Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1002: Dangerous situation (below)


The monsters shuttled between the stone mountains and stone forests, violently smashing huge boulders one after another, opening up a clear road, a rough road, and a panic.

He Chen shouted: "Chasing, can't let it run!"

Such a secret realm monster, the more fierce and fierce, the more likely it is to kill and obtain treasures.

The Qinghonghui disciples rushed to catch up.

Han Long jumped up and flew to the top of a stone mountain overlooking the entire stone forest. The muscles of his right hand holding the knife swelled, and his sleeve tube was cracked...

With a violent shout, the "Cold Steel Sammi Samurai Sword" shot out, and a bright silver beam was drawn in the sky!

Two seconds later, the monster's painful roar came from the stone forest.

Han Long was exhausted and fell to the ground.

Han Hu ran over to catch him.

Yang Qinhu and Huang Taiwu then relayed, rushed to the ground and caught up with the monster, each screamed and rushed to kill the monster fiercely!



The gray monitor lizard with a knife stuck in its back swept the two of them away and continued to flee for their lives.

Only Lei Zongying was chasing.

Lei Zongying is worthy of being a master-level powerhouse, extremely fast, with two legs chasing four legs, and biting behind the monster.

Seeing that it was about to catch up, instead of speeding up and fleeing, the gray monitor lizard stopped.

Lei Zongying also stopped, and at the same time frowned.

Because this place is a valley surrounded by huge rocks, and many people stand in front of them.

No, they are not normal human beings, they are blood races, and they are so full of blood that even the ferocious gray monitor lizards are daunting.

The following Qinghonghui disciples stopped behind Lei Zongying. They also saw who was standing on the opposite side. They were the Ouzhou blood clan, the Gangelo clan, the Pascal clan, the Ashamite clan, and the Tuozhou clan. The Rido clan.

After entering the secret realm, they did not separate, but acted together.

And they seemed to be waiting for something in this valley.

Sima Ao had a bad feeling in his heart.

Seeing the Qinghonghui disciples entering the valley, the beautiful clan leader of the Ashameite clan smiled, like a hot Nanou wild rose.

She said: "Oh, the overseas Hongmen are also here, do you also want to get a share of the monitor lizard valley?"

The Cyan Red Society disciples took a closer look and found that there were many large and small gray monitor lizard bodies lying on the ground. It seemed that this was indeed the nest of the monitor lizard monsters, and the monitor lizard that attacked the Cyan Red Society was relatively large and should belong to the lord. level.

It seems that these monitor lizard monsters are hunted by the blood race, but is the blood race really just to hunt the monitor lizard?

Was the monitor lizard that ran out to attack the Cyan Red Society for refuge or to lead the war?

Sima Ao, the mountain lord of the Qinghong Association, jumped around the corner of his eyes and said, "Friends of the blood race, the Qinghong Association does not know that you are hunting for treasures here. According to the rules, there is always a first come first, then come first. Since you are here first, then Qing Hong Will be willing to quit, anyway, this secret realm is very big, so it's the same for us to hunt for treasure elsewhere..."

"But!" At this moment, the deputy mountain lord He Chen suddenly spoke, pointing to the lord of the monitor lizard and said, "That guy killed our two brothers, our dignified Qinghong Association, isn't it a sibling brother? The reason for revenge?"

The corner of Sima Ao's eyes jumped fiercely, and he looked at He Chen.

Unexpectedly, He Chen, who always smiles and looks like a good old man on weekdays, is acting "righteously and never yielding" at this moment.

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