Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1039: Sorry (below)

The head of the Gullard clan talked: “First of all, the name'Langinus’ Spear” is a Western name. Legend has it that when **** was nailed to the cross, a centurion named Longinus used the gun. After stabbing his side, the holy blood of **** dripped into his eyes. He was instantly influenced and later became a saint. The gun he used also became the sacred spear of Longinus;

"Secondly, this gun is at the core of Stonehenge. I don’t know how many years it has existed in the secret realm. The secret realm of Stonehenge belongs to the Gurad clan of the Ouzhou blood clan. No matter what method you use to obtain this gun, you should return it. Otherwise, it is a steal!"

This is to use moral heights to overwhelm Yu Yue.

Yu Yue glanced at him, shook his head and said: "The legend may not be true. A thing can have multiple names, and where that thing is, it doesn't mean that it is born there. Also, don't say that this artifact definitely doesn't belong to you. Blood race, even if it belongs, I want to take it away, what can you do?"

The Gurad clan stunned: ""

Some blood races thought to themselves that this is simply a robber, a bandit...

Yu Yue smiled and said, "You must be thinking in your heart, this guy is simply a robber and bandit..."

Many people were shocked, for fear that they would scold him in their hearts and be targeted by him.

Just listen to Yu Yue continuing: "But I am neither stealing nor stealing this time. This thing belongs to the East, it belongs to China."

He said, reaching out to touch the body of the big gun.

The huge, pure white spear began to shrink, and the body of the spear that originally penetrated the world became just a grip.

In the pure white light, the spear continued to change, turning into a small white flag embroidered with clouds and fairy lights.

The flag surface was drenched, and it seemed to be enveloped by a strange fragrance, which made people throbbing.

Everyone was stunned, especially the blood race, this...what's going on?

Luo Yingxue's beautiful eyes lit up, and she was confused again.

Only the red fox's eyes were colorful.

Holding a small white flag in his palm, Yu Yue said: "This is the plain cloud world flag, also known as the'Juxian Flag'. It is one of the five innate flags. Together they become a creation-level artifact, and they are divided into prehistoric-level artifacts. It was originally the treasure of the Jade Lake and the Queen Mother of the West.

"Every time the season comes, the Golden Mother of the Yaochi will display this flag, and the strange picture will be immersed in the sky, the world is bright, a fragrant fragrance is enveloped, and the immortals know that they will come to the Yaochi event, so it is called ‘gathering immortals’.

"Princess Longji, Qingluan Douque of Phoenix Mountain, once used her mother's plain cloud border flag to help grandfather Jiang Ziya break the Yinjiao's earthshaking seal.

"Before and after the birth of Jesus, the West was in long-term chaos. At that time, China was in the unification period of the Western Han Dynasty. **** sent his apostles to the east to learn from the scriptures. Faith unifies the Western world.

"The legend of Centurion Longinus is nothing but a fabricated by posterity in order to highlight the charisma of Jesus.

"In fact, in addition to being called the'spear of God-killing', the Long Gun is also known as the'spear of destiny' because it has a strong appeal and can summon thousands of troops to suit its holders. War, the Jewish king Herod, Constantine the Great, Roman emperor Theodosius I, Charlemagne, etc., and even Hitler once owned it. This is also the magical part of the "Gathering of Immortals Banner".

"The so-called western holy spear and the thing of the blood race, in the final analysis, it is actually a Chinese artifact that has been lent for more than two thousand years and has not been returned. Back to what belongs to us."

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