Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1053: The Warlock of Mental Disintegration (medium)

"...Refined into a zombie. I will first poison you to death. I will use a poison that will minimize damage to the viscera and meridians, try to keep the body intact, wash it with yin water, look for the four yin places to bury it, and water the yin shaman daily Poison, after seven, seven forty-nine days, dig out, use psychic techniques, and refine it into a zombie.

"Or, make you a'human skin kite'? I think your skin and flesh are good, well-maintained, and very delicate. It's not as good as the flesh and the skin to make a kite-take off your clothes, tie it to the sun, and bake it. Roast, make a cut on the forehead, pour pine oil, spread and separate the human skin from the body, and then easily peel it off. After processing, magic blessing, and flying into the sky, it should be very beautiful, because you are so beautiful... …"

Luo Yingxue smiled blurred, as if saying something that couldn't be more ordinary.

Klimoz was already horrified, and said loudly: "Aren't you a Gu master, how can you refine the corpse and lower your head? As far as I know, using human skin to make a kite should be Siam's method of lowering the head?"

Luo Yingxue said: "Then you only know one thing and don't know the other. The so-called'Witch Gu's homology', corpse removal, refining Gu, head drop, and curse belong to witchcraft. According to legend, head drop technique came from Buddhism. At that time, the Master of China Datang Kingdom Tripitaka went to Tianzhu to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras, and returned to China. Passing by the Tongtian River, Master Sanzang and his party were still in a disaster. The Buddha ordered the tortoise refined ferry to be carried into the river and overturned. Tang Seng did not die, but all the scriptures he asked for sank into the bottom of the river. Fortunately, the disciples got into the water and picked them up, but only a part of the Mahayana's scriptures' were retrieved, and the other part of the Hinayana's'sects' were washed into the territory of Siam by the current. The Siamese have made offerings to the Siamese monk emperor, and this part of the'adhesion' is the current head-down technique.

"The same goes for Gu Shu, which also originated from Theravada Buddhism.

"There is another saying that'Buddha is the Tao', but I don't know this.

"Since you don't want to choose to be made into snake food, refined into zombies or human skin kites, then there is only a fourth option-refining Gu."

Luo Yingxue looked at Klimoz and said seriously: "It should have been carefully selected and cultivated from talented babies, but for you, I don't care. What I want is the process, not the result.

"First of all, soak in a special potion to improve your physique. During this period, a preliminary seeding will be carried out. After a year, if you survive, then you will enter the next stage, officially planting...

"I will use your body as a nest and internal organs as a vessel to cultivate Gu worms. You must constantly use your true energy to feed the gu worms, otherwise you will be eaten from within by hungry gu worms and die; you Must withstand the endless pain caused by the fighting between Gu worms, survive, and merge with the Gu worms who lived to the end...

"At that time, you will no longer be a person, but a Gu."

Klimoz looked at Luo Yingxueyan’s beautiful eyes, all trembling: " are not a are simply a devil..."

Luo Yingxue said with a confused and innocent face: "I am a human, how can I be a devil?"

After a pause, she raised the kettle on the charcoal fire and walked towards each other: "Well, having said so much, let's get started, first wash it for you..."

After hearing only a few "swishes", three or five scorpions used sharp tail hooks to slash Climoz's dresses, revealing white flesh.

Crimoz yelled: "This is an illusion! This is an illusion! You can't do anything to me, everything is an illusion..."

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