Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1029: Battle in the valley (middle)

Yu Yue refused to shoot.

Faced with the fierce attack by He Chen, the master and hidden weapon master of the Ashamite and Torito clan, the red paper fan was helpless and could only throw out the folding fan in his hand. The folding fan instantly grew in size, spinning like a roulette, blocking it. The two clan owners' "shuang pythons rushed on their bodies" and He Chen's "blood droplets".

At the same time, his figure retreated violently and took out a stone box from the belt buckle.

The belt buckle was a storage-type space treasure obtained from Zhao Yicheng earlier.

The stone box was obtained through Yu Yue's guidance in the Shi Ling spatial bubble of the Secret Realm of Stonehenge.

Except for herself, no one knew what was in the box.

Maybe, Yu Yue knows...

Red Paper Fan thought in his heart, already opening the stone box in his hand.

Suddenly, a red light came out of the box, floating in the air.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but be surprised. It was a tail, a flaming fox tail.

The Mai Juncheng on the turtle's back suddenly, ah, it turns out that she bought this thing from Shi Ling, isn't it just a fox tail, and mysteriously doesn't let me see... Wait, a fox tail? What is the use of a fox tail?

When everyone was surprised, the red paper fan changed into a fox.

With straight ears and pointed mouth, the body is long and vigorous, and the whole body is fiery red fur, which is very beautiful.

There are five big tails behind her ass, all of which stand up, like a flame, a big fan, and an unfolding screen.

There was a word in the fox's mouth, as if calling.

The floating foxtail suddenly flew behind the red fox's ass.

Tail +1

Five tails become six tails.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the dignified Qinghonghui red paper fan is not a person, but a fox? Even I was kept in the dark, amazing!" He Chen's yin and yang weird laughter came.

Everyone's eyes were on the red fox incarnation of a red paper fan.

The red fox vomited: "Just now you said that I am not a fox. Now you should know that I am a fox. And the mask I usually wear is my true identity, and I never lie."

Her voice was still that of a red paper fan, but it was a little weird.

The disciples of the Green Red Congregation suddenly felt that the red paper fan was as cunning as a fox and so wise as a monster. It turned out that they were originally fox monsters!

Some people feel terrified, after having been with the same door for so long, they didn't know that there was a fox demon around them, and thought that she was just a girl who likes to wear a mask to pretend to be mysterious.

He Chen looked at the red fox with gorgeous fur and sharp eyes, and said with a smile: "I betrayed the Qinghonghui, but you are not much better! If you are not of my race, your heart must be different, how about the Qinghonghui? Can you tolerate you?"

The red fox immediately smiled and said: "Yes,'If it is not my race, its heart must be different', this is true! You betrayed the sect and depended on the blood clan, and you must have different hearts. How can the blood clan tolerate you?"

He Chen’s chubby smiley expression stagnated, knowing that the other party had caught the conversation, and secretly cursed "the watch is hateful", and quickly explained to the clan owners of the Ashamite clan and the Torito clan: "The fox demon is sinister. I like to instigate discord the most. Don’t believe her! My loyalty to the blood race can be learned from the world, and the sun and the moon are proof!"

What he said was also for Edward and all the blood lords.

The red fox showed a scornful expression: "You can trust anyone who shows loyalty, but you are the only one who shows loyalty and can't believe it, whoever believes will suffer..."

He Chen yelled: "The two clan masters quickly help me to kill this dog, this dog must not stay too much!"

After that, Zhang Shou released the "blood droplets".

The two beautiful clan masters of the Ashamite clan and the Torito clan glanced at each other and shot together!

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