Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1027: The decisive battle comes (below)

He Chen smiled and continued: "But you shouldn't be a fox. If you are a real fox, you should hide as far as you can and never come..."

Red Paper Fan guards against He Chen while guarding against the giant claw attack. The Cyan Red Club disciples in the cage have already told Red Paper Fan about He Fatty's crimes of betraying the sect and betraying his brothers. Some people even shouted curses.

He Chen sneered at them with a sneer in his heart. Isn't the brother just for betrayal? For the brother's two ribs, for the benefit of the brother's two swords.

The red paper fan glanced at Lei Zongying, who was sitting on the ground unable to move, and asked, "Is this how you got hurt, Elder Lei?"

He Chen shrugged and said, "It's not me..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Cyan Red Club disciples in the bone prison had rushed to tell him about the embarrassment of the two beautiful clan masters of the Ashamite clan and the Turedo clan and besieging Lei Lao. Someone Vigorously arrange the adultery between He Chen and the two female protagonists, and the foul language is unbearable.

He Chen smiled and said: "You can only be quick to speak for a while. After being sacrificed in blood later, there will be only one corpse left..."

The Qinghonghui disciples scolded even more fiercely.

The red paper fan stared at him and said something similar to Lei Zongying: "The thirty-sixth oath of Hongmen, Article 30-Don't shelter outsiders, oppress the Hong family brothers, if you violate it, you will die under a thousand swords. Ho. Chen, I want to clean up the portal today!"

He Chen smiled more and more kindly: "Only you? I'm afraid it won't work."

He wants to kill her too, just forever.

He weighed the utensils in his hand and asked, "Do you know, what is this?"

The Red Paper Fan knew that it was a hidden weapon that He Chen used to attack himself just now.

She squinted her eyes, remembered something, and blurted out: "Could this be the legendary'blood drop'?"

He Chen smiled and nodded: "Yes, the red paper fan really has an eye!"

The red paper fan was surprised, and saw a birdcage-like artifact in the palm of the other party. It was very strange. Legend has it that it was a hidden weapon unique to the special organization of the Ming and Qing emperors. It was made of leather and contained several quick knives. Launching, covering the head, the mechanism is activated, and the first level is taken immediately. Because it is too bloody, it is a "blood drop."

Just listen to He Chen and say: "Since you know this, why not surrender, I can plead for you in front of many big brothers of the blood clan, save your life, maybe I can become the mistress of some big brother, Ronghua The riches and honors are inexhaustible."

The red paper fan also smiled: "Thank you so much..."

Everyone was stunned, the last hope of overseas Hongmen was persuaded to surrender so soon?

Who knows the red paper fan said: "But I know that you may be sincere in persuading anyone to surrender, but you are absolutely false to me. In the Qinghonghui you wanted to get rid of me and hurry up, how can you allow me now? Because you think you don’t need two military divisions in one place."

He Chen said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding... It seems that the red paper fan has a deep misunderstanding for me, so we need to understand it again..."

He smiled and moved closer to each other.

The red paper fan watched his footsteps and knew that he was calculating the distance. The hidden weapon "Blooddrop" should have certain requirements for distance.

Simply floated and backed away.

He Chen suddenly accelerated, threw the object in his hand, laughed and said, "What are you afraid of? We should communicate well..."

I saw that objects like bird cages, leather sacs, and big hats were spinning, and they flew up with a strange cry of "Woo", very crippled.

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