Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1019: Veteran Master (Part 1)

He Chen was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy: "Lei Lao forgive me! Lei Lao forgive me!"

Lei Zongying frowned.

He Chen said with a chubby face, "Old Lei, I have no choice but to be caught by the blood clan. Otherwise, you will spare my life, and I will plead with the blood clan and let them spare your life. After all, they are the same. , It's better to die than to live..."

Lei Zongying was furious: "Why did the Qinghonghui produce such a spineless brat like you? If you know your shame and ask for death, the old man will respect you; if you are as shameless as you are now, the old man will definitely kill you!"

Although he said this, he did not immediately kill him because He Chen knelt on the ground, unarmed, and did not make a defiant gesture.

He shouted: "Get up and have a dignified fight with the old man!"

He Chen said in tears: "Old Lei, I am not your opponent, please forgive me, I will kowtow to you..."

As he said, one head knocked on the ground.

Lei Zongying felt both disgusting and unbearable.

His hands were trembling slightly, and he didn't hit it after all.

And when He Chen hit the third ring, suddenly three black lights shot out from his back, and he was actually behind him with a dark crossbow!

The three arrows shot Lei Zongying away quickly.

Lei Zongying was taken aback. He knew the fat man was insidious, but after all, he was not fully guarded because of his contempt. With the response of the Grandmaster level, he avoided two arrows, but still one arrow shot into the left waist.

Lei Zongying was in pain, but immediately did not feel the pain, and her left body was numb.

He was horrified, so terrible poison!

He wanted to draw arrows and acupuncture points, but He Chen didn't give him a chance.

The weak fat man who was crying for mercy just now suddenly violently violently stood on the spot, sending out three small sleeve arrows with his left hand, and waving countless silver needles with his right hand, all enveloped towards Lei Zongying!

At this moment, his mouth was grinning, and his eyes flashed fiercely, as if he wanted to kill the grandmaster of the same sect opposite, and retrieve all the humiliation he had just suffered.

Lei Zongying couldn't draw the arrow, so he could only run the vitality energy to resist the poison while dodge the body, wave his palm and slap the hidden weapon.

He Chen's hands fired concealed weapons, flying needles, flying arrows, and darts, like shooting stars, without giving the other party the slightest chance to breathe, and at the same time shouted: "Ashlika, Rosalia, let's do it! Kill this old man!"

Suddenly, the valley shook, and the Ashamite clan master erupted on the spot, and his blood gas turned into a blood-colored giant python, snaking on the ground, and rushing towards Lei Zongying.

On the cliff, the rock collapsed and flew, and the tribal leader of the Turedo clan got out and turned directly into a blood python, volleying towards Lei Zongying!

He Chen then shouted: "The main attack on his left waist is his cover!"

The many warriors, strangers, and cultivators on the scene couldn't help being shocked and sighed. The fat man was so vicious and his heart was better than the jackal or viper.

Qinghong disciple was filled with righteous indignation, exposing the weaknesses of the same school, and helping outsiders to oppress the same school. This would cost a thousand swords in the past!

Lei Zongying's eyes were about to split, but there was no way. Facing the joint attack of the two clan masters, he had to fight with twelve points of spirit, and there was also a sinister fat man putting a secret arrow in the back.

The two "pythons" fought against each other, and the old master fought with "Leiyinhongquan".

Three people, oh not four people, tumbling and fighting together.

Everyone was dazzled, and they were amazed that the fat man and the two beautiful clan masters could cooperate so tacitly. The two fought close and one remotely attacked. The previous conflict and fight were just acting. The acting skills were really good, but I just couldn’t figure it out. How can a fat man grow up like this, how can he be favored by the two Nanou Roses, is there anything he is superior to?

Some people thought of the maiden in the Warring States period, which was the male favorite of Zhao Ji, the birth mother of Qin Shihuang.

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