Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1046: Gu Master VS Psychic Warlock (Part 1)

The woman leaned against the wooden door, as if waiting for someone, but also looking bored at the flowers.

Richard walked over and called out hesitantly: "Isabella?"

The woman in costume saw him, her lips curled and smiled as if she was charming and angry: "You rude kid, why don't you call her sister?"

Richard asked: "Sister... why are you here? Has Crimoz disarmed you?"

The woman in costume looked at him and asked, "What Klimoz? Where is the girl? Why are you talking about other girls when we are together?"

Richard was stunned: "..."

The woman in costume laughed and said: "It feels like it hasn't been back here for a long time...Here, there is no one else, only me, and you..."

As she said, she bowed her head and a breeze rose.

The most is the style of bowing the head, like a water lotus, insurmountable to the shyness of the cool breeze.

Richard's heart was shaken.

The costumed woman then said: "Richard, come in. You are tired, take a bath, Sister Hot Water has already prepared it for you."

Richard entered the cabin in a daze.

When the door was closed, there was a big wooden barrel in the house, and the wooden barrel was filled with hot water.

Suddenly, Richard felt that he was indeed tired and that he should take a hot bath.


elder sister……

The woman in costume asked softly: "What's wrong, Richard, why don't you take off your clothes? Don't you want to take a bath? How comfortable is it to take a bath..."

Richard's tongue was a little knotted: "Sister, you...I..."

The dressed woman smiled softly: "What's the matter, I'm embarrassed with my sister? Forgot that once you pretended to be injured and tricked me to take a bath for you, but At that time, you were scary, so how can you squeeze? Do you want sister to help you take it off?"

With that, she stretched out her catkin to help Richard take off his clothes.

Richard held her in his arms, she half-pushed and half-pushed, no, it should be three-pointers and seven-pointers.

My sister's body is so soft...

Sister's body is so fragrant...

Richard was already fascinated, completely forgetting where tonight, where and where, and ignoring all irrationality.

I don't know when the dress of the woman in full dress has fallen off, and large patches of greasy white come into view, like warm snowdrifts, like cool milk.

Suddenly, the thin snowy jade-like body turned red.

What a beautiful red rose.

The woman turned into a cluster of flowers, with dense spikes attached to the rose branches...

At the same time, the entire cabin has turned into countless roses.

It was as if Richard had fallen into a cage woven of roses and thorns, the human-shaped flower branches in his arms embraced him backhand, and the thorny nets from all directions also wrapped around him.

Richard was shocked, but there was nowhere to escape.

The whole person was tightly bound, countless rose branches and countless dense rose thorns pierced Richard's naked body without armor protection at this moment, tearing his flesh and skin.

The blood dripped, and the rose was as beautiful as the rose.

What a beautiful red rose.

In the air, the fragrance of flowers and blood was mixed and permeated.

The rose branches were originally things that were easy to break, but here they are extremely tough. So many rose branches, like a jungle of thorns, entangle the human body, and are like a terrible meat grinder.

Richard only felt that if this continued, his flesh and blood would be torn into scraps if it was not ground into meat sauce, but his combat power would not be able to show even the slightest, and there was nothing to do.

He now knows that this is an illusion, what garden hut, what style-sao-sister-sister, everything is an illusion.

But she can't escape...

Can't escape...

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