Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1000: Dangerous Situation (Part 1)

When desperate, the weak instinctively wanted to rely on the strong, but the mountain lord Sima Ao, the deputy mountain lord He Chen, the double red stick Lei Zongying and the hall masters of the general assembly obviously had no good way. People began to miss the red paper. Fan, count as an exhaustive red paper fan. As the chief of the Qinghong General Association's military division and responsible for intelligence, if she is present, she should have a way... right?

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound that broke through the air, followed by screams, warnings, and calls for help. The team was instantly confused.

"What's going on?" The mountain owner Sima Ao turned back and looked to the end of the team.

The team led by Lei Zongying with double bonus red sticks and the red sticks of each hall, the strongest, Sima Ao and He Chen in the middle, and the weakest at the end of the team.

Everyone entered the secret realm and had been fully alert, but they had not found any abnormalities. At the moment of negligence, they were attacked from behind.

Everyone immediately turned their heads, and saw a six-meter-long monster lying on the huge boulder at the side of the intersection, resembling a salamander, covered with heavy scale armor.

The skin of the scaly armor is very close to the surrounding stones in color and is easy to hide.

With sharp horns on his forehead, the vertical amber pupils gleamed with cold, cruel and fierce light.

The forelegs have four toes and the hind legs have three toes.

Its cheeks bulged, as if it had hidden weapons, ready to shoot and attack at any time.

Two Qinghonghui disciples had already fallen to the ground. One of them was facing down, the other was upside down, the other had a cracked back, and the other had a cracked chest. They were all breathless.

Think about the situation just now like this:

The monster attacked from behind, taking advantage of others, and killed one person first. The person screamed and fell to the ground and died. The companion next to him turned around vigilantly and wanted to guard or attack, but the monster's second attack soon arrived. , So fast that he couldn't prepare enough, he was instantly crushed to death.

The masters of the Green Red Congregation judged that the monsters in this secret realm were extremely powerful, attacking fast and powerful.

Han Hu, the red stick of Yixingtang, hurried forward. He wanted to avenge his cousins, but also wanted to perform meritorious service in front of the mountain master and the hall master.


Suddenly, the monster opened its mouth, and a black shadow that could hardly be caught by the naked eye ejected out, hitting Han Hu like a black lightning!

Han Hu was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly, his body reacted more than his brain, and he instinctively leaned back, avoiding the piercing blow!

This monster actually knows how to directly attack the vitals of humanity!

Sanhetang Han Longfei was in front of him, the center of gravity sank, his footsteps continued to smash the ground, splashed with stone dust, and drew out a samurai knife to slash!


The blade vibrates at high frequency.

Ding Ding Ding...

In a series of toothy sounds, the blade cut a dazzling spark on the tip of the tongue.

Everyone could see clearly that the monster attacked with its tongue. Its tongue can stretch more than ten meters in an instant, which is more than twice its body. Moreover, its dexterous long tongue is covered with a layer of fine scales, and the sword can't hurt it. Of.

Han Long was quite surprised. His own "Cold Steel Sammi Samurai Sword" is a product of modern technology. The Sammi Steel used is a special steel invented for the purpose of making knives. Sammi means three layers, the largest of this kind of steel. The special feature is that it uses three different steels to synthesize the blade, which is like a sandwich. The center is extremely hard high-carbon steel, and a stainless steel plate with good toughness and elasticity is inlaid on both sides. The knife made in this way is very hard and Sharp.

However, this kind of knife cuts the tongue of the monster continuously. Isn't this monster too terrifying?

Although the monster was not injured, it seemed to feel pain. It quickly retracted its long tongue, crawling quickly with its huge body supported on all fours, standing on the top of the boulder and looking down at the crowd...

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