Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1010: Festival (middle)

The people in the giant white bone prison looked at each other, seeing the horror on each other's faces, and seeing a few large characters on each other's faces-"You and I are both sacrifices."

At this time, the kinship disciple who was scheduled to time the clock reported to Edward: "Ten minutes to the young master."

Edward stood there with his eyes closed and rested. He didn't open his eyes when he heard the words. He just said coldly: "According to what I said before, arrest ten people and kill them."

A group of kinship disciples took orders to approach the giant prison of white bones.

The people in the prison were too scared to shrink back and huddle together.

In the bone cage summoned by the deceit, anyone's power will be suppressed and banned, even if it is a master or a magician.

It can be said that even if a master or a magician, once they are put into the sacred lamp bone prison, they will basically not be able to exert one-tenth of their Taoist strength, just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Just when everyone retreated, one of them came out more and more to meet the blood disciples.

He just listened to the person with a smile on his face and loudly said: "Young Lord Edward, every clan owner, according to the prior agreement, He has done'please enter the urn' and is willing to be loyal to the blood clan and be a cow and horse. I also ask the blood clan to fulfill his promise and let me go. Horse!"

"He Chen, you..." Sima Ao's eyes widened in disbelief.

The blood disciples standing outside the bone prison looked at Edward, as if the young master was in charge of the scene today.

Edward nodded: "Let him out, he is a dark line bought by the Gullard clan."

The bone prison opened an exit, He Chen smiled and raised his foot to walk out, Lei Zongying suddenly violent: "Betrayal of the Qinghonghui, the old man killed you!"

Despite being suppressed by the Deception Lamp Bone Prison, the momentum of Lei Zongying's attack was still terrifying, and He Chen's expression changed, and he quickly quickened his pace...


He Chen took a palm on his back, and his whole body rolled out like a ball for several meters, and got up from the ground with a gray head and face, very embarrassed.

Lei Zongying was already in prison, and dozens of skeleton hands grew out of the ground, holding him tightly and unable to move.

Lei Zongying's old face was pressed against the cold ground, and she cursed with anger: "Traitor! Shameless traitor..."

The Qinghonghui disciples only found it incredible.

Sima Ao was surprised. No wonder He Chen strongly advocated and contributed to this trip to the Stonehenge secret world. No wonder he was so abnormal just now. This is the so-called "Please enter the urn." Keep.

After all, getting a transnational power like Qinghonghui will greatly improve the prestige of the blood race. If it is outside, it is not so easy to get it. In the secret realm and within the blood race territory, it is tantamount to a knife.

And just now, the Qinghonghui had a chance to escape, but it was deliberately delayed by He Chen. Even though this is the territory of the blood clan, but the secret realm is so large and there are so many people in the Qinghonghui, if the blood clan escapes and deliberately hides, the blood clan may not be able to Sweeping one's own net, as long as some people flee, the Cyan Red Society will come back and unite the forces of all human races, there will be a three-point threat to the blood race, and it will always be a trouble.

He Chen's series of actions were beneficial to the kinsmen, but fatal to the Cyan Red Society. I blamed myself for mistrusting him and failed to see through his intentions and features early.

Sima Ao closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

He Chen had already patted the mud on his face, walked in front of Edward, worshipped and knocked three times.

The disciples of the blood race laughed. How hard and strong this fat man was just now, but now he is servile on his knees and wants to kneel and lick it. The contrast is too big, right?

The Qinghonghui disciples still couldn't believe it.

The warriors, foreigners, and cultivators of other sects shook their heads and ate melons. I didn’t expect that the second in command of the dignified overseas Hongmen was actually a twenty-five son? This time overseas Hongmen was sold so that there were no leftovers, and it was completely finished...

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