Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 997: Transaction (below)

"Asshole thing, this is mine!"

"This is mine, I pay the most money!"

"Lao Tzu has both pulled out two golden teeth, so I should give it to Lao Tzu!"

Mai Juncheng yelled: "Don't fight, listen to me-I proposed to come to Eagle Country. I thought of a way to follow Mr. Yu and Lord Red Fan into the secret realm. It was the Shi Ling I chose. So, this The stone staff should belong to me!"

The companions were taken aback for a moment, and then rushed towards Mai Juncheng:


"How old are you!"

"Bring it to you!"

At this time, the red paper fan arrived in the wind, and the clothes fluttered like a fairy and a demon.

When she got on the turtle back, she saw Mai Juncheng and others clamoring and fighting again. She was very noisy and couldn't help but her gaze. She stepped forward, holding the red folding fan in one hand, and hitting the folding fan at several people.

Crackling crackling crackling...

The several big men didn't even have time to react, each of them was hit with a fan on their faces, as if they were hit by a troll's wolf-toothed club.

Mai Juncheng, who fell on the tortoise, covered half of his face, half of his body, and looked at the red paper fan, and asked in surprise: "Master Hongfan, you..."

The red paper fan reprimanded softly: "Do you see what you look like? If you want to fight, roll down and fight, don't disturb Mr. Yu's peace!"

Mai Juncheng and others all bowed their heads in shame.

Yu Yue stepped forward and reached for the stone staff.

Mai Juncheng and others didn't react. They were surprised when they saw the stone stick in Yu Yue's hand. They wanted to grab it, but didn't dare to grab it. They could only watch the stone stick being divided into four by Yu Yue.

Um? ? ?

Mai Juncheng and the four of his companions were shocked and stood up rushingly.

Yu Yue had already divided a stone rod into four stone rods and handed them to the four people.

The four of Mai Juncheng took the stone club with a dazed expression, and after taking it, they still looked dazed.

The red paper fan was amazed by Yu Yue's hand, and her beautiful eyes showed admiration. He reminded him: "This way you don't have to fight, thank you Mr. Yu?"

Mai Juncheng and the four of his companions looked at the Shiling Secret Treasure, which had been turned from a magic wand into a magic wand. They were still a little dazed, and finally thanked them in unison, "Thank you, Mr. Yu..."

Yu Yue nodded and said, "Let's go."

He said this to Shigui.

Shi Gui said in a deep voice, "Sit down."

After speaking, he began to dive.

The lake water suddenly rushed to all directions like a boil, passing the green meadow.

When the giant stone turtle sank completely into the lake, everyone on the turtle's back also sank.

The four of Mai Juncheng panicked, they felt that they were going to be drowned.

Yu You just thought it was funny, and said with a smile: "The turtle ship is going to start!"

Jiang Rou told her: "This is a submarine."

Jiang Rou is also a little used to it.

Luo Yingxue sacrificed the "Blue Dragon Ball" again in accordance with Yu Yue's instructions in advance, stimulating the magic power. Although the people felt a little depressed, they were able to breathe in the blue light.

The original form of the "Qinglongzhu" is the "green lotus color flag", which belongs to wood and aquatic wood. Although it is not as capable of cutting waves and controlling water as the "Xuanyuan Water Control Flag", it can provide unlimited vitality, even in deep water. Among them, it can also survive at a breath.

The stone tortoise has been sinking, and everyone has been sinking. It seems that the big lake is bottomless, no matter how long it sinks, it can't reach the bottom of the lake.

I don’t know how far it has sunk, but the lake water starts to become hot and cold...

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