Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1023: The decisive battle is coming (middle)

The three deputy chief inspectors of the Supervision Bureau, Douglas in charge of operations, Lambert in charge of intelligence and regional security, Jonah in charge of administration, and two cardinals of the church, Andrewson in the central parish, and the parish of West Ou Asalut.

The deputy chief inspector is the rank second only to the chief inspector in the Ouzhouli World Supervision Administration. There are only three deputy chief inspectors in the supervision bureau, and all three are here today.

The cardinals are the second only to the pope (pope) in the huge system of Ouzhou Church, and two of them came at once today.

This battle, this pomp, is quite incredible.

However, such a high-powered five big figures were suppressed by Edward and dared not say a word. How powerful?

They have never been so angry, but there is no way. The situation is better than people. Let alone how many aspects of the Western world are related to the interests of the Ouzhou blood family, just talk about the current situation. There have been three deputy supervisors and two A cardinal, the rest of the entourage can be ignored. Even if there are opinions, there is no coercive force. This is the territory of the blood race. There are so many blood race masters on the scene. If a conflict breaks out, not only will oneself be unable to stop it, but it is also very likely to be blocked by the other party. Smash it as a stumbling block.

After weighing the pros and cons, Douglas, Andrewson, and others felt that the five of them did not have to carry the blood-bearing chariot wheels for some Eastern warriors, even though they knew that this chariot was ambitious and crushed the world. After this time, the entire Ou Chau will be tied to the chariot.

If today, the blood race really completes the killing and sacrifice of demons, and the East-West war breaks out, then everything will be irreversible, and the Ouzhou Supervision Bureau and the Ouzhou Church will also be involved and cannot be spared.

However, the current situation is irreversible, and the five members of the supervision bureau and the church will not bet on their lives.

The three deputy chief inspectors thought that it might be better for the chief inspector to come, but we are just the deputy chief inspectors, and what we said is ultimately useless. We can only do this... This may also be an arrangement of the Supervisory Bureau...

The two cardinals thought that it might be better for the pope to come, but we are just cardinals, and what we say will not be useful after all. This is the only way to go... This may also be the arrangement of the church...

Seeing that even the Supervision Bureau and the church were unable to stop the blood race, many people were chilled. It seems that this time is really dead and dead...

Some people think of their old parents at home.

Some people think of wives and children.

Some people think of their little wife who has just passed the door. Before going to bed a few times, they don’t know which king-eight-egg will be cheaper...

However, these are useless, Edward has already ordered: "The ceremony continues."

Elder Alfred of the Goulard clan ordered someone to guard the surroundings of the altar and fetched the "Sacred Vessel of the Blood Clan, Blood Spoon".

The blood spoon, also known as the evil key, **** key, and heretical wand, is one of the thirteen holy artifacts of the blood clan.

Heresy magic wand-blood spoon, has magical and strange energy, legend is that it is the key to open the gate of hell. Those who can use the blood spoon can pass through the gaps in space, enter or open any space that is easy for human existence, such as hell, abyss, black Eden, terminal, lost Niya, Atlantis city, etc.

The owner of the blood spoon is a blood clan who has reached the pinnacle of ability, but it is definitely a mistake to possess such a holy thing-eternal restlessness.

Elder Alfred held the sacred instrument, pondered for a moment, and began to do it.

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