Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1042: Something is wrong (below)

When Luo Yingxue fell naked, the broken valley seemed to become beautiful.

Flying flowers all over the sky, falling silent.

The white toes lightly touch the ground, and the colorful butterflies are scattered.

Luo Yingxue stood opposite Klimoz, the two looked at each other, and the expressions on their pretty faces changed somewhat.

The two girls are both beautiful women, and Klimoz is slightly inferior in appearance, but the corners of their eyes, eyebrows, hands, feet, and waist are full of mysterious and strange aura, which is elusive.

Luo Yingxue's natural appearance, smiles and gestures all seem natural, fresh and refreshing, but also three-point charming, exuding a faint fragrance of vegetation, which is pleasant.

Looking at Klimoz, the mist in her beautiful eyes seemed to be pulling away little by little, and the eyes of Yan Shuo Po Liu seemed to have undergone a subtle change.

The smoke moved away, showing hostility.

She didn't know who the other party was, but she was hostile instinctively.

Yu Yue said: "Miss Luo, her name is Crimoz. She is to make you close your mind and become the kind of person you are now. Now, you can hit her personally and force her to unlock the technique..."

Luo Yingxue nodded.

Klimoz was very surprised. She recognized this girl, a warlock from the East. She had designed the "underground Versailles abduction and imprisoned child case" to blame the other party, but she failed.

Yu Yue and others invaded the underground Palace of Versailles, resulting in the death of the newly promoted blood prince Carlisle and the almost extinction of the Vandro clan. At the last moment, she led Edward to flee and used psychic techniques to sneak attack the girl warlock who came to hunt down.

It stands to reason that if you are caught in the same level of mental art without defense, you should be completely controlled and become a puppet.

But the other party turned on the protection mode for the first time, closing the body's functions and intelligence, turning the spiritual world into a city fortress, free from control.

In this way, she should not be able to speak or move. What is going on now that she ran out and stood opposite her to prepare for revenge?

Did Yu Yue cure her?

After looking at it carefully for a while with doubts, Klimoz found that the other party's expression was ignorant and confused, and his eyes were filled with hazy mist, guessing that this was a state of half-witness.

Yu Yue cured Luo Yingxue, but it was not completely cured, so they came to me...

Thinking of this, Klimoz is confident, Yu Yue, it turns out that you are not omnipotent...

She glanced at Luo Yingxue and smiled: "It turned out to be the defeated general...Since I still want to defeat again, then I will do it for you, let's do it!"

Luo Yingxue was about to make a move, and suddenly a voice said: "Hold on, she is mine!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a heroic young man walking down the mountain.

The young man walked into the pit, his posture was extraordinary, as if he were a natural warrior.

Many people at the scene recognized him. If there was no Edward, he might be the first young master of the Ouzhou blood clan.

Oh, now Edward is gone, he can indeed be regarded as the first young master.

He is, Richard Modresa.

From the Modresa clan that governs the country, the young master and heir of the Modresa clan.

Once, he was often compared with Edward. Some even believed that Richard's talent was not worse than Edward, but his resources were weaker. If he had the same resources, it would be hard to say who was the first and who was the second.

When people saw that Richard was in his early days, they thought he had come out to deal with Yu Yue and his group.

After all, Richard's sister married Edward, so Edward is Richard's brother-in-law, and his brother-in-law deserves revenge when his brother-in-law is killed.

This is also an opportunity to show. The first young master of the Ouzhou blood clan is gone, and he can take this opportunity to secure his position as the first young master.

Klimoz also said: "Richard, since you want to do it, then I will let you. Remember, this woman uses voodoo well, you have to be careful..."

However, Richard walked across to her, pointed to her nose and said, "No, my target is you, Crimoz!"

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