Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 998: Big Gun (Part 1)

It is as if there are two streams of water in the deep water that are impacting and colliding with each other, one is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot.

At this time, let alone Mai Juncheng and the four, even the red paper fan felt a little unbearable. She couldn't help but run the vitality energy and activate the exercises to resist the extreme cold and heat.

"Blue Dragon Ball" can provide vitality, but cannot withstand the heat and ice cold. Luo Yingxue and Red Paper Fan are already somewhat reluctant, and Mai Juncheng is even more unable to support them on their own, and almost fainted.

It seems that under this extreme cold and extreme heat, even the laws can be frozen to pieces, and even the avenues can be melted.

If this continues, everyone will die miserably.

At this time, Yu Yue made a move.

He sacrificed the "Wuji Apricot and Yellow Flag" and waved it casually. The small flag turned into a big flag, and the surface of the flag became very long, like a colored ribbon, surrounding everyone.

The long face of the flag was glowing with black and yellow brilliance, and everyone felt that the cold and heat had dropped sharply, and the body and mind had become peaceful.

The stone tortoise felt the strangeness on his back, and the strange color could not help showing in the stone eyes, which accelerated the sinking and swimming speed.

Suddenly, the stone tortoise seemed to have crossed an enchantment, and the water rippled and disappeared, and a flower appeared in front of everyone. At this moment, there was some big lake. In this moment, they had already come to another world.

It is no longer as bright as day, the background is dark, but the eyes can see.

The stone turtle floats in the air.

Water patterns and ripples were rippling in the sky, and it seemed that the big lake was hanging above everyone's heads.

Below, there is a huge white mountain.

When the stone tortoise landed on the top of the mountain, everyone knew that this was not a snow-capped mountain, but its body itself was pure as snow.

This pure white mountain makes people look beautiful and holy, but as soon as it falls on it, everyone feels something wrong, and the qi in everyone’s body is disordered, whether it’s true vitality, witch power, or mana, all are chaotic. It's a mess, it's like coming to a place with an abnormal magnetic field, causing physical and mental disorders.

Luo Yingxue and Yuan Xiaolou stood still and couldn't move.

Even the red paper fan knelt on one knee with a pained expression.

Nina and Mai Juncheng even lay on the turtle's back and twitched, like a dead fish.

Only Yu Yue seemed to be innocent. He waved the Wuji Xinghuang Flag to slightly suppress the confusion and discomfort in everyone's body. Taking Yuyou and Jiang Rou off the giant stone turtle back, he walked towards the highest mountain.

There, a big gun was inserted diagonally.

The big gun is shaped like a cake fork, with a "U"-shaped spear head, double-pointed, and the whole body is white as jade. It blends well with Baishan, and it looks holy and not fierce.

However, Nina, a native of Ouzhou and a former senior inspector of the World Supervision Administration in Ouzhouli, and a well-informed red paper fan from a multinational organization speculated that the pure white "big cake fork" should be Langji Spear of Nuss.

And Longinus gun has another terrible name-the gun of killing the gods!

Yu Yue walked to the big white gun that was inserted diagonally on the top of the pure white mountain, and looked up.

This gun is very tall, like a towering tree, and a weapon that is not used by humans. If Yuan Xiaolou is transformed into the form of a demon ape, it should be more handy.

Yu You tried to climb to the tail of the big gun, but was stopped by Yu Yue.

Seeing the rare solemnity on Yu Yue's face, Jiang Rou hugged Yu You to prevent her from acting rashly and doing whatever she wanted.

Yu Yuezai carefully looked at the big gun, then sat cross-legged underneath, instantly calming down, closing his eyes...

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