Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1040: Something is wrong (top)

After hearing what Yu Yue said, the broken valley fell into a long silence.

Such a statement is really shocking and shocking, and it has shattered the Three Views of many people, especially the Ouzhou Blood Clan and Western Martial Artists.

The three holy weapons of the West, "Holy Spear, Holy Grail, and Torch", is the No. 1 "Holy Spear" actually borrowed from the East?

This makes it unacceptable for many Ouzhou blood tribes and Western warriors.

This... how is this possible?

The disciples of the Qinghong Society and the warriors of the East were greatly excited.

Sure enough, the Chinese civilization has a long history. Borrowing a magic weapon from others, the world's largest religion was created, and the entire West was deeply affected.

The two cardinals of the church were the first to be uncomfortable, and Asalut scolded: "It's nonsense that we say that the holy gun in the West is something from the East. How can this be possible?!"

Yu Yue turned the white flag at his fingertips, very casually, and said leisurely: "I have said this, you love to believe it or not. My explanation is already a waste of words. Whether you believe it or not, it is both for me. It’s not important. What’s important is that this artifact has been in existence for thousands of years, and it belongs to me today, and it is also considered to be returned to its original owner."

The clan leader of the Gullard clan immediately said: "Cunning Chinese people, you clearly used the blind trick to turn the holy spear into a flag, and everyone is in full view. Who did you deceive? You robbed the three holy weapons of the West to deceive the public and say yes. The things of the East are really despicable. Our blood will not let you go, and even the bishops of the church will not let you go!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the two cardinals present.

His intention is obvious, to bring the church together against Yu Yue, and even push the church to the front.

After all, the gun of Longinus was mainly canonized by Christianity as the holy gun, the gun of the saints of Jesus.

Asalut was about to freak out immediately, but was pulled by Andrewson.

Asalut said impulsively, "What are you doing?"

Andrewson gestured with his eyes, while lowering his voice to remind: "Don't forget, the Pope's warning..."

Asalut's face changed, as if thinking of something, he resisted his anger and didn't show his head.

Andrewson looked at the head of the Gullard clan and said: "The Long Spear is certainly the canonized object of the church, but it has been sleeping in the secret realm of Stonehenge for a long time. The blood clan should take the main responsibility to pursue the Lang Spear."

The head of the Gurad clan frowned. The church has always been strong, and even the capital of the country can not sell face. Today, the sacred artifact was robbed and the head was actually retracted.

He also urged the supervision bureau to come forward: "In any case, the entire Ouzhou is under the supervision of the World Supervision Administration in Ouzhou. The important sacred artifacts of Ouzhou were robbed. Stopped, right?"

The three deputy chief inspectors Douglas, Lambert, and Jonah, look at me, and I look at you, and they all see the concerns in the eyes of the other party.

Douglas laughed and said: “The Supervisory Bureau certainly has a supervisory role, but if people just come to retrieve their own things, it is also reasonable. Our Supervisory Bureau should enforce the law impartially and not favoritism, so as to avoid unnecessary diplomatic incidents.”

"Huh??" The head of the Gulade clan, like many blood clans, has a question mark on his face.

As we all know, the Supervision Bureau is an organization that likes to betray the law for personal gains. They are entangled with the church all day long. They have no distinction between politics and religion. They also have a lot of interests with the Ouzhou blood family. Why are they doing business in business today?

Something is wrong!

Absolutely something is wrong!

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