Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1001: Dangerous (medium)

The monster like a monitor lizard lay on the boulder, facing many masters without fear.

I saw its cheeks bulge, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and let out a sharp roar, like a steam whistle, like a boiling kettle.

The sound collided and echoed between the stone walls, forming a strong sound wave.

Everyone in the Qinghonghui felt in a trance for an instant, as if someone had knocked on the back of their heads with a sap.

People with weaker cultivation bases fell directly to the ground and vomited and lost their mobility.


At this time, Lei Zongying, who was guarding Sima Ao, took a step forward and shouted loudly.

At this moment, the vitality of his body surged, his beard and hair were stretched, like a white-haired lion.

And his roar, like a thunderstorm, canceled the sound wave and brought clarity.

After the Cyan Red Society got rid of the trance, they immediately responded.

The deputy mountain master He Chen calmly analyzed and directed the scene: "Brothers with guns used guns to help out, attacking the monster's eyes, jaw, mouth, abdomen..."

These are relatively soft places.

After a pause, he continued: "All the red sticks are responsible for frontal containment, and each is careful; Mr. Lei is responsible for wandering and killing; I protect the mountain lord... This secret monster is full of treasures, and taking it can not only help the dead brothers. Revenge, and it can be exchanged for a lot of good!"

He Chen is the second-in-command of the Qinghong General Association. He gave orders with the acquiescence of the mountain lord, and the disciples of the door must obey, and his command is also in line with the current situation and is conducive to team operations.

Lei Zongying moves like thunder, he is like an old man dying when he is not moving, once he moves, he is more powerful than a tiger and a leopard.

He saw his robe and hair fluttering, jumping like flying, planning to go around and attack the monster from the side.

With a furious amber eye of the monitor lizard monster, it seemed to turn around and stick out his tongue. Han Long and Han Hu took the lead and slashed towards the monster with two swords!

The two red sticks shot with full force this time. They poured the air machine into the blade at the same time, and cut out a thick blade air in a deep and low roar, the arc-shaped blade air swept out, and the air appeared high-temperature distortion.

The monster was huge and couldn't avoid it. It lowered its head, used its hard forehead to carry the sword air, and then flicked its tail, as if it had eyes on its back, and beat Lei Zongying with precision.

Lei Zongying blocked with bare hands and was drawn upside down.

The Cyan-Red Club disciples raised their guns and shot, only hearing the sound of "ding and ding", but they couldn't hurt the monster half a point.

Yang Qinhu, Song Shanshan, and Hong Taiwu joined the battle.

——Yang Qinhu is the red stick and white paper fan to the court; Hong Taiwu is the deputy director and red stick of Long Ji; the red stick of Hua Ji did not come temporarily, only the white fan Song Shanshan came.

Yang captures the tiger and masters both martial arts, seizing the opportunity to kill, intending to stab the folding fan equipped with a switchblade into the monster's abdomen, but is still avoided by the opponent like a prophet.

Lei Zongying was furious, leaping high, shouting in the air: "You guys try your best to contain it, and the old man will kill this dog!"

Hua Ji white paper fan Song Shan Shan was originally a Siamese monk who practiced the technique of lowering his head. At this time, he performed the lowering of his head with the intention of controlling the monster.

Unexpectedly, the monster's mental power was so strong that it was out of control. Instead, it screamed sharply and crashed Songshan Mountain to the ground.

However, at this moment, Lei Zongying's killer has arrived!

This double-flowered red stick shot with anger, his thick palm pressed down in the air, his air force was like a sky thunder, extremely terrifying!

The gray-white monitor lizard monster showed fear in its eyes, and turned away without looking at it!

Just hearing the loud noise of "Boom", Lei Zongying smashed a rocky mountain with his palm, unparalleled in power!

However, the monster has turned its body, flying with four claws, and escaped...

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