Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1036: The gun comes (below)

At this moment, the latitude and longitude threads are intertwined, and the laws are hanging down. Above the dome, the stars are flowing, the sun and the moon are rotating, and the space is constantly trembling.


With a loud noise, a huge pure white spear appeared from the door.

The huge white spear fell from the sky, like a **** descending into the world with a spear, slaughtering demons and piercing everything!

The spear is huge, pure and flawless, and looks like a cake fork. The spear head is in the shape of a "U" with two spear tips.

The sacred West and the ethereal East, the two different styles of power are combined in one, which should be very contradictory, but on this pure white gun, it is surprisingly harmonious, as if it was born like this.

Seeing this huge white gun falling from the sky, everyone was silent.

In the face of huge things, people are often silent.

What's more, this gun not only gave people a powerful visual impact, but also carried a powerful and unspeakable power. At this moment, any language seemed pale and weak.





The huge spear came down, shattering the power of the sacrificial artifacts of the blood race, and pierced Edward's body!

Under the pure white spear, whether you are a "sly lamp" or "corrupt bracelet", or an "angel thorn" or "Cain's left hand", you are all pierced in the same way, and you cannot stop the white spear's sacred power.

In an instant, the sacred artifacts of the four blood races lost their light. Although they were not broken, they gave people a feeling of fragmentation...

The power of the sanctuary of the blood was completely shattered...

Edward was shot down, fell straight from the sky, touched the ground, and the ground burst. The bottom of the entire valley was completely exploded, and the earth and rocks skyrocketed. He was pierced by one of the gun points and nailed to the ground.

The battle is over.

As many people expected, a big battle ended soon.

However, the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

It was not Yu Yue who lost, but Edward.

Edward, who possessed the four sacrificial artifacts of the blood race, was defeated...

The hope of the blood ancestors and blood clan’s future was defeated...

Only one face to face is defeated.

This is unbelievable and unacceptable to most people.

Many people have their eyes wide open, their mouths open, and they can't close together for a long time.

Although Lei Zongying's expression was not so exaggerated, his heart was like a stormy sea.

He had never been optimistic about Yu Yue and won so easily.

He thought that the "dark horse master" was exaggerating, but now it seems that the human strength has already surpassed the master, and even above his own old master, why on earth look down on others?

The red fox saw the astonishment and ashamed from the face of the old master beside him, and couldn't help but feel complacent in his heart.

Well, I didn't believe in the wrong person!

At this time, the old guys of the blood race reacted: "My God, this...this is the gun of Longinus..."

Even a powerhouse at the clan leader and elder level, seeing the heavenly gate open, the law emerging, and the white spear lowered, they couldn't help being frightened.

When a very small number of old guys recognize this gun, it feels even more incredible.

The Spear of Longinus, the Spear of Killing God, the real sacred artifact, how could it be in his hands? ? ?

In the eyes of everyone in horror, suspicion, admiration, fanatical, or unbelievable, Yu Yue slowly landed on the bottom of the bombed and broken pit and landed beside the dying Edward.

"Do you have any last words?" Yu Yue looked at him and asked slowly.

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