Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1048: Gu Master VS Psychic Warlock (Part 2)

No one disturbed the sad siblings, it seemed that even Klimoz, the initiator, couldn't bear it.

Oh no, she didn't have to bear it, she issued a disgusting command: "If you can't fight for me, then leave and don't get in the way!"

She was talking to Isabella and at the same time mobilizing mental spells to demand enforcement.

In fact, Isabella walked out of the crowd for a short while, which made Crimoz very unexpected and irritable.

She likes everything under control and hates losing control.

Today, however, things are counterproductive and out-of-control situations are happening all the time.

When Isabella received the request of the spiritual technique, she was shocked, her eyes were blurred, she was about to let Richard go and get up.

But in an instant, there was a slight change on her pretty face, her eyes changed from misty to chaos, she seemed to be constantly struggling and fighting.

In the end, she did not get up and leave as Crimoz had said and wished, nor did she let go of Richard's body. Instead, her eyes condensed, and she hugged and hugged tightly. The jagged broken bone was pierced, and the blood was dyed red.

The blood girl has a painful expression, but her eyes seem to be relieved, and finally she can no longer be dominated by others. Even if it is death, as long as she can die with the one she loves, it is a kind of happiness for her.

When people see Isabella and Richard embracing to death, and I am in you and you are in me, they are not without emotion.

This pair of siblings may be inconsistent, but their feelings are sincere. They are all victims of the decision-making control of big shots, and the victims of the process of "kindness seeking development".

For Klimoz, the blood disciples were even more frightened. The Mordresa clan and Ouzhou, the top three blood clan, died within a day, but the young master and the daughter of the daughter died, but none of the chief elders of the major clans dared Accountability Crimoz.

Where is she sacred, and who is behind her, who can control the Ouzhou blood clan at will?

She will be in charge of whoever she wants, such as Edward Parsons Vandro.

Whoever she wants to die is dead for nothing, such as Richard Modresa.

However, Klimoz was quite annoyed, and out of control happened again and again.

She did not expect that love could break through her mind control, even beyond life and death.

She is very irritable, and she intends to vent her anger on Yu Yue and others. Without Yu Yue, her plan would not proceed so smoothly; without Yu Yue, there would not be so many out-of-control situations.

Klimoz was too lazy to look at the two corpses that were almost integrated, and fixed his gaze on Luo Yingxue.

"Without anybody in the way, our battle can finally begin. However, before we start, I want to bet that if I win, you must give me Edward's blood core..."

Although she looked at Luo Yingxue, she was talking to Yu Yue.

"Oh?" Yu Yue asked, "What if Miss Luo wins?"

Crimoz said: "Then, I will give you the ‘Magic Puppet’, and you can also choose one of the blood sacred artifacts."

Yu Yue said: "I said, I'm not interested in the sacred artifacts of the blood race..."

Klimoz deliberately asked tauntingly: "Then what do you want? Or do you dare not bet at all?"

Yu Yue said: "If you lose, you must truthfully explain who is supporting you behind your back. I only bet on this condition."

Klimoz thought for a while, nodded and agreed: "Okay!"

She looked at Luo Yingxue, looked at the girl’s eyes like a cage of cold water, smiled and said, “I’m not going to lose anyway... Richard thought that I could only release the spiritual technique only when I was face to face and eyes to eyes. He didn’t know. Before launching the attack, when he showed his hostility, he was already hit by my mental spell...

"This girl Luo is better to deal with. Although I don't know what method you used to unlock half of the technique for her, as long as there is a trace, I can directly activate, control, disrupt or even crush her spiritual world. Need to find a chance to re-operate..."

Yu Yue also smiled: "Well, this is indeed an amazing method. But how do do you know that you haven't caught Miss Luo's Gu technique?"

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