Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1020: Veteran Master (middle)

While speculating about He Chen, many people also admire Lei Zongying.

Even though the white-haired old man is one enemy three, his momentum is not weak at all. If he was not poisoned by a sneak attack, he might still be able to beat the three of them.

Unfortunately, he was defeated after all.

The poison has penetrated into the bloodline, the Qi machine is greatly reduced, and the opponent knows where his cover is, that is where he can't cultivate because of old injuries.

He was filled with flying needles, flying arrows, and darts in many places. He was blasted into the ground by the two sisters of the clan leader of the Ashamite clan and the clan leader of the Torito clan. , I don’t know how much the bones and muscles have broken.

Seeing the two beautiful clan masters stop, He Chen jumped forward, intending to use "Thunder King Diamond" to end each other.

It is a heavy hidden weapon that can break armor.

"Get out!" But at this moment, Edward suddenly appeared next to the big pit and shot He Chen away with a palm.

Although the clan lord of the Ashamite clan and the Torito clan lord were surprised, they didn't say anything.

He Chen vomited a mouthful of blood, got up from the ground, and said in a trembled voice: "Young... Young Master, you are..."

Lei Zongying, who was stuck in the crevice, looked up at the stern and proud Young Master of the Blood Race with a grin, his mouth and nose stained with blood on his white beard, he said: "Vampire devil... Although the old man knows that you will not be safe What kind of heart, but you didn’t let the old man die in the hands of a traitor dog thief after all... the old man still has to thank you very much..."

The old master knew he was going to die, but he always cared about who died in the hands of him. Compared with the traitor of the sect, he was more willing to die in the hands of the real blood power.

Edward looked at him with a trace of admiration in his eyes. He pressed his left chest with his right hand, bowed slightly, and said: "Old Master, I don't want you to die in humiliation. However, the game between us is also over. Now, because the altar has been built..."

He ordered his men to dig Lei Zongying from the pit and found a place for him to sit down.

At this moment, opposite him, a complete altar appeared.

The altar is huge, in the shape of a flat-topped pyramid, with a length and width of more than 100 meters at the bottom and dozens of meters at the top.

The altar is built with bones, like a pyramid of bones. The top of the altar is a plane paved with skulls. There is a blood flag on each of the four corners of the southeast, northwest and north, with devilish patterns painted on the flag.

In the center of the altar face stands a statue of a demon. This statue has one leg squatting, and the other leg is at the bend of the squatting leg, with blue fangs, two big curved horns on top of the head, and a scary face. There are two rows of eyes, three in each row, for a total of six eyes.

This kind of altar statue is known to be fake, but just looking at it makes people feel numb, and the roots of the hair stand upright. It feels that this thing is extremely evil, and the heart is infinitely terrifying.

Lei Zongying knew that the blood family could not easily let go of him. He knew that Edward left himself to watch the sacrifices of his fellow students and compatriots with his own eyes, and then he would also accept the evil sacrifices. Such intentions cannot be said to be kind. It's all arrogant and vicious.

But what can be done?

Now it is very difficult for him to even break on his own, and he can only be at the mercy of others.

He was thinking, in such a situation, even if Yu Yue, who is known as the "Black Horse Master", is here, there is no way he can recover...

I saw that in the giant white bone prison, a group of human warriors, including the Qinghonghui disciples, were taken out and put on the high bone altar.

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