Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1035: The gun comes (middle)

"Angel thorn", shaking hands resembling a bat, with two sharp spikes at the tips. Because they have assassinated angels, they are called "angel thorns." Being imprisoned on the sacred artifacts with a curse, creating endless killing and grievances on the artifacts, extremely cruel and terrifying.

Except for the "tricky lanterns", "corrupt bracelets" and "angel thorns", the fourth "blood sacrament" was directly on Edward.

I saw that his left hand had become black, thin and dry, exuding weird black air, with strange lines on his withered nails and shriveled black skin, unlike the hand of a living person, more like a hand of a dead person. .

When some old guys in the blood clan saw the corpse-like arm, they gasped, and their bodies trembled like chaff: "That's...that's..."

Many of the younger generation of the blood race didn't know what it was. Seeing that the elders were so gagged, they quickly asked.

"That'corpse hand' is the scariest, most powerful, and most mysterious holy artifact among the'Thirteen Sacred Artifacts of the Blood Race'... Legend has it that it was the left hand of Cain, the first ancestor of the blood race, and the hand symbolizes power. , And the ancestor’s left hand hides the secrets of the world, so it was cut away. There is also a saying that the ancestor cut off his left hand and buried the secret... In short, it is a terrifying holy artifact. It's going to change..."

After listening to the explanations of the old guys, the younger generation of the blood race looked weird, and their eyes shone with jealousy.


Why can he have so many?

If I have so many such powerful resources, how difficult is it to rule the world?

In the eyes of many people, Yu Yue is already dead.

Edward is obviously the master of the rejuvenation of the kinship. He will surely lead the kinship to rise and oppress the whole life. Who can stop it?

Those who stand in the way can only die!

"Yu Yue, you are indeed an incredible genius, but unfortunately, you have to be my enemy..." Edward turned his blood to the extreme, urging the four sacrificial artifacts of the blood race, and slowly said, "The only ones who stand against me are A dead end!"

With that said, he gathered the power of the four sacrificial artifacts of the blood race into one, ready to strike an unprecedented terrible blow.

In the face of Yu Yue, there is no temptation, and he has to use all his strength when he makes a move. This is also his awe.

"Tricky Lantern" the glorious light is prosperous...

"Rotten bracelet" rotten gas condenses...

"Angel Sting" is **** like a light...

The "corpse hand" magic pattern circulates...

Many people couldn't help closing their eyes, as if they didn't want to see a scene where the two races were fighting and the dominance of the human race was picked out.

"Hey..." Lei Zongying sighed, but after all, he was helpless.

Yu Yue also sighed: "Hey... I didn't intend to kill them all. Since you don't know whether you live or die, then I have to fulfill you."

After speaking, he knotted his seals on both hands, printed simple and mysterious, and silently recited the mantra, which was also a divine language that no one could understand.

He was empty-handed against Edward's four sacrificial artifacts, but he was calm and fearless, as if what the opponent had brought out was nothing more than broken bronze and iron.

He stomped heavily on his right foot, and a long scream, the vitality of the energy rushed out of the space, and vaguely heard two words: "The gun is coming—"


At this moment, something incredible happened, and the entire space was illuminated by pure white light.

Above the sky, a huge and incomparable portal was opened, and the portal opened, erupting endless fairy power...

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