Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1028: Decisive Battle in the Valley (Part 1)

The red paper fan was cautiously evading, while waving the folding fan to release the wind blade and whirlwind to block it.

However, she discovered that the "blood drop" did not seem to be a normal hidden weapon, it was a magic weapon at all, because it could find the enemy and automatically avoid obstacles!

The red paper fan waved the folding fan, fanning strange winds. She stepped on the tip of the wind, neglected to come and go, and hid among the blood disciples.

"Blooddropzi" flew over, she shook a fan and pushed out a kinship disciple. "Blooddropzi" instantly enveloped her head, only a "click" sounded like a camera shutter, and the head separated.

When the "Blood Droplets" flew back, there was only a headless corpse standing there, blood spurting like a fountain, and "plopped" down for a long while.

He Chen frowned, released the "blood droplets" again, the red paper fan repeated the old tricks, and another headless corpse was born.

Everyone was horrified, "Blooddrops" was terrifying!

The red paper fan was also shocked. He was so determined to take his own life!

He Chen is furious, his watch is abominable! Killing two disciples of the blood race in a row will make the blood race suspect that I am "Infernal Affairs"?

He shouted: "Disperse, disperse quickly! Don't stop me!"

The kinship disciples fled in all directions, not daring to stay together.

Then He Chen called again: "Ashlika, Rosalia, come and help! This woman is extremely insidious, if she can't win it, she will become a great disaster for the blood race in the future!"

The red paper fan sneered: "You are sinister, your whole family is sinister!"

The two beautiful clan masters of the Ashamite clan and the Torito clan glanced at each other, and once again joined forces to attack.

The reason why they are willing to follow He Chen's words is that first of all the remnants of the Qinghonghui have to be removed, otherwise they will not be able to truly control the Qinghonghui, and it is also a hidden danger;

Secondly, He Chen can not only play and bring fun to their bodies and minds, but also very resourceful, able to help their clan accelerate the development and emerge as a new force in the process of the rise of the blood clan.

They think that although He Chen is ugly and fat, he is usable and easy to use.

Therefore, the two became blood pythons again, and rushed towards the red paper fan.

He Chen continued to attack from the rear.

That's how Lei Zongying was maimed with the double bonus red stick.

Last time, He Chen had not used "Blood Drops."

As the red paper fan evaded the parry, he yelled, "Hey, fat man, can you have a little face and find a concubine as a helper? What kind of one-on-one!"

He Chen wasn't ashamed, but rather proud, he smiled and said, "It's also a skill to find a helper. You can also look for it if you have the skill!"

The red paper fan blocked the blow of the Ashamite clan lord, and flew back to avoid the blow of the Turedo clan lord. The stone turtle on the top of the mountain shouted: "Mr. Yu, you just said you want to help me , Why haven't you shot it yet?"

Yu Yuezheng was sitting with Yu You on Shigui-head eating snacks and watching the excitement. He only heard his voice faintly: "Those are just small characters, not worthy of my action, you can handle it alone."

The audience was silent.

Little character?

One overseas Hongmen former deputy mountain master, two Ouzhou blood clan clan masters.

An existence under one person and over ten thousand people, and an existence over two ten thousand people.

A and a half-step master, two blood prince-level near-peak powerhouses.

People who are all stomping and shaking one side are actually called "little characters"?

The tone is too big...

He Chen and the two beautiful clan masters were naturally upset when they heard this, and they stepped up their attacks, planning to quickly get the red paper fan to make Yu Yue look good.

This kind of "two plus one" tactics of close-in front row and long-range sneak attacks in the back row just now even planted Lei Zongying, the veteran master of the Eastern martial arts world and the double-flower red stick of Hongmen overseas. The mere red paper fan is naturally absent. Next.

But the red paper fan sighed secretly, and said to his heart, Mr. Yu, you are trying to force me to play the trump card! You are... so unkind...

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