Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1052: Warlock of Mental Disintegration (Part 1)

Hearing Luo Yingxue’s high-pitched tone, the villagers in the village put down their work one after another. Sheep, some are killing pigs, some are making flower baskets, some are drinking, some are playing cards, some are basking in the sun...

In short, when they heard the whistle from Hulusi, they all put down their work, stood up, and gathered from all directions. There were men and women, old and young, with yellow hair and beards, dark-skinned men and sturdy limbs. The woman, I'm afraid there are a hundred or so people, quickly surrounded Climoz, even the dogs came, grinning, fiercely fierce.

Klimoz sneered: "The spiritual power I cultivated with that adult is one of the few in the world. I want to rely on fantasy to deal with me. To use your Huaxia old saying is, play a big sword in front of Guan Gong and make an axe!"

She suddenly concentrated on her thoughts, exploded with mental power, turning her thought power into a storm and swept in all directions: "Break it for me!"

However, there was a breeze in the village, and the villagers were unscathed.

Klimoz frowned, her mental skills can only work on sapient life forms, and she has nothing to do with the illusory things in the illusion.

Klimoz stared at Luo Yingxue who was surrounded by the crowd, concentrated his energy, and slammed at the opponent suddenly.

She wants to concentrate a little bit to control the enemy and capture the king.

However, Luo Yingxue's only dark hair fluttered. She still had no gods in her eyes. She didn't seem to be affected in any way. Instead, she raised her hand to point to herself and said, "Uncle, Aniang, A Brother and sister, help me get her arrested!"

Klimoz understood that he was in Luo Yingxue's illusion, and Luo Yingxue on the opposite side was only an illusion. He couldn't find the entity, and no matter how strong his spells were, it would be a bombing of the air, which was of no avail.

From all sides, villagers have already rushed over.

Klimoz couldn't run, nor could he resist. He was pushed to the ground in three seconds, tied to a bamboo pole with all hands and feet tied to a bamboo pole like a pig slaughter in the countryside, waiting for disposal.

After that, she was thrown into a small dark room.

The door of the little black house was closed, and there was only oneself and Luo Yingxue inside, oh, there was also a basin of charcoal fire, and the charcoal fire was "gumming" and boiling water.

The ever-changing flames made the dim space even more weird.

Klimoz hates the darkness.

And Luo Yingxue was looking at her blankly in the gloom.

Klimoz gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Luo Yingxue said: "I'm going to strip you out and wash it, marinate it in a special sauce for a week, and make it into snake food for my little cuties to share."

She has a very plain tone, as if she is talking about something that is not normal.

However, judging from the dozen or so snake heads protruding from her hair, neckline, sleeves, and skirt, she knew that things were not normal.

And when the charcoal fire is extinguished, the floor, walls, and beams of the room are densely covered with snakes, gold and silver, blue and white, flowers and black...

Klimoz stared with horrified eyes. Isn't this a snake's nest? ! !

He immediately calmed himself down, telling himself that this was an illusion, everything here was an illusion, even if he was bitten by a snake, his entity would not be so good.

She "pooh" and said, "Playing with me in the illusion and bluffing others, you are so tender!"

With a misty smile on Luo Yingxue's pretty face, she approached her and said, "Do you think I'm just scaring you? Haha... In fact, besides making snake food, you have three choices..."

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