Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1009: Festival (above)

No matter who it was, he couldn't help shivering and horrifying when he heard Edward's infinite killing intent.

No more actions, no more words, this is enough to show his determination and strength!

His is indeed different from when he was in the Underground Palace of Versailles.

"Edward..." Seeing this scene, even the heads, elders, and masters of the major clans of the blood clan couldn't help being silent. At this moment, no one wants to provoke Edward, who is like the center of the storm, no matter who it is, if you provoke him at this moment, there will be no good end!

"Master Edward!" The blood disciple was excited, because Edward's rise was the pride of the younger generation.

Although many of the younger disciples of the blood race were so excited that they wanted to scream, no one dared to make a loud noise at this time.

The space was silent for a while, and Edward continued to speak: "Yu Yue, people from overseas Hongmen and Eastern martial artists are in my hands. If you are willing to be a tortoise, then I will kill them all! If you want ten minutes If you don’t show up, then I’ll kill ten people; if you don’t show up in 20 minutes, then I’ll kill 20 people, and I will kill them all!"

He is murderous, no one thinks he is joking, the people in the giant bone prison are becoming more and more anxious. They originally yearned and hoped to enter the secret realm to gain a great opportunity and great fortune, and even experience the worst. But I never expected that this Stonehenge was actually a sinkhole, a blood pit dug by a blood clan, just came in, and hadn't explored much before, so I was arrested...

They really did not expect that the blood race was so pitted. They thought that according to the rules and morals, they had already paid the money to buy the road and paid the protection fee before entering. No matter what, the blood race should not act on themselves again, who knows this. The guy doesn't make sense at all...

Some people are still complaining about Yu Yue, feeling that they have no prejudice to be implicated.

Some people have seen through the nature of the blood race, and they are using this as an excuse to plan to declare war on the Eastern world and on mankind.

But in any case, they can't be optimistic about their situation, and the gloom and mist are shrouded in the giant prison of bones.

The blood disciple is even more excited.

Although the kinsman can’t see the human race, think that the human race is short-lived, fragile, and a low-level race, but the fact is that he can only hide in the underground world according to the historical contract, and "let" the mainstream stage to those human races who should be food. You must always exercise restraint and avoid crossing boundaries, so as to maintain the delicate balance and tacit understanding of the external and internal worlds.

Today, they see a different hope. The blood clan represented by Edhua is sending a signal--

Kindred, fight against the human race!

Kindred, about to rush out of the underground world and stand on the global stage!

This is a historic moment!

The blood race will break the humiliation of thousands of years, and it will really trample all the races, including the human race, under their feet!

Indeed, Yu Yue is just an excuse. Regardless of whether there is Yu Yue, the humans who enter the secret realm cannot change their destiny. In other words, regardless of whether Yu Yue comes or not, the blood race has already planned to launch a war.

They started to get busy, busy building something in the middle of the valley.

Sima Ao and the others saw through the gaps in the cage that the blood disciples were building an altar with bones according to the requirements of several elders.

"what is that?"

" looks like an altar..."

"What are they doing with the altar?"

"Of course it is for sacrifice..."

"Does the sacrifice require sacrifices?"

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