Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1047: Gu Master VS Psychic Warlock (middle)

People can't see the fascinating illusion. People only see that Richard Modresa, the second young master of the Ouzhou blood clan, has also lost.

The defeat was very fast, very strange.

In the beginning, Richard was armed and sharp, brandishing his two-handed broad-edged sword, and rushing towards Climoz fiercely. He hurt the killer as soon as he shot, but Climoz stood motionless. I don’t know if he was frightened or confident. .

Then, when people saw that Richard’s sword hadn’t reached Klimoz, he recruited himself, and then went around in place like a sleepwalking, as if he was hugging someone, talking to himself in his mouth. Something.

After a while, Richard fell to the ground and rolled around, but his body was straight, as if his hands and feet were bound by something, but there was nothing.

Next, Richard's body was twisted and deformed, without any external force, it was completely he folded and twisted himself into a twist.

The body is folded and the joints are reversed.

The whole process was weird, bloody, and shocking.

Richard's body assumed unimaginable postures one after another, with his bones broken, piercing flesh and skin outwards, piercing internal organs inward, and blood flowed.

He twisted his own bones, and the others felt painful just looking at it, but Richard didn't know it at all, as if the devil was stunned.

It wasn't until a bright red "bloody twist" appeared on the ground that the gloomy light in Klimoz's eyes slowly extinguished, and he stopped urging the technique.

The audience was silent, and everyone was silent.

Is this Klimoz's method?

No need to do it, killing is invisible; manipulating the will, let the other party kill themselves alive.

The guest is indeed a guest. It’s no wonder that the elders of the clan leaders respect her. The power and methods are really terrible. If you provoke her, you don’t know how to die. Even the second young master of the Ouzhou blood clan will end up terribly. .

Klimoz looked at Yu Yue and Luo Yingxue, and said with a faint smile, "You have seen Richard's end, are you sure you still want to be an enemy of me?"

At this time, one person walked out of the crowd, walking slowly, as if sleepwalking.

Many kinship disciples recognize her, she is the beauty of the kinship, the flower of Modresa, the widow of the first young master Edward, Isabella.

Once, because of her outstanding beauty and noble and outstanding temperament, she became the object of fantasy for many younger disciples of the blood race, but it is a pity that she married Edward, the first young master of the blood race, and many people have missed it.

People only know that she and Edward have a natural, talented and beautiful appearance, and the two clans are in good hands. The marriage is a strong alliance. They all think that this is a perfect marriage, but they did not expect that there are so many secrets behind them.

Today Richard broke out a shocking melon. Most people feel that Isabella’s character collapses and a disillusionment in their hearts, but some people have opened new characters and feel like "the undead", "helping the demon", and "sister-in-law". The contrast attribute is really the best when added to the goddess.

Isabella wore a fancy dress, with noble temperament, but her eyes were dull and her expression was dull, she walked out of the crowd and walked into the broken valley like a ghost.

Under the gaze of everyone, she walked to Richard in a daze, ignoring the dirt, bent down, and picked up the younger brother who had been twisted into a "twisted flesh and blood".

Richard called out with difficulty: "Sister..."

Then he closed his eyes, with a relieved expression on his face, but it was more regret and nostalgia.

Isabella knelt and hugged her brother’s distorted and terrible body, did not speak, nor did she weep, her eyes were full of mist, but everyone looked at her expressionless beautiful face and felt a deep sorrow. ...

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