Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1022: The decisive battle arrives (part 1)

As an entourage, Galbien entered the monitor lizard valley, and looked at the pits of blood masters and blood disciples, and he couldn't help but feel hairy. Not to mention the dragon pool, at least the tiger den, the dragon pool, the devil’s nest, and he was a little careless. I am afraid there will be no place to bury him.

Especially when he saw the huge bone cage, the tall bone altar and the human warriors on the altar like a lamb to be slaughtered, it was even more terrifying.

What are they doing?

Are they going to kill people and sacrifice demons?

I just heard Edward tell Yu Yue to come out, is Yu Yue coming? So is Nina here too, will she be arrested?

Galbion looked around carefully, and found no figure of Nina. He was relieved, and at the same time he was a little confused. Since Yu Yue is here, why didn't he show up for a fight?

Well, yes, even though Yu Yue is tough, he is ultimately weak. This is the territory of the blood clan. There are so many blood clan powerhouses entrenched and waiting for the rabbits. It is a wise choice not to show up.

It's a pity that blood is going to flow into a river in this valley...

The supervision bureau and the church heard Edward's transmission and hurried over from other spaces.

Their arrival made the atmosphere a little subtle.

Lambert, the Deputy Chief Supervisor of the World Supervision Administration of Ouzhouli, walked to Edward and bowed politely, saying: "Young Master Edward, don't be impulsive, please raise your hand high."

Edward glanced at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

Lambert pointed to the bone altar and said: "The blood race wants to practice human sacrifice, I'm afraid it's wrong..."

Edward asked again: "What's wrong?"

Cardinal Asalut stepped forward and said: "The human race and the **** race are the people of God, and God does not want to see his people kill each other."

Edward shook his head and said, "No, we are abandoned people. Our blood has been abandoned by God a long time ago. We are the people of the devil."

Asalut looked at the other Cardinal Andrewson who came with him, and their faces became very ugly.

Another Deputy Chief Supervisor Douglas said: "Mainly among these people, there are many Eastern martial artists, cultivators, and many overseas Hongmen disciples...

"Killing them will arouse the anger of the Eastern world, especially China. Although overseas Hongmen is called'overseas', most of them are Chinese. If you anger the Eastern world headed by China, I am afraid For us, it will be disadvantageous..."

The warriors in the bone prison and on the bone altar have a glimmer of hope. The Supervision Bureau and the church are persuading the blood clan and telling the blood clan the pros and cons...

Will the blood family dare not listen to the supervision bureau and the church?

Do the blood races dare to fight against the Eastern world at all costs?

I saw Edward looked indifferent, seemingly unmoved, and said coldly: "Do you think this is a temporary impulse?"

Lambert quickly denied: "No, of course we know that the kin must have planned a terrifying cause, but now this move is too radical, it is better to slowly..."

Edward shook his head: "Everything is under control, and we can bear all the consequences. We are going to declare war on the East and the human race today. Those who follow will prosper, and those who rebel will perish. The rise of the blood race will be unstoppable!"

Lambert, Douglas and Asalut also wanted to persuade: "But..."

Edward said solemnly: "There is no room for discussion on this matter. If anyone has any objections, it is the enemy of the Ouzhou blood clan!"

Several deputy inspectors and cardinals, look at me and I look at you, but no one said anything.

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