such rumors were passed on to the then central government, something like a visiting delegation came from the center too, and when I saw what Emperor Nayo looked like, they were surprised and flipped on the spot.
Occasionally, reports were passed on to the central government that Tennyo had come to Yamatonokuni, saying that the Nayo Emperor had received considerable hospitality in the centre.
So he also said that he could use all the valuable writing equipment he wanted at the time, and as long as the memory deadline allowed, he wrote it down.
"(This is... a hell of a testimony, Dr. Kashiwagi)"
"(Oh, this is Magimon and history flips...)"
"(Yes. If anyone stops here, it's stupid. Let them talk like this)"
Emperor Nayo continues...
Just when the memory of the parallel worlds began to disappear like that, the story was that the Nayo Emperor had quite a few disciples. When did those disciples ask me to teach Iseira mathematics and physics on a regular basis... among those students was the then Crown Prince.
And the crown prince invited me, to do the singing, all sorts of things... if you say so, he invited me on a date, like that from other aristocratic students...
'What can I say for myself... the concubine was well hot. Woof. "
Mr Nodding with the feeling of highness. A convincing story for the Japanese. Because I can be consistent with that story.
... indeed Japan at the time. Naturally, but less abundant than Iseira. It's immature in terms of hygiene, and it's not rich in diet.
Emperor Nayo said that finding free time also provided treatment for people who were ill and in need.
He said the medical high quarn kit on the escape pod and the Zell system were alive, so he used it to save quite a few people suffering from the disease.
And he realized that the Nayo Emperor might not be able to return home anymore, and he was beginning to think it might be a good idea to spend his whole life in this naturally beautiful country.
'... the concubine at the time was also said to be a' progressive 'and' evolutionary 'in Iseira and was quite neglected by a faction that maintained the status quo best, so I thought it would be good too...'
At some point, it's going to be a long story like that, so the staff of the medical bureau brought the tea to the reception room...... Nayo Emperor's sitting state.
She didn't mention it directly... but it feels like she had a good relationship with the Crown Prince, who was a disciple, and apparently she talks in such a way that she was also thinking about marriage.
They said that such a peaceful day lasted for several years, but at one point, suddenly a large unit of Iseira came to Japan.
Later I checked that the communication function of the escape pod was self-repairing and transmitting the SOS signal.
And she tells the story that the troops who found out where she was had come by force to intimidate the Japanese at the time, which was obviously the money of the status quo maintainers.
The Crown Prince also said that he would fight with the emperor of the time, but that there was no way that he could do that, and that if he was bad, he would be killed, and he was desperate to persuade the Crown Prince and the emperor of time not to resist.
And when we say goodbye...
Emperor Nayo refused to return home, and pleaded with him to take home only the results of the study of the sperm death, and resisted considerably, regardless of the fact that his unit was taken halfway to the maintainers, without being heard such a thing because the rescue of Emperor Nayo was the life of the Emperor, and at the end of the day he was put to sleep with medication, without being able to greet his beloved Crown Prince with separation.
To sum up the story, I could deduce that what I left behind in such a way was a fan that I had sent to the Crown Prince and a marital drug with a vow of the future.
In such a history, she said, she was already on a spaceship returning home when she woke up from her medication.
The sperm and death literature, which I have studied risking my life, will also motivate the progressives for the maintainers, which means that I was not allowed to take it back to Iseira as a faithless material, and that the Nayo Emperor returned home in the form of being abandoned to Japan... And while she was later in the position of 'emperor', she stood by the great reform of the national system and administration... After that, at the time of the talks, as explained by Cyval.
It is a spectacular self-narrative. The accuracy is different because it is a statement of neuronal data. Not usual.
Mr, "Hu" took a big breath and was overwhelmed by the big story on that scale.
This is... the truth about the story of Taiyuan's story, "Maybe It Was", of the Bamboo Fetch Story.
Now the story of connecting the two worlds, the Erbaila diary and the Bamboo Pickup story, has been validated.
'Neela or... the concubine's neuronal data was protected so that it could only be released into something that unraveled those concubine stories. That is...'
"What's that?
"This is a testament to the unraveling of the secret of sperm death. Well done. Neelahakase '
Pah. Neela that makes a brighter face. Unexpectedly hugs Nayokualaguya.
Yoshi Yoshi Nayo Emperor Sama.
She just doesn't remember everything herself, so she tells me that Neela needs to verify it with her new research results. Once it's verified, it's perfect.
"Now you can cure the sperm death, Chancellor."
Kashiwagi tells Cyval that.
"Yes, Keller. I have nothing more to say...... '
We nod at each other silently after that.
Then Kashiwaki slammed Pong and his hand, and approached Gotobe as if he remembered anything, and struck him in the ear.
Both Mishima and Mishima get mixed up in that mosho story.
Mishima said to Gotobe, "Eh!" He tells Kashiwagi something with his face. It's like talking privately in a cabinet seat in Congress.
After such a conversation, Gotobe smiles and poses as Kashiwagi for understanding. Mishima whispered, "The teacher will do well," and smiled.
"Your Majesty... Ah, no, Master Nayokualaguya"
Kashiwagi, with the approval of Gotobe, drips his head closer to the Nayo Emperor.
'What is it? Kashiwagi. You can say such awe-inspiring things now.'
"Ha, no. As Yamato on the boulder, it doesn't come to that... so I reborn you like this, the formula is... it's not just Professor Neela's efforts, actually."
"Well, what's that..."
"Actually, the country of Yamato today. As you know, it is currently called the State of Japan, but it is up to the emperors of this country and the Old Palace family to keep the Emperor's and earlier spoken materials dearly to this day, and with their materials provided, Professor Neela analyzes them and enters them."
On the side Neela is also snorting unuffly at Kashiwaki's words.
"Huh... now what? The Emperor or the Old Palace? Are you telling me that Tensisama is still here in this post-1000nen world?
"Yes, Mr. Left... the capital has become this current place called Tokyo Metropolitan City, but I will take care of it here."
"Cane Out...... East Kyou? Are you sure? ……
Nayokualaguya's face changes as she looks at it. Stunning, touching, no way. It's like a mixed face with all those thoughts. It is also natural. More than a thousand years on this planet as well. If you convert the legendary world, it's over 2,300 years old. For such a long time, I have not even retraced the rest of the world, such as the example of the continuation of the morning court.
If we assume that the definition of a first morning court is' 10,000 series I ', then the present Japanese nation can also be called the Yamato court with it now. Because in Japan today, in its history, there has never been a substitute for the Korean court. So to put it in the extreme, I have a saying, but it is still the Yamato court.
Often later, Nayokualaguya began to whimper and cry with her hands against her mouth.
Until now, I guess I didn't even think about the survival of the Emperor's family, but also in the unlikely event that it survives.
Not even if you look all over the universe, such as a family line that can be ascertained academically but will have such a pedigree at your leisure for more than 1,300 years.
Emperor Nayo's inspiration has been such a long time. That he was risking his life to keep a record of what he wrote. I'll make that point. And the reason you left them for me...
Nayokualaguya gave Dildar Izeira his own room after a meeting in the reception room that had become...
The room is splendid. He quickly made me a room like the chancellor's office on the ship.
Emperor Nayo says that Aye doesn't have to be that much the same, but as Iseira, it's not that simple and easy to talk about.
It may not be a real [Frinze Nayoquaraguya], for the followers.
[Creator Nayokualaguya]
It is true that
The whole ship now. And the entire signed fleet. At a time when the Japanese government has also laid down a decree, but still not so far away, this matter will soon be made public.
Therefore, I still can't handle it in the same line as the person there.
What's more, it's a toral system… The toral system gave itself to neuronal data.
This fact can't be thrown away on a boulder, and what's more, it's what Garg Della does with her technology. If you study this point, you may find some part of the mysterious organization.
All those thoughts come at the same time as her rebirth...
"There is no dying medicine for us in tears..."
Nayokualaguya mumbles the keywords that stunningly smashed his own protection in his own room in native Japanese.
If you ask, the story of your life in Yamato will be heard and passed on to the world, a song chanted by the emperor of the story completed as fiction.
I don't know if this song is fiction or real, now it's a boulder, but the will of this song. She seems to have a lot on her mind.
Is your own body touring a better world of causes and consequences?
Were you able to patrol with the Thinker again?
The photographer feels a little strange to have this feeling... a little complicated emperor.
Earth night. And I miss the Japanese night sky, Emperor Nayo. Stand by the window and look up at the night sky.
I saw it then, the white moon floats pockingly, and it takes a little thin cloud.
Just around the same time, the old body looks up at the same moon in the inner city.
"… so then"
"Yes, please tell me you'll be waiting"
He who droops his head respectfully and leaves such words for the person in the suit who is leaving and sits in a chair.
What do old bodies in their usual white jerseys think and look up at the moon?
Now the bright white moon visible from Japan was wrapped in a beautiful light to decorate...
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