Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1038: Sorry (in)

Klimoz walked out from the crowd, his snow-white legs swaying between the dark green forks like beautiful jade.

She seems to have the ability to hide in the crowd and disappear into the invisible.

Seeing Klimoz, Edward's face became weird.

His expression became complicated. He seemed to have a thousand words, but he couldn't say it. In the end, he said, "Master Klimoz... I really am sorry for you. You have paid so much for me... But I failed. Your expectations..."

Klimoz looked indifferent, as if he had no joy or sorrow, and even his anger was gone.

She glanced at Edward and said in a flat tone: "You can die, but you have to give me the blood core. My hard work is only to feed the dog."

She looked at Edward as if she was looking at a pile of rubbish, which was just a tool. Once it was useless, she would throw it away.

In an instant, a gloomy light flashed in her eyes, and a gloomy red was flowing in the ink.

Edward's expression became struggling. He was already heartbroken, but suddenly he had the desire to resist survival, but he soon lost all his looks. Like a puppet, he opened his mouth obediently, vomiting blood nucleus, and turned towards Kerry. Moz went into the past.

And his own body resembled a piece of paper, shattered and dissipated.

Seeing the fall of a generation of blood geniuses, I don't know how many people are embarrassed by it.

Will the dream of the rise of the blood family also shatter with it?

When Edward's blood core flew towards Klimoz, Yu Yue suddenly stopped him in the air with a hand, and then with a stroke of his hand, the blood core flew into his palm.

The face of the head of the Gurad clan changed suddenly.

Klimoz contracted his pupils and said, "Yu Yue, you can't do this!"

Yu Yue played with the **** and powerful blood core in his palm, and said slowly: "Why not? He lost to me. Of course this is my trophy."

Klimoz gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I'll exchange it with you, and I can exchange the sanctuary of the blood family with you."

Many disciples of the blood clan find it strange, who is she, and why is she taking the blood clan sacred artifacts in exchange with others?

But the elders of the clan leaders of the major clans did not speak, and seemed to have no objection to her decision.

Yu Yue pointed to the four sacrificial artifacts of the blood family that Edward had fallen on the ground and lost their **** luster-the trick lamp, the rotten bracelet, the angel thorn and the corpse hand.

He said: "I have no interest in the so-called sanctuary of the blood family. Vampire things are too **** and smelly..."

Many kinship disciples only feel that their dignity and beliefs have been provoked, but they dare not say anything.

Klimoz barked his teeth and asked, "Didn't you say that you want a ‘Magic Puppet’? I can trade a ‘Magic Puppet’ for you!"

Yu Yue said: “It’s not what I want, it’s what a business partner wants, but I won’t change it, because it’s not the same price—someone does a decapitated business, and no one does a loss-making business. You can choose I will offer the'Magic Puppet' by myself, or I will grab it..."

Klimoz glared at him, and said word by word: "Yu Yue, I advise you not to make an inch of it. You defeated Edward with the'God Killing Spear', but it's nothing. In the final analysis, it's the territory of the blood race." , There are so many clan leader elders here, you want to fight against the blood clan, do you have this strength?"

Yu Yue lifted his eyes and glanced at her, and said, "If you have any strength, you will know if you have the strength."

Klimoz took a glance at the pure white gun and said, "We have the ability, we don't need any weapons to fight a battle, do you dare?"

The clan master of the Gurad clan said: "The Spear of Naranginus belongs to the blood clan and the West. It does not belong to you!"

Yu Yue sneered: "Who said it belongs to the blood family, belongs to the West?"

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