Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1043: Sister love me again (part one)

Everyone was taken aback, including Klimoz.

They didn't expect that the young master of the Modresa clan would not take revenge.

Is it possible that the kinship also has two or five sons?

The head of the Gullard clan sternly said: "Richard, are you crazy, dare to speak to Lord Klimoz like this?"

The younger disciples of the blood clan and the lower-level disciples realized that although this Klimoz is not a member of the eight major clans of the Ouzhou blood clan, he has a transcendent status and is regarded as a guest of honor by the major clans. Even the clan owner needs to respect her. Three points, I just don't know what she is capable of, and what kind of reliance she has behind, that she can be so valued.

Unexpectedly, Richard sneered and said: "I think you are crazy, you actually believe an outsider and let her stir the Ouzhou blood clan into a mess..."

The head of the Gulade clan stared at him and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Richard said: "Originally, the eight major clans of the Ouzhou blood clan were based on one side, equal and autonomous, and did not interfere with each other. Only when there were major issues, they discussed together.

"But after this woman came, she helped the Fanzhuo clan to make it bigger and organized the'Earth Palace Night Banquet'. Through the abduction of imprisoned children, she obtained a large amount of child blood for drinking, so as to attract all parties and expand resources. Chau blood, achieve greater ambitions.

"As a result, Yu Yue was provoked, and the Fanzhuo clan was annihilated. She took Edward to switch to the Gurad clan in an attempt to make the Gurad clan dominate.

"Her actions like this disturbed the balance of all parties, broke the peace that had been maintained for nearly a hundred years, and pushed the Ouzhou blood family to the forefront. In the next step, the Ouzhou blood family is likely to be the target of public criticism and is at stake.

"Klimoz, is she here to help the blood race or to destroy the blood race?"

Hearing what Richard said, someone cast a strange look on Climoz.

Klimoz sneered: "I came to help the kinsman on the order of that adult. I worked hard, came from afar, and devoted my pains, yet to suffer such doubts, it is really chilling.

"Besides, when you question me, you are questioning that lord, where do you have the courage? How dare you?

"Opportunities are often accompanied by risks. Kindred wants to develop and rise, but they don't want to break the peace and stability, and they don't want to take risks. How can it be possible?"

Richard found that all the clan leaders and elders were staring at him badly. He also changed his complexion. He defended his lips and said, "I didn't question that lord, I just questioned you, Crimoz!

"That adult must be kind, but your sorrowful operation during the implementation process is disgusting.

"The first thing you found was not the Vandro clan, but our Modresa clan. You want Modresa to be the lord of Ouzhou, but my father is a conservative, and he doesn't want to break the existing calm situation. , You leave without joy.

"Immediately afterwards, you found the Spock clan and the Vandro clan, and came to a wave of two-line operations. In comparison between the two, you feel that the young master of the Spark clan is too dull and inferior to the Vandross. Zhuo’s Edward, so he focused on assisting Edward, using Serena Williams as a pure tool, and when there was a conflict with Yu Yue, you chose to directly abandon it.

"Of course, these are not important. If you assist Edward, you assist Edward, but you shouldn't be involved with our Modresa clan.

"Perhaps, you were stubborn about my father's refusal at the beginning, and you have always been annoyed, so you look for revenge, use mental techniques to manipulate my father and sister, force my sister to marry Edward, and forcibly promote the marriage of the two clans, which is not only strong. With the prestige of the Fanzhuo clan, it can also be regarded as eradicating a conservative stumbling block, killing two birds with one stone!

"However, I know that sister she is unwilling. You are for your own sake, against the wishes of others, and the means are despicable, infuriating and contemptible..."

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