Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 999: Big gun (below)

Everyone couldn't understand, but they didn't dare to ask the alarm.

They got off the back of the giant stone tortoise, but the stone tortoise did not go away, looking towards Yu Yue with their heads, their huge body lying there quietly, as if they didn't want to disturb Yu Yue, and they seemed to want to see Yu Yue. What are you going to do?

Several people walked to the top of the mountain. Mai Juncheng followed the red paper fan with a shy face and asked, "Master Red Fan, what is Mr. Yu doing?"

The Red Paper Fan glanced at him and gave him a look of "how do I know" without answering.

Mai Juncheng didn't feel embarrassed, and continued to ask: "What is that big white gun?"

The red paper fan said helplessly, "On the shore, Mr. Yu mentioned the'Langinus' Gun.' I think this should be the'Langinus' Gun..."

In order to prevent Mai Juncheng from asking what "Langinus' Gun" is, the red paper fan said to Nina: "Miss Alchemist, please explain to him what is "Langinus' Gun"."

Nina didn't care that the red paper fan used herself as a tool to stop harassment. She was obviously very happy to interpret confusion, saying that it was better to interpret confusion, and to say that it was awkward was to show off knowledge and socialize.

She stood up a very full chest, and patiently explained: "Langinus gun, also known as the'spear of the killing of the gods' and the'spear of destiny'. In the legend, it is one of the three sacred artifacts that once pierced God's spear.

"The Bible records that when **** was nailed to the cross, a centurion stabbed him in the flanks with a gun.

"This centurion was called Longinus. When Jesus' blood dripped into his eyes, he was instantly influenced, and his utilitarian mind was purified. He confirmed that **** was the true savior and repented. .

"Since then, Longinus became a Christian, possessed the power to perform miracles, was regarded as a saint, and became'Saint Longinus', and the gun he used became the holy instrument Longinus. The gun."

Mai Juncheng and his companions grew their mouths and stared blankly at the giant spear that looked like a white cake fork. They didn't expect to see the legendary sacred artifact in their lifetime.

The red paper fan walked to Yu Yue's side and sat down cross-legs. Although the intense discomfort was relieved, the breath in the body was still disordered. In this case, if a fight occurred, she would definitely suffer. So, she tried to adjust her breath, anyway. Yu Yue had to wait before taking the next step.

Others also learned the same way, sitting still and waiting.

The pure white mountain is like a big cake, and the big white gun is a cake fork inserted on it. The few people who meditate quietly become sesame seeds sprinkled on the cake.


Time went back, but it was said that when the Qinghonghui disciples entered the secret realm core area, they landed in a strange place.

Sima Ao and the others looked around and saw that the mountains were undulating and majestic.

In fact, the mountains here are more composed of huge rocks, and some mountains are even just a stone.

Because of this, the mountains here are of weird shapes. Some mountains look like a giant egg, some look like a giant pillar, and there are three or two huge rocks piled together to look like giant gates. Pile of rocks...

Standing here gives people the illusion that there is nothing but stones here, and it seems that this is a world of stones.

The Qinghonghui disciples walked here for a long time, except for the boring monotonous boulders, they found nothing, and there was no way out.

Some people couldn't help but feel desperate. If this continues, wouldn't they be trapped and die here?

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